Chapter 786 Change 9
Changsun Yan and Luo Hen were still at a loss after hearing Luo Hen's words. The turmoil in the Western Regions was caused by demons?
So just how powerful is the monster that Young Master Mingye is talking about? !

"Young Master Ming Ye, what exactly is that monster trying to do after capturing the Queen?" Luo Hen asked again in puzzlement.

"The reason for the demon to capture the little God of Wealth is to restrain us, or to restrain Pojun Xingjun!"

Ming Ye explained lightly, although his voice was still calm, but his heart had already turned into a huge wave of anxiety.

Even at this moment, he began to complain about Pojun Xingjun... If there is no Pojun, the demon will definitely not capture the little God of Wealth!
But in fact, he should blame himself more!
If he hadn't been tricked by the demon to drive the tiger away from the mountain, and went to drive away those wolves, the little God of Wealth would not have been taken away by the demon!

"Young Master Ming Ye, will the Queen be in danger if she falls into the hands of the demon?" Chang Sun Yan asked impatiently.

Now that the emperor is not here, they did not protect the queen well, and no matter how the emperor knows how to punish them, even they themselves should make up for this mistake!
No matter how powerful the monsters are, they must rescue the queen!
Ming Ye raised his head and looked at the night sky. The crescent moon was looming in the dark clouds, as if it was faintly foreshadowing something, and mocking something...

The tea shop owner didn't lie to them, the dark clouds covering the moon can indeed reveal the position of the Wuyue tribe!
It's just that he never expected...the monster would take this opportunity to confuse their opinions, and then capture the little God of Wealth!
"The demon behaves strangely, and I don't know what he will do when he captures the little God of Wealth..."

Ming Ye shook his head and sighed, with a firm light shining in his eyes: "But no matter what, we can't let the little God of Wealth get hurt!"

"Yeah, I'm going to save Sister Ayuan..."

Gray hair came out of Luohen's sleeve, quickly transformed into a little boy, clenched his fleshy fists, nodded and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was about to run forward, Luo Hen grabbed him and scolded in a low voice: "Xiao Hui, you don't even know where the monster is, how can you save it?"

Gray Mao curled his lips and lowered his head depressedly.

Changsun Yan withdrew his long sword, walked to Ming Ye and asked respectfully, "Master Ming Ye, where should we go to rescue the queen now?"

Ming Ye hooked his lips and smiled lightly, pointing to the road ahead and said: "Although the whereabouts of the monster are uncertain, there is a place where he will definitely go..."

(End of this chapter)

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