Chapter 785 Change 8
The elite soldiers were ordered to go around to find Jin Yuan's whereabouts, and Ming Ye and Chu Yi also flew back.

"What happened?" Ming Ye asked with a frown when he saw the anxious faces of Sun Yan and Luo Hen.

"Young Master Ming Ye, we just finished the fight, only to find out...the queen is gone!"

Luo Hen hurriedly explained, pointing around with the torch: "I remember that the Queen was also fighting with the black shadows near here just now, and they disappeared for some reason, and those black shadows also disappeared!"

Ming Ye's complexion changed slightly, the disappearance of the little God of Wealth, and the disappearance of the black shadow...all at the same moment, is this a coincidence, or is someone doing something tricky? !

"Master, it seems that the wolves also left suddenly at that moment!" Chu Yi reminded Ming Ye in a low voice.

Ming Ye was concentrating on concentrating, his body shook suddenly, and he said in a cold voice: "No... I'm afraid we have fallen into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain!"

"A plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain?"

Changsun Yan asked in doubt.

Ming Ye nodded, and said in a deep voice: "The howling of wolves and the black shadows are all used to confuse our audition... The other party has only one purpose, even if they want to capture the little God of Wealth!"

"Are they going to take the queen?"

Luo Hen repeated Ming Ye's words in shock, his expression became more nervous: "Master Ming Ye, the person you are talking about is the Wuyue Clan?"

Ming Ye sneered, with a serious expression on his face: "It's not so much the Wuyue Clan, I's better to say that it's the demons who want to take her away!"

And the only purpose of the demon to capture the little God of Wealth must be to restrain them!

Just as the demons keep preventing them from looking for the Wuyue Clan on the road...

After the bat demon in the inn and the half-demon of the black horse gang, he was so miscalculated. He didn't expect that the demon would take the opportunity to snatch the little god of wealth away at this time!

"Master Mingye, what is the demon you are talking about? Will he hurt the queen?" Chang Sunyan asked worriedly.

Before Ming Ye could answer, those elite soldiers holding torches and searching for Jin Yuan's whereabouts came back one after another, and they all shook their heads and reported: "General Changsun, we checked everywhere, but we didn't see the queen!"

Changsun Yan waved his hand, his expression became more serious.

Ming Ye was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "The turmoil in the Western Regions and the displacement of the people are all caused by monsters... Your emperor, the Pojun Xingjun, went to find Fumo Sword precisely to deal with monsters!"

(End of this chapter)

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