The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 829 Uncovering the Mystery 36

Chapter 829 Uncovering the Mystery 36
"Thousands of years ago, you were defeated. This time, you restrained Xiao Yuan Baoer, and you are destined to lose without a fight..."

Zhuo Yanchong's words really enraged the demon, he pushed Jin Yuan away, waved his hand and took out a jade flute glowing with green light.

Jin Yuan looked at the jade flute in his hand, and various images flashed through her mind...

She has seen this jade flute more than once, whether in a dream or after being caught by a monster, she has seen it all!

The music played by that jade flute is enough to confuse people...

Seeing the monster put the jade flute to her lips, Jin Yuan screamed in her heart that it was not good, and flew towards the monster, vowing to snatch the jade flute from his hand!
As if knowing his intentions, the demon waved her away with his sleeves and blew the jade flute in his hand... Sure enough, as she expected, the faint music blew out from the hole of the jade flute, shaking everyone present physically and mentally.

Some couldn't bear it, they were already bleeding from the seven orifices, and fell into a coma on the ground.

Gritting her teeth, Jin Yuan resisted the pain of being shaken by Yuxiao, tore off two pieces of cloth from her clothes, plugged her ears, and took out the moon stone from her bosom.

And even Zhuo Yanchong, who was holding the demon-subduing sword, was affected by the magical flute sound, and his hands began to tremble.

But he is Pojun, the god of war with the strongest willpower, Pojun, the sound of the flute can confuse everyone, but not him!

A sharp light shot out from Zhuo Yanchong's eyes, and he picked up the Demon Subduing Sword and stabbed at the demon.

The monster didn't stop playing the flute, but just stared at Zhuo Yanchong coldly, not going to dodge.However, demons are not ignorant of the power of the Fumo Sword. If he is stabbed in the heart by the Fumo Sword, no matter how many years he has cultivated, he will just disappear in smoke.

"Po Jun, I already have Jin Yuan's blood in my body... She also has my demon core in her body, if you kill me, you will kill her yourself!" The demon reminded him with a sneer while holding the jade flute in his hand.

Seeing that Po Jun didn't hesitate because of his words, the demon moved Yuxiao away and went up to meet him alone.The Fumo sword pierced the monster's shoulder, and blood gushed out like a spring, and the monster's smile became more and more wild.

Jin Yuan, who was holding the moon stone, was trying to find a way to deal with the demon, when the tearing pain suddenly hit her heart, she couldn't stand her feet in pain, and finally fell to the ground, and the moon stone in her hand slipped from her palm.

A mouthful of blood also spurted out from her mouth...

The moonlight from the corner of the monster's eyes caught Jin Yuan, who was vomiting blood, and laughed wildly, regardless of her bleeding shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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