Chapter 769 Dusty Memories 10
The leader just spit out these four words coldly, and then drew the sword in his hand.

Seeing this, the other men in black also showed their weapons in unison.

Some are hammers, some are arrows, some are chains...

Under the sun, those weapons all glowed with a strange blue light, especially the weird long sword of the leader, like a poisonous snake, hissing and spitting red letters at them.

The leader of the black horse gang just snapped his fingers, and the other men in black rode their horses towards them, and a fierce fight started.

The leader fought with Changsun Yan and Luo Hen alone. The long sword was sometimes hard and sometimes flexible, and it was unknowingly wrapped around the sword in Changsun Yan's hand, reaching directly to Changsun Yan's eyebrows.

Jin Yuan rubbed her eyes to make sure she read correctly!The tip of the long sword is clearly the head of a snake with a red letter!
"Changsun Yan, be careful—"

She snarled, swept away the dust that had blinded her sight with a wave of her sleeves, and shone a golden light on the long sword of the black-clothed leader.

With a shrill scream, the snake sword wrapped around Changsun Yan's sword quickly loosened its restraint, and fled back into the hands of the shadow leader.

"A trash..."

The leader slapped his own sword, only to hear a whine, and the sword turned into a wisp of green smoke, floating straight into the body of the black-clothed leader, as if fused with the black-clothed leader One!
Changsun Yan and Luo Hen couldn't help but stare dumbfounded. What is this man in black...?
Jin Yuan's heart froze, she exchanged a glance with Ming Ye who was beside her, and flew towards the black-clothed leader to surround them together.

This dark horse gang is not a mortal at all, so why should they treat it like a mortal? !

The so-called capturing the thief first captures the king, as long as they capture the leader in black, the other members of the black horse gang are nothing at all!
"Luo Hen, let me borrow your sword—" Jin Yuan took the long sword from Luo Hen with a wave, and lifted the black mask and black hat of the black-clothed leader away. Before Luo Hen could react, the sword came back again back to him.

The black-clothed leader didn't expect that Jin Yuan would lift off his mask, roared at her, and rushed straight at her.

Now everyone saw the face of the black-clothed leader clearly, and all gasped.

I saw a coiled snake's head printed on his forehead, his eyes were bloodthirsty red, his face was blue, and his mouth was wide open, looking really terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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