The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 806 Uncovering the Mystery 13

Chapter 806 Uncovering the Mystery 13
Jin Yuan and A Li looked at each other, both of them were a little excited.

Ah Li chuckled, and began to lower his head to look for the knot that binds Xiansuo, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find a place to tie the knot, so he asked doubtfully, "Why is there no knot?"

Jin Yuan also lowered her head to take a closer look, and she did not see any traces of knots. I am afraid that the immortal rope just bound her like that, without any knots...

A Li touched the tip of his nose in trouble, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "I have a solution!"

"any solution?"

A Li dug out his pocket for a long time, and finally took out a pair of scissors.

The scissors are many times smaller than Ah Li, Jin Yuan smiled and shook her head and said, "A Li, these scissors may not cut the immortal rope!"

A Li waved his hand and blew two breaths on the scissors, the scissors suddenly became much bigger.

"Little God of Wealth, don't underestimate these scissors... This is a pair of golden scissors that I got by accident. They absorb the essence of heaven and earth with me in the moonstone. Nothing can be cut continuously!"

As he spoke, Ah Li triumphantly held the scissors and shook his eyes in front of Jin Yuan. Sure enough, as he said, the scissors were shining golden in the steaming heat.

Jin Yuan nodded, and put all her expectations on the golden scissors in Ah Li's hand... Ah Li held the golden scissors and cut towards the Immortal Binding Cable. shake!

"Strange...why can't you cut it?"

A Li looked at the golden scissors in his hand suspiciously, and cut it with more strength, the immortal rope finally began to shake, shocked by the golden light emitted by the golden scissors.

Seeing this, Ah Li exerted more excitement.Seeing that Xiansuo was cut in half by Jin Scissors, Jin Yuan also cheered up, but a burst of severe pain suddenly came from all over her body, and Jin Yuan gritted her teeth in pain.

The fairy-binding rope seemed to have life force, and unexpectedly stretched out a few more tentacles, binding Jin Yuan tighter and tighter.As soon as Ah Li's golden scissors approached the binding rope, it would bind Jin Yuan tightly together.

Ah Li's eyes widened in surprise, seeing that Jin Yuan was tied up pale, with cold sweat on her forehead, quickly put away the golden scissors, patted Jin Yuan's arm and asked, "Little God of Wealth, are you alright?"

Jin Yuan shook her head, and smiled at A Li pretending nothing happened, but her smile was too stiff, A Li also saw something was wrong, and seeing the immortal ropes on her body tied her more and more tightly, she felt annoyed. Said: "The demon is too insidious..."

(End of this chapter)

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