The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 795 Uncovering the Mystery 1

Chapter 795 Uncovering the Mystery 1
"Tick, tick..."

Jin Yuan didn't know how long she had been asleep, but only heard the sound of water droplets entering her ears.

She struggled to get up, but her whole body was imprisoned by something and she couldn't move.

"What the hell is this place?" Jin Yuan frowned slightly and muttered to herself, raising her eyes to look around.

Under her was a cold stone bed, and a pearl was inlaid on a stone pillar not far away, illuminating the place.

Although there is the light of the pearl, the place is still dark and humid...

The sound of water droplets gradually became clearer, presumably it was the sound of water emerging from somewhere hitting the stone slab drop by drop.

She looked in the direction where the sound of water droplets came from, and through a mist that looked like fog but not fog, she seemed to see a pool that was still steaming.

There was still movement from the pool, as if something was swimming in it...

Jin Yuan looked at the steaming pool suspiciously, carefully recalling the situation before she passed out.

She remembered that she and Changsun Yan waited for the dark clouds to cover the moon at night, so as to find the direction of the Wuyue clan...

It's just that she didn't expect so many black shadows like walking dead to appear suddenly, and then started fighting with them.During the fight, she seemed to hear a strange flute sound, her head became dizzy, her whole body felt uncomfortable, and then she just fell unconscious!
So, who brought her here?What about Ming Ye and Changsun Yan, where did they go?
Jin Yuan looked left and right, but she couldn't see where it was. Wherever her eyes went, there was a dark stone wall...

On the stone table not far away, a jade flute was impressively in sight, emitting a green light in the lingering mist, making it look even more weird!
This jade flute looks very familiar... It's like, like the jade flute carried by the national teacher Chao Li, which once carried countless resentful spirits!
But that jade flute had already been broken by her, so how could it appear here? !
She was shocked, and wanted to turn over and get out of bed, but no matter how hard she struggled, her body seemed to be firmly tied to the stone bed.During the struggle, the rope that tied her was faintly showing a faint green light...

She couldn't help but feel a little vigilant, this thing can actually bind her, the god of wealth, it must not be an ordinary thing, could it be... She was caught by the Wuyue tribe? !
(End of this chapter)

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