Chapter 782 Change 5
"Aw—" There were occasional howls of wolves in the distance, which sounded even more terrifying in this desolate night.

Changsun Yan couldn't help lighting up the bonfire, and said to Jin Yuan: "Queen, there are probably many wild beasts in this wilderness, we'd better make the fire brighter to prevent wild beasts from attacking!"

Jin Yuan nodded and looked around, but there was nothing unusual.She raised her head and looked at the night sky again. There was still a bright moon in the sky, and there was no sign of dark clouds drifting over.

"Ming Ye, what should we do if there are no dark clouds covering the moon tonight?" Jin Yuan said hesitantly.

For some reason, she was not used to being so quiet tonight.My heart is always up and down, as if something is going to happen faintly, I am very anxious!

Ming Ye saw her anxiety, patted the back of her hand, and was about to comfort her when an elite soldier pointed at the night sky and shouted suddenly: "Look, look, the moon is covered by dark clouds!"

Jin Yuan and Ming Ye looked up one after another, and they saw a dark cloud slowly covering the bright moon in the sky.

Without the moonlight, the night became even darker, only the crackling of the bonfire illuminated everyone's faces.

But the surroundings are so dark that you can't see your fingers.

Jin Yuan quietly checked the surrounding movement. Dark clouds covered the moon for a long time, but there was no movement around... only the howling of wolves in the distance became louder and louder.

"Did the owner of the tea shop make a mistake?" Jin Yuan murmured to herself, quite disappointed.

Ming Ye put his hand on her shoulder and whispered, "Little God of Wealth, look over there..."

Jin Yuan raised her head and looked in the direction Ming Ye was pointing at, only to see a path illuminated by the moonlight slowly appearing in front of them, stretching from their feet all the way to the distance.

The bright moon was clearly covered by dark clouds, so where did the moonlight come from?
Filled with doubts, Jin Yuan stared at the path under her feet for a long while, then said hesitantly, "Ming Ye, do you think this path leads to the Wuyue Clan?"

Ming Ye frowned and muttered: "I'm not sure... how about this, I'll fly over to investigate first, and if I find any clues, then follow up!"

Jin Yuan shook her head: "Let me explore the way with you, let the others stay where they are!"

But Changsun Yan and Luo Hen refused to let Jin Yuan take risks, and insisted on exploring the way with them!
(End of this chapter)

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