The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 830 Uncovering the Mystery 37

Chapter 830 Uncovering the Mystery 37
The demon's crazy laughter soared into the sky, and Fengyun also changed color.

"Hahaha... Have you seen it? You have only this position in Po Jun's heart... In order to get rid of me, you will always be just a pawn, a victim of the heavens!"

Hearing this, Zhuo Yanchong finally shook his hand, pulled out the Demon Subduing Sword that had stabbed the demon's shoulder, and subconsciously looked at Jin Yuan.

Seeing her pale face and the pool of blood on her chest, his heart throbbed.

How could he not care about little Yuan Bao'er?But the demons had to get rid of...

He has been fighting the demon for thousands of years, and thought that with Lian Er's death, the demon would no longer use others to threaten him... But he didn't expect that little Yuan Bao'er fell into the clutches of the demon!

"Little Yuan Baoer, I'm sorry..." He sighed helplessly, but Jin Yuan didn't hear it.

But Jin Yuan heard the demon's words clearly just now, raised her eyes to see the pity on Zhuo Bingshan's face, held back the bursts of tearing pain in her heart, and smiled at him as if nothing had happened.

Zhuo Bingshan has to deal with demons, she won't blame him...

And she won't just sit and wait for death!She wants to prove to everyone that she, the little God of Wealth who made her debut halfway, is not Zhuo Bingshan's burden, nor will she become a pawn for demons to control Zhuo Bingshan!
She lowered her head and moved her body with difficulty, preparing to pick up the moon stone.

Seeing the moon stone fall to the ground, the Wuyue patriarch, who had covered his ears earlier, also hurriedly reached out to pick it up.

The hands of the two touched the moon stone at the same time, and they couldn't help but looked at each other.She saw the desire and ambition for power in the eyes of the Wuyue patriarch, and she suddenly realized.

The reason why the Wuyue tribe is controlled by demons is probably because of this ambitious Wuyue patriarch!

She couldn't help but think of Yanmo, the priest of the Wuyue clan who rescued her but was slashed by the demon's palm. Thinking of his breezy and bright appearance, he shook his head and said to the head of the Wuyue tribe with a sneer: "A person like you is not worthy of being owned by someone like you!" The powerful head of the Black Moon Clan!"

The Wuyue patriarch looked fiercely at Jin Yuan's pale face and the blood on her lips, and retorted: "You little fairy, what right do you have to criticize me? Don't you know that you are one of the gods in the heavens?" Is it a pawn? We are all pawns, but my fate will never be as sad as yours..."

Jin Yuan's body trembled slightly, she wanted to pretend she didn't care, but there were still sharp pains in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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