Chapter 768 Dusty Memories 9
No wonder they are going to call the Black Horse Gang... The mounts of this group of people are all black horses without exception!
Not a single bit of flying dust touched the black horse's mane. Under the bright sunlight, the black mane shone brightly, making it impossible to underestimate.

"Protect the queen—"

Changsun Yan yelled, and hurriedly turned around with Luo Hen and other elite soldiers, rushing in front of Jin Yuan, holding the weapon and looking ahead with full concentration.

The group of black horse gangs was getting closer and closer, as expected by Zhang Sunyan, as soon as they approached their team began to disperse, and amidst the neighing of horses, Jin Yuan and his party were tightly surrounded.

"What do you want?"

Changsun Yan asked coldly holding a long sword, his expression was not flustered at all, as expected of a general.

Jin Yuan took the opportunity to look at these members of the black caravan. They were all dressed in black, with black hats on their heads, covering their faces, and they almost merged with the black mounts below them, so they couldn't see their faces clearly.

"From the Central Plains?"

Someone in the black horse gang spoke slowly, his voice was dry and hoarse, but very penetrating, and it sounded particularly uncomfortable.

Changsun Yan snorted coldly as an answer, confronted the Black Horse Gang for a moment, then said lightly: "I have heard more than once about the evil deeds of your Dark Horse Gang... No matter what you have done before, this time, we will not I will let you continue to do evil! The border you disturbed is restless, and the imperial court will never let you go!"

After Changsun Yan finished speaking, the black horse gang did not respond for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, all the people surrounding them began to laugh loudly. The laughter was deafening, causing dust to fly and strong winds to blow.

Some elite soldiers could no longer stand the laughter of the black horse gang, and began to cover their ears with painful expressions.

Jin Yuan frowned slightly, feeling a little wary in her heart.

The background of this dark horse gang is too weird... Just by their attire and their weird laughter, it can be seen that they are not ordinary gangsters!

The black horses under them also raised their hind hooves and neighed excitedly amidst the laughter, as if they also found Changsun Yan's words very funny.

Everyone in the Black Horse Gang laughed for a long time before slowly stopping.

"Overreaching——" The man in black riding a black horse in the front was the one who spoke. He was dressed differently from the others. He had a gold rim on the brim of his hat. He must be the leader of the black horse gang!

(End of this chapter)

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