The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 805 Uncovering the Mystery 11

Chapter 805 Uncovering the Mystery 11
Jin Yuan was still about to struggle, but he turned his head and smiled meaningfully at her.

"Little Yuan Bao'er... You said that only Po Jun is qualified to be called this title, and then you will know whether he is qualified, hehe..."

Jin Yuan stared at his back angrily, watching him leave after leaving behind those words, but she could only stare blankly at his leaving figure.

She tried to move her body, and found that the more she struggled, the tighter the rope was tied.I don't know what material the immortal rope is made of, because of her struggle, she has already scratched a few marks on her arm.

Although it won't bleed, those strangulation marks will burn hot and painful when they touch the Fu Xiansuo.

She had no choice but to stop struggling and took two low breaths.What the demon said just now, nine times out of ten, she is already ready to take her to fight against Zhuo Bingshan...

It's just that I don't know when the monster will really confront Zhuo Bingshan, and I don't know if Zhuo Bingshan's demon-subduing sword has been found!

And she herself, how should she find a way to break free from the shackles of the immortal rope, and leave this ghostly place?

Jin Yuan sat on the stone bed and contemplated for a long time, but couldn't find a good solution... The pool not far away was still bubbling, and the steaming heat had blocked a large part of her sight.

She couldn't even guess where it was, but she could vaguely guess that it was near some hot spring from the steaming pool water...

Even the ground is hot, I am afraid that this hot spring is in a cave!
She lowered her head, the moon stone in her purse was not taken away by the monster, which meant that the monster really couldn't take the moon stone without authorization...

Could this be somewhere in the Wuyue Clan? !
She raised her head and looked at the foggy sky, but she couldn't find a gap, and she didn't know whether it was night or day.If it is a dark night and the moon shines in, maybe she can use the moon stone to escape from this place!
"Alas..." She sighed helplessly.

Could it be that she can only sit here and wait for the demon to use her to restrain Zhuo Bingshan?
"Little God of Wealth, little God of Wealth..." Ze Jing A Li's voice slowly came out from the moon stone. Although the voice was very weak, she could hear it clearly, and her whole body was shaken.

"A Li, can you come out of the Moonstone?"

(End of this chapter)

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