The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 796 Uncovering the Mystery 2

Chapter 796 Uncovering the Mystery 2
"Are you awake?" Jin Yuan was puzzled, and a low and somewhat bewildered voice slowly entered her ears.

Jin Yuan hurriedly raised her head to look. In the haze, she couldn't see what the person who spoke was like, but saw a figure standing up from the steaming pool water, as if she had just finished bathing.

That person stood with his back to her, and she could only see that person's back with perfect curves...

Although the mist covered it a bit, she could still see that the man's back was as broad as a man's, but the skin was creamy, and it was fairer and more delicate than ordinary women...

Jin Yuan stared blankly at the man walking up from the pool, seeing the water droplets rolling off the man's body, swallowed her saliva, and hurriedly closed her eyes...

Be it a man or a woman, don't be rude!Although this person... she really wants to see it!
She closed her eyes and found that there was no movement. She felt a little confused, and slowly opened her eyes again. The deep voice came again.

"Why, don't you dare to look at me so ugly?"

The voice was too close to her, she was startled, and quickly opened her eyes, only to find that the person who spoke was already standing in front of her.

There was some confusion in Jin Yuan's eyes at first, and then the confusion was replaced by surprise.

This person... She has never seen him before, but she is very familiar with his breath, as if she has smelled it a long time ago...

And those eyes that were shining with light seemed black and not black, blue and not blue... Aren't they exactly the same as the eyes she saw through the bronze mirror in the burnt Concubine Chen's Palace that day? !
The same depth, the same bewilderment...

"You, you are..." Because she was too shocked, Jin Yuan stammered a little, but unfortunately she was tied up and couldn't move, otherwise she would definitely jump up!

"What am I?" The man slightly raised his eyebrows, stroked the water droplets on his hair, and slowly sat on the stone bed, smiling quietly at Jin Yuan.

He was only wearing a loose robe, and his chest was still open. She could see his skin... She couldn't help but secretly marveled.

His skin is better than a woman's, but his voice, his handsome face, all show that he is a man, this is really unreasonable!
If she hadn't been vigilant, she wished she could reach out and touch his skin!

"Little Yuan Bao'er..." Seeing her drooling, the corners of his lips slightly curled up, calling her slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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