Chapter 780 Change 3
She sometimes wonders if the so-called secrets of heaven cannot be revealed... Is it just an excuse for her indifference by the gods of the heavens!

"Boss, anyone who slaughters living beings will not be rampant for too long..."

Jin Yuan could only comfort the tea shop owner who was suddenly depressed.

The owner of the tea shop sighed and nodded, and said with a wry smile: "I hope so... I have nothing to ask for, I just hope that this war can end soon, so that our common people can live a stable life!"

"Boss, your wish will come true..."

Ming Ye patted his shoulder, smiled and comforted him.

Without waiting for the owner of the tea shop to answer, he pretended to ask unintentionally: "By the way, boss, you are so well informed, have you ever heard passers-by mention how to find the Wuyue tribe?"

The owner of the tea shop was taken aback, looked at Jin Yuan, then at Ming Ye, and asked hesitantly, "Are you really going to the Wuyue Clan?"

"That's right! Our purpose of this trip is to find out where the Wuyue Clan is and to quell the turmoil!" Jin Yuan nodded without hesitation.

The owner of the tea shop saw that each of them looked resolute, shook his head helplessly, pointed to the top of his head and said: "I also heard people say...the Wuyue clan, as the name suggests, is that the dark clouds cover the light of the bright moon! At night the moon rises." At that time, once the dark clouds drifted past and covered the bright moon in the sky, the Wuyue tribe's tribe would naturally appear... As for where it will appear, I don't know!"

Jin Yuan nodded, took out an ingot of gold from her bosom, clasped her fists to the owner of the tea shop and said, "Thank you for your advice, this is our tea money!"

After Jin Yuan finished speaking, she had already stood up. Seeing this, the others also got up with her and left the tea shop.

Seeing them, the tea shop owner bid farewell like that, until he took the ingot of gold that Jin Yuan gave him for a while, but couldn't recover.

As the neighing sound of the horse gradually increased, he saw them riding away one after another, so he lowered his head to look at the ingot of gold in his hand, rubbed his eyes, and made sure that he was not mistaken...

Who are they, that they are so generous?
Knowing that the Wuyue Clan is extremely dangerous, why would they risk their lives to find the location of the Wuyue Clan? !

The owner of the tea shop put away the ingot of gold, shook his head and sighed, and got up to make tea. The appearance of the girl who spoke just now and the young man later appeared in his mind!

(End of this chapter)

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