The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 811 Uncovering the Mystery 18

Chapter 811 Uncovering the Mystery 18
The giant python snorted coldly, lay down on the ground and said nothing more.The enchantment of the monster, plus the fairy-binding rope on her body, and the guard of the giant python, the monster's arrangement is too careful, and with her own strength, it may be difficult to escape...

A faint fragrance wafted from the steaming pool, enveloping her, calming her uneasiness, and calming the burning pain from the wound cut by Xiansuo.

She finally closed her eyes slowly and fell into a deep sleep again.

In her sleep, it seemed as if someone was gently stroking her face...

She couldn't open her eyes, but she felt that the touching was very familiar, the corners of her lips curled up, and she whispered: "Zhuo Bingshan..."

And the hand that caressed her face became stiff suddenly because of her raving.

She was still asleep, and she couldn't see clearly the owner of that stiff hand, what kind of terrifying light flashed in her eyes...

He quietly looked at her in deep sleep for a long time, clenched and loosened his fists, he didn't know how long he struggled before he waved his sleeves, turned around and stopped looking at her.

Damn...why is he always out of control? !
From a mandrill to a demon, how much suffering and pain he has experienced... No one knows!

"Master..." Looking at the pain flashing across his face, the giant python couldn't help but whispered to him worriedly.

"Has she ever tried to struggle with this immortal rope before?" He responded lightly, his expression had regained his composure, and asked in a deep voice.

"She struggled, and that Ze Jing came out to help her, but it was in vain... That Ze Jing wanted to send her a letter to Po Jun, but was bounced back by the barrier set by the Lord!"

The giant python reported the situation just now meticulously, not daring to hide anything.

"Very good!" He nodded, with a sinister sneer on the corner of his lips: "Even in my hands, she still doesn't forget to contact Po Jun...I'll let her see who is really heartless!"

"Then what about her? What does the Lord plan to do with her?" The giant python straightened up, a look of worry rose in a pair of triangular eyes.

Of course it's not worried that the master can't deal with it and break the army, but the master's heart is not cruel enough, it is afraid that the master will be used by this woman in turn!

"My lord, her body has been changed, she doesn't know anything, why should my lord show mercy to her?"

Seeing that his expression remained unchanged, the giant python continued to persuade: "She doesn't care about the struggle in the Lord's heart, and she has never cared about the Lord. She is no longer her. What are you hesitating about, Master?"

(End of this chapter)

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