The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 808 Uncovering the Mystery 15

Chapter 808 Uncovering the Mystery 15
"A Li, are you okay?" Jin Yuan couldn't move, she could only look at the yellow car that was still circling on the ground and asked with concern.

"My head is so dizzy..." Ah Li's voice came faintly from the yellow car, and after a while, he climbed out of the yellow car, fixed the little yellow hat on his head, and lay in a dizzy state. spinning around.

"A Li, what did you bump into just now?" Jin Yuan asked suspiciously after seeing that his people were safe and sound.

A Lifei jumped in front of Jin Yuan, shook his head and replied in puzzlement: "I didn't encounter anything... I was just driving my little yellow car and preparing to leave..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly raised his head violently, without even noticing that his little yellow hat fell off, and exclaimed with wide-eyed eyes: "I know...the demon must have cast an enchantment at the exit, so I And the little yellow car will be bounced back!"

Jin Yuan raised her eyes and looked at the direction A Li was pointing at. She seemed to see a light through the haze, and it was probably the only exit that A Li said!

In fact, it is not an exit at all, but a narrow slit!

The monster didn't even let go of such a narrow slit. It seemed that he had made sufficient preparations to prevent himself from escaping, and even prevented her from finding a way to report to Zhuo Bingshan!

She had to sigh that the monster was thoughtful enough!
I just don't know if the demon knows about the existence of the moonstone Rizejing A Li and the others... I hope the demon does not know, otherwise, with the spiritual power of A Li and the others, I am afraid they will become the "dinner" of the demon again!

"It seems that the demon guessed that we would find a way to leave here, and is fully prepared..."

Jin Yuan sighed softly, smiled and comforted A Li, who was still upset, and said, "A Li, it's not your fault, I can only blame the monster for being too smart!"

Ah Li nodded tediously, sat down on Jin Yuan's shoulder, pouted in boredom and said, "Then what should we do? Do we have to stay in this ghost place?"

Jin Yuan was silent.

Ah Li looked left and right, except for the exit, the rest of the place was completely sealed. I'm afraid not even a fly could fly in. It seems that leaving here is hopeless...

I don't know if brother Chongming and old man Wu Gang have any good ideas!

"Little God of Wealth, why don't we let brother Chongming come out and have a try?"

(End of this chapter)

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