The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 809 Uncovering the Mystery 16

Chapter 809 Uncovering the Mystery 16
A Li shook his legs and suggested enthusiastically.

Seeing Jin Yuan nodding, he jumped to the side of the moon stone, stretched out his fingers and tapped, and the inside of the moon stone also gave a response.

"Brother Chongming, come out quickly, this time it's up to you..."

Ah Li hadn't finished speaking when a movement suddenly came from the steaming pool not far away.

Jin Yuan and A Li raised their eyes one after another, only to see that the pool suddenly rolled with huge waves, and the rolling became more and more violent...

"Little God of Wealth, what... what is that?" Ah Li couldn't help but stretched out his hand and grabbed Jin Yuan's sleeve, asking nervously.

Jin Yuan shook her head and stared intently at the pool, as if something had come out of the pool, twisted into a ball, and slowly moved on the ground until it reached the edge of Jin Yuan's stone bed.

It wasn't until the steaming mist dissipated that Jin Yuan and A Li saw clearly that what came out of the pool was a giant python with fierce eyes, staring at them fiercely.

"Ah, little God of's a python..." Ah Li let out a strange cry, got into her sleeve, only his head was exposed, and said tremblingly, "I, I'm most afraid of snakes..."

Although Jin Yuan is not too afraid of snakes, but this giant python has such a fierce gaze, she couldn't help shaking her head, and whispered to Ah Li: "This giant python is probably under the hands of the demon, we better not provoke it. wonderful……"

Ah Li nodded again and again, not even daring to summon his own yellow car, which was still tilted on the ground, and even daring not to get out of Jin Yuan's sleeve to pick up the little yellow hat that fell on the edge of the bed!

"Hiss—" The giant python was still spitting out the red letter at Jin Yuan, its bloody mouth was big enough to swallow four sheep...

Jin Yuan saw that the giant python only showed fierce eyes, but did not rush towards her, tried to show a friendly smile to the giant python, and said cautiously: "Brother Giant Python, can you stop looking at us like this?"

"Hiss—" The giant python didn't answer anything, and its bloody mouth opened wider and wider.

"Um... are you the monster's subordinate?" Seeing that it didn't answer, Jin Yuan had to ask again.

Logically speaking, this giant python should also be a demon clan... It's just that looking at this giant python, why doesn't it seem like it can't speak? !
Moreover, this giant python has been crawling in the pool just now, and the pool was soaked by a monster... The monster and the giant python bathed together, this scene, she really dare not imagine!

(End of this chapter)

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