Chapter 779 Change 2
Jin Yuan smiled faintly, not intending to hide their destination: "Boss, what we want to go... is the Wuyue Clan!"


The owner of the tea shop yelled out in surprise, but was afraid of alarming something, lowered his voice, and said nervously to Jin Yuan: "Girl, are actually going to the Wuyue Clan? You can't go to this place that eats people." many people have lost their lives because of this, still..."

Speaking of this, the owner of the tea shop was already ashamed, and he only waved his hands to dissuade him.

Jin Yuan knew that he was worried about their group, she shook her head as if nothing had happened, and comforted him with a smile: "Boss, don't worry, we know that the Wuyue tribe knows magic, so we came prepared..."

"But you don't know, this Wuyue clan is always gone and never returned!"

The owner of the tea shop sighed and said regretfully: "Those people were captured by the Wuyue tribe. Do you think their relatives didn't go to look for the Wuyue tribe? But no matter whether they found it or not, they all went there and never returned." Ah... Later, I heard people say that someone was found dead in the wilderness, and the appearance was horrible!"

Before Jin Yuan could answer, Zhang Sunyan, who was at the side, frowned when he heard the tea shop owner's words, and said coldly, "The methods of the Wuyue clan are so cruel, it's unlawful! We must exterminate them and do justice for the heavens!"

Although Changsun Yan's voice was not loud, the owner of the tea shop was so frightened that his face changed drastically, and he kept shaking his head to stop him from speaking.

"This guest officer, despite what he said, it is our people who are living in dire straits, not the Wuyue tribe! Alas, God doesn't care, so why is heaven's law intolerable? As for you, guest officer, how can you Do you mean to act for the heavens?"

That voice was full of disappointment to God, and Jin Yuan couldn't help but sigh, feeling pity in her heart.

Although she cannot represent the heavens, she is still a god...

Listening to him complaining that God doesn't care about this matter made her feel very sad!
It's not that the heavens don't care, otherwise the emperor wouldn't have sent Zhuo Bingshan down to deal with the demons!
It's just that she didn't understand why the Emperor of Heaven only sent Zhuo Bingshan alone? !

There are countless heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly world, even if they can't fight against demons, it is always possible to save these innocent people!

I really don't know what the Emperor of Heaven is thinking, even if I ask, the answer is just a secret that cannot be revealed!

(End of this chapter)

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