Chapter 783 Change 6
So a group of people walked along this path. I don't know how far they walked, the moonlight suddenly disappeared, and this path that was originally illuminated by moonlight also came to an end...

But there was darkness ahead, and it was impossible to see what was there!
Suddenly there was a gust of wind, the leaves of the trees were rustling, and several inexplicable black shadows flashed past them.

"Who's there?"

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen felt vigilant, drew their swords and shouted coldly at the place where the shadow flashed past.

Only the wind and the rustling of leaves answered them.

The low chants came to their ears suddenly with the sound of the wind. Ming Ye and Jin Yuan were startled, looked at each other, and flew towards the direction of the chants together.

However, they haven't found the place where the singing came from, and the singing disappeared inexplicably.

Several black shadows flashed before their eyes, followed by cold and sinister laughter.

Weird laughter and wolf howling one after another, enough to disturb their audition.

The black shadow hiding in the dark finally launched an attack on Changsun Yan Luohen and the others, and the attack was extremely swift and fierce.

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen swung their long swords and were overwhelmed. The scene was chaotic for a while. No one noticed that the bonfire was gradually extinguished, and the howling of wolves was getting closer and closer to them.

"Master, there are wolves running towards us in the distance—" Chu and Ming Ye whispered.

Ming Ye raised his head and looked towards You Shen's front, and said loudly to Jin Yuan who was fighting with the black shadow: "Little God of Wealth, you deal with these first, and I will deal with the wolves!"

Jin Yuan nodded, gave him a reassuring smile, and turned to fight against the shadows.

Hearing the howling of wolves getting closer, Ming Ye and Chu Yi finally raised their figures together, picked up the torches with waved hands, and flew towards the wolves.

It was just a brief split-up, no one expected that the situation would suddenly change at this very moment.

Jin Yuan waved her hand to illuminate the face of a black shadow that was attacking her, seeing his pale face and dull eyes, she couldn't help being surprised.

These people, like the national teacher Chao Li who died at that time, are already walking corpses!

"Are you sent by a demon?"

Jin Yuan asked in a cold voice to the black shadow, but the black shadow turned a deaf ear to her question and struck Jin Yuan with a palm.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Jin Yuan became more certain in her heart, dodged his palm, stretched out her hand to form a golden seal, and slapped him.

(End of this chapter)

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