The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 832 Uncovering the Mystery 39

Chapter 832 Uncovering the Mystery 39
After Wuyue Priest Yan Mo finished speaking, he swayed, finally closed his eyes, and fell to the ground.

"Yanmo..." Jin Yuan held Moonstone with one hand, and subconsciously wanted to support him with the other hand, but when she stretched out her hand, it just touched his sleeve edge.

Both the Wuyue Clan priest and Chongmingniao have said so, since Moon Stone has chosen her, she has the ability to use Moon Stone to deal with monsters!

She took a deep look at the priest Yanmo who had closed her eyes, solemnly put the moon stone in her palm, struggled to sit cross-legged, closed her eyes slowly, and fused the vitality in her body with the spiritual power of the moon stone bit by bit.

Until the sharp pain in her chest gradually disappeared under the wrapping of the spiritual power emitted by the moon stone, she picked up the moon stone and stood up, flying to Zhuo Bingshan and the demons who were still fighting without hesitation.

That's right, she has the demon pill in her body, and the demon also has her blood in her body, so what?
Even if she wants to burn everything, she will join hands with Zhuo Bingshan to get rid of the demons and put an end to this earth-shattering turmoil!

"Little Yuan Bao'er, you..." Zhuo Yanchong watched her fly towards him with the moon stone in her hand, with deep pity and guilt mixed in her surprised eyes.

He wanted to open his mouth to explain to her, but when he opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say.

Jin Yuan also saw his struggle, shook her head and smiled as if nothing had happened: "Zhuo Bingshan, as the god of war, it is your mission to save the common people from killing demons, I won't blame you..."

"Little Yuan Baoer..." Zhuo Yanchong felt all kinds of feelings, he sighed, and slowly put his arms around her shoulders.

Jin Yuan's eyes were slightly wet, her shoulder touched his warm chest, and she almost couldn't help turning around and throwing herself into his arms.

But at this time, it was not a good time for her to embrace or be tender with him. She turned her head and smiled brightly at him. When she turned to look at the monster, her eyes were already a little more determined.

Seeing the two of them making eye contact, the demon saw wild anger in his eyes, and said with a sneer, "What a scene where the husband is affectionate and the concubine is intentional... Do you think you can deal with me like this?"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hands and played the song again, and all kinds of poisonous pythons and wraiths rushed from all directions, tightly surrounding Jin Yuan and Zhuo Yanchong.

"You kill him for me—" the demon pointed at Zhuo Yanchong, and coldly ordered the poisonous creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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