The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 810 Uncovering the Mystery 17

Chapter 810 Uncovering the Mystery 17
One person and one python stared at each other for a long time before the giant python looked away and Juanzi lay down at the foot of the stone bed.

Seeing that the python hadn't moved, Ah Li quietly slipped out of Jin Yuan's sleeve, and whispered, "Little God of Wealth, is that giant python still there?"

"It's still there...but probably asleep!"

Seeing that the giant python closed its eyes, Jin Yuan felt a little more at ease, and even raised her voice unconsciously.

Hearing that the giant python fell asleep, Ah Li came out, patted his chest and said with lingering fear: "It's okay...the monster is too much. I'm most afraid of snakes. No matter what kind of snake it is, I'm afraid of it. Such a giant python is scary!"

Jin Yuan smiled and comforted him, "A Li, not every snake is poisonous..."

"I know that too, but I always feel that snakes are slippery and scary!"

Ah Li shrugged, flew down to retrieve his yellow hat, and summoned back the little yellow car he had left behind.

He flicked the dust from the hat he picked up, and just as he put it on himself, the giant python at the foot of the bed moved again, and slowly opened its triangular eyes, scaring him back into the moon rock.

Seeing his frightened appearance, Jin Yuan couldn't find it funny, she lowered her head to meet the gaze of the giant python, saw that it seemed to be looking at her with dissatisfaction, and smiled helplessly.

The python didn't know how long it had been looking at her, and said lightly, "The lord let me watch you, I would like to advise you, the lord is merciful to you, I won't... You better just stay with me honestly, If you want to play any tricks, don't be rude to me!"

After it finished speaking viciously, it even bared its fangs towards Jin Yuan on purpose.

Jin Yuan stared at it dumbfounded. It turns out that this giant python can't speak, but Ganqing was too lazy to speak just now? !

But it was not beyond her expectation, the giant python was indeed subordinate to the monster, and it was here to guard her to prevent her from escaping!
But it didn't need to say such threatening words to her, because she was bound by the Immortal Binding Rope, and she couldn't escape at all!

"I'm bound by your lord's Immortal Binding Rope, I can't even move, how can I play any tricks?" Jin Yuan shook her head and replied with a wry smile, she was more helpless than fearful of its threat.

Now that he falls into the hands of demons, the worst ending is nothing more than the shattering of a primordial soul, otherwise what else?

(End of this chapter)

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