The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 833 Uncovering the Mystery 40

Chapter 833 Uncovering the Mystery 40
All the resentful spirits and poisonous pythons rushed towards Zhuo Yan quickly, even though they were injured by the light of Zhuo Yanchong's Demon Subduing Sword, they still rushed forward one after another.

It was the first time that Jin Yuan saw such a scary scene with scissors. Holding up the moon stone, she murmured: "Since you have chosen me, please help me find the gate of life of the demon and help me get rid of him..."

But the moon stone in his palm didn't move at all.

Seeing Zhuo Bingshan surrounded by those things, no matter how powerful he is, he still has the Demon Subduing Sword in his hand, but he can't defeat a hundred with one...

Those wraiths and poisons kept pouring in, Zhuo Yanchong had no time to deal with the demons.

A bloodthirsty killing intent flashed in the demon's eyes, he picked up the jade flute in his hand, and struck Zhuo Yanchong's back.

Jin Yuan's complexion changed drastically, and it was too late to remind Zhuo Yanchong to pay attention to the back, and flew towards him, trying to block the demon's vicious blow for him.

The demon's jade flute did not pierce Zhuo Yanchong, but pierced Jin Yuan's palm instead.Jin Yuan's hands trembled, she suppressed the pain, and didn't shout out, so as not to distract Zhuo Yanchong's attention from dealing with the poison.

The demon did not expect that Jin Yuan would pounce on him, took back Yu Xiao, looked at her in disbelief, and said word by word: "Are you dying?"

Jin Yuan shook her head but smiled silently. The blood from her palm dripped on the moon stone. The moon stone, which had not moved at first, suddenly emitted a strong white light, covering her and Zhuo Yanchong's whole body.

Frightened by the moonstone's light, those resentful spirits and poisonous creatures ran away screaming.

Zhuo Yanchong turned around, looked at Jin Yuan's bloody palm, his expression changed slightly, he held her hand, healed her, and said heartbrokenly: "Little fool, why did you do this..."

The demon looked at Zhuo Yanchong bitterly, grabbed Jin Yuan's sleeve, shook his head and sneered, "You are so stupid, every pay for him, but in the end, you get nothing..."

Jin Yuan didn't answer, but Zhuo Yanchong could hear something wrong in his words, raised his head to look at the monster and frowned and asked, "What did you mean by that sentence just now?"

"Po Jun, don't you understand?" The demon narrowed his eyes slightly, and said word by word: "Why did I use Jin Yuan to test you? Do you think...a little God of Wealth will attract my attention?"

Zhuo Yanchong was startled when he heard the words, a sharp light shot out from his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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