Chapter 778 Change 1
When the tea shop owner heard the word "Wuyue Clan", he had the same reaction as the man who was leading the camel and was about to leave the Western Regions before. Girl, don't discuss this Wuyue clan too loudly, if they catch you, it will be a disaster!"

Jin Yuan heard something in the tea shop owner's words, and couldn't help frowning and asked, "Boss, will you be arrested if you discuss the Wuyue clan?"

The owner of the tea shop sighed, and said frowningly: "Miss, you don't know something... This Wuyue clansman haunts and haunts, and often arrests some innocent people. When those people are arrested, they are never seen again. !"

Jin Yuan's heart trembled, and she asked in a deep voice: "Then what is the use of the Wuyue Clan to capture those common people?"

The owner of the tea shop pondered for a moment, then shook his head and replied: "I don't know about this..." Speaking of this, he suddenly patted his head, looked around again, pulled Jin Yuan and said mysteriously: "Miss , I also heard from a passer-by who was drinking tea here that the Wuyue tribe took people back, as if they were some kind of sacrifice, but I don't know what the sacrifice is!"


Jin Yuan frowned slightly, and subconsciously glanced at Ming Ye.

Her eyes met Ming Ye's, and both of them felt an ominous premonition.

The Wuyue Clan is now under the control of demons, and what sacrifices they make to innocent people must be the intentions of demons!
But what are the demons using them as sacrifices for?

And the owner of the tea shop said that he never saw the people captured by the Wuyue tribe again. It seems that those people who were used as sacrifices are most likely to be in danger!

Without further ado, they should find the tribe of the Wuyue tribe as soon as possible, lest more people be killed by them!
"Girl, girl..."

A few calls from the owner of the tea shop pulled Jin Yuan out of her deep thoughts.

Jin Yuan raised her head and said with a smile to the worry-faced tea shop owner, "Boss, thank you for telling me this!"

The owner of the tea shop shook his head generously, saying that it was nothing.

Seeing that Jin Yuan and her group were full of people, he couldn't help being curious, and asked casually, "Girl, you seem to have traveled a long distance... The Western Regions are in turmoil now, where are you planning to go?"

(End of this chapter)

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