Chapter 781 Change 4
Seeing that their behavior is different from ordinary people, and they are also very handsome, and there are many servants around them, could it be... Could it be that they are really living gods sent by God to rescue their common people? !

"Hey, I hope that God blesses them so that they can find the Wuyue Clan safely and eliminate harm for our common people..."

The owner of the tea shop clasped his hands together and muttered, feeling both sigh and worry in his heart.
I am the dividing line——
Jin Yuan and her party left the tea shop and rode on the barren land, shaking their heads and sighing.

"It's often said that the Western Regions are severely arid. I didn't believe it at first, but now I finally saw it with my own eyes!"

Chang Sunyan spoke first, his eyes full of sympathy.

Luo Hen and the other elite soldiers also nodded silently.

Indeed, compared with the people in the Western Regions, their lives in the Central Plains are too carefree!
Jin Yuan was silent for a long time, and said to Ming Ye beside him: "Just now the owner of the tea shop said that we will be able to find the Wuyue tribe when the dark clouds block the bright moon at night... Do you think it is reliable?"

Ming Ye pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "It's groundless, it may not be silent... Anyway, we haven't thought of other ways for the time being, why don't we give it a try, maybe we can really find the location of the Wuyue Clan!"

Jin Yuan nodded and raised her head to look at the sky... The western region is very windy and sandy, and the clear sky seems to have been eroded by the wind and sand, and there is no clear meaning to be seen.

The whole world is gray, just like the hearts of the people in the Western Regions!

All living beings are disturbed by the Wuyue Clan and cannot be peaceful...

The culprit is the untraceable monster!

"It seems that we just need to wait for the night to fall!" Jin Yuan said slowly after looking at the gray sky for a long time.

Maybe it was seeing the miserable situation of the people in the Western Regions, or maybe hearing the sighs from the man who was about to escape from the Western Regions and the owner of the tea shop.

It wasn't until the stomachs were filled indiscriminately and the night fell slowly that everyone raised their spirits and looked up at the night sky, always paying attention to the phenomenon described by the tea shop owner!
The Western Regions at night seemed particularly quiet... There was no one on the road, the wind had stopped, and under the moonlight, everything was even more desolate.

(End of this chapter)

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