The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 807 Uncovering the Mystery 14

Chapter 807 Uncovering the Mystery 14
Since the golden scissors were useless, Ah Li couldn't think of a way, stomped his feet and sighed: "Little God of Wealth, I'm sorry, I have nothing to do..."

Without the golden scissors, those celestial ropes loosened their strength.Although the pain didn't disappear, it was much better than before. Jin Yuan let out a breath and said with a smile, "Ah Li, no matter what, I still want to thank you..."

Ah Li touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, and said apologetically, "You don't need to thank me, I can't help you..."

"I think, maybe you can help me deliver a letter to Zhuo Bingshan..." Jin Yuan said hesitantly, Ah Li hurried to her side, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, clapped his hands and smiled: "Yes, deliver the letter I'm the best at it, what letter do you want me to send?"

"Tell him for me, don't be influenced by the monster, I have nothing to do, just let him concentrate on dealing with the monster..."

After hearing Jin Yuan's words, A Li looked at her in surprise, and asked puzzledly: "But little God of Wealth, don't you plan to let him tell him that you were captured by a monster and ask him to rescue you?"

Jin Yuan shook her head and said with a faint smile: "The demon captured me just to restrain Zhuo Bingshan... If I told him that he came here to look for me, wouldn't he have fallen into the trap of the demon? I can't help him deal with the demon, but You can't be his burden either!"

"That being said, but...but..."

Ah Li thought about it for a long time, but he didn't know what to say. He patted his head and said worriedly: "But you are in the hands of the demon, little God of Wealth. If you are in danger..."

A relieved smile curled up on the corners of Jin Yuan's lips, and she said slowly: "It's not me that the monster is going to deal with, don't worry, I won't be hurt by the monster... If Zhuo Bingshan also fell into the trap of the monster, then we all It's dangerous!"

"That's right..." Ah Li also felt reasonable, nodded and smiled, "Okay, then I won't tell Jun Pojun Xingjun that you are in the hands of a demon..."

After saying that, he flew up and drove his own yellow car, looking for the exit of this stone chamber-like cave.

"I found it!" Ah Li exclaimed in surprise, and drove the yellow car towards the only narrow exit.

Jin Yuan was anxiously listening to Ah Li's movements, but when she saw that he had lost his voice, she thought he had already left here, so she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Ah Li and the yellow car were bounced back with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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