The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 812 Uncovering the Mystery 19

Chapter 812 Uncovering the Mystery 19
The mandrill slapped the giant python with a slap, and said in a cold voice, "When do I make any decisions, when will you blame me?"

Seeing that the giant python lowered his head in fear and said no more, he snorted coldly and said lightly: "You only need to do your job of guarding well, and don't worry about the rest..."

"Yes..." The giant python answered obediently.

He turned his head and glanced at Jin Yuan who was lying on the stone bed, a complex light flashed in his eyes.

Are you merciful... He has been lonely for too long, so lonely that he doesn't know what to do!
Back then, in order to break the army, Lian'er did not hesitate to abandon him who had been with him for many years, and worked so hard to cultivate immortality and ascend... But what happened?
There isn't even a single god in the heavens talking about her... No one in the heavens cares whether a god disappears or not!What's more, Lian'er is still ascended by the lotus essence, so she has no place in the heaven!
All of this... is to be blamed on that man Po Jun!If it wasn't for breaking the army, Lian'er would not insist on ascending, nor would she leave him, let alone such tragic consequences!
If Po Jun disappears, or the heavens are destroyed, then everything... will be different!He has held this belief for thousands of years... It is said that he became a demon because of his ambition. Yes, he is ambitious, so what?

Don't those hypocritical gods in the heaven have no ambition? !

After Lian'er chose to ascend to immortality, he fully understood one thing... Only with enough power can he get everything he wants!
This time...he will not lose to Po Jun!He will definitely completely destroy Pojun and Heaven Realm...

A bloodthirsty ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and he finally walked away and disappeared into this stone cave.
I am the dividing line——
"Boom—" A low drumbeat sounded in Jin Yuan's ears, shaking her heart, and before she could open her eyes, another drumbeat came into her ears.

Before the sound of the drum disappeared, another series of low chanting sounds followed, which seemed to be very far away, but also seemed very close, which matched the sound of the drum very well.

"Hmm..." Jin Yuan felt the sun shining on her body, she was shocked suddenly, and slowly opened her eyes, looking at the empty surroundings, she still couldn't figure out the situation for a while.

Did she leave the stone room where the demon imprisoned her earlier?

(End of this chapter)

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