The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 831 Uncovering the Mystery 38

Chapter 831 Uncovering the Mystery 38
No matter how determined her will is, how could she not care?She can't blame anyone...Even if she knows that Zhuo Bingshan will not let the monster go, even if her life is tied to the monster's life, she can't blame Zhuo Bingshan!

Because if the demons are not eliminated, then it will be the many creatures in the world who will suffer!
She doesn't want to be a saint either, but she has no other choice... Compared with the rest of the world, what is her life alone? !

If you want to blame, you can only blame the monster... wanting to drag her to be buried with her!
Clan leader Wuyue sneered, and taking advantage of Jin Yuan's dazed moment, he stretched out his hand and gave Jin Yuan a hard push, snatching the Moon Stone.

Jin Yuan regained her senses and wanted to snatch the Moon Stone from him, but the Wuyue patriarch took out a dagger from his bosom, pointed it at Jin Yuan, threatened her with a sneer and said, "Hmph, you are seriously injured now, even standing still!" It's hard to get up, so don't even think about taking the Moonstone from me... The Moonstone was originally a sacred object of my Wuyue Clan, and now it's returned to its original owner!"

Jin Yuan took a deep breath, swung his dagger away, and didn't even notice that her hand was scratched, and said word by word: "The moon stone is a sacred object of the Wuyue clan, not your private property...and you don't know it at all. He deserves to be the head of the Wuyue Clan, and he is not qualified to win this moonstone!"

"But this moon stone is in my hands now, you can't take it away, hahaha..." Wuyue patriarch held the moon stone and smiled more and more complacently, but it didn't take long before his smile suddenly froze on his face. There was an unconcealable pain in his eyes.

Immediately, a stream of blood slowly flowed out from his chest.

Jin Yuan looked up in surprise, and it turned out that it was Yan Mo, the priest of the Wuyue clan, who unexpectedly stood behind the head of the Wuyue clan, holding a long sword in his hand, and pierced the head of the Wuyue clan fiercely in the chest.

Yan Mo's figure was still a little unstable, he bent down and took the Moon Stone from the hand of the Wuyue patriarch, and put it in Jin Yuan's palm, his tone was slow and heavy.

"Miss Jinyuan, this sacred object cannot be destroyed by him, you must use it to deal with demons..."

Jin Yuan nodded and took Moonstone, looked at his trembling steps, and asked worriedly: "Yanmo, are you okay?"

The breezy and moon-like priest showed her a gentle smile, but before he could speak, a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of his lips.

"Miss Jinyuan, you must make the moonstone exert its greatest power, and you will definitely be able to get rid of the demon..."

(End of this chapter)

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