The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 834 Uncovering the Mystery 41

Chapter 834 Uncovering the Mystery 41
Jin Yuan also didn't understand what the monster meant.In fact, she never knew what the monster was thinking...

Ever since the monster caught her, she's been saying weird things!
"So?" Zhuo Yanchong spit out these three words coldly.

The demon and Zhuo Yanchong looked at each other for a long time, the corners of their lips curled up in a sneer, their eyes slowly shifted to Zhuo Yanchong's and Jin Yuan's hands, they were silent for a long time, then they suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Isn't your love said to be unswerving until death? Two people have been together for so long, but they can't recognize each other, hahaha... Is this the so-called unswerving love?"

Hearing what he said, Jin Yuan felt even more confused. She slowly glanced at Zhuo Yanchong, and her eyes fell on the demon's face again: "Monster, what are you trying to do? Why can't you recognize the other party? ?”

The monster laughed enough, lowered his head and stared deeply at Jin Yuan, with complicated lights in his eyes, and said quietly: "You won't let me call you Xiao Yuan Baoer...and I never wanted to call you by that name! Whether it's Yuan Yuan or Xiao Yuan Bao'er, it's not your name..."

Having said that, the monster paused, stretched out his hand to caress Jin Yuan's face, his eyes were dazed, but his voice became more frantic: "You can't change the fact whether you forget it or run are Lian Er , Lian'er is you...hahaha..."

Jin Yuan's head thumped, she looked at the demon in disbelief, and said, "What lies are you talking about? I'm obviously just Jin Yuan... I was taken to the heaven by Taishang Laojun unintentionally ...I am the Little Fairy of Good Fortune under the God of Wealth..."

She still has parents in modern times... Her name in modern times is Jin Yuan...

"Those are all deceiving tricks by the gods of the heavens..."

The monster sneered and shook his head, grasping Jin Yuan's chin, his voice suddenly softened, but besides the gentleness, there was a daunting sternness.

"Lian'er, you've always been a pawn... From being promoted to a fairy, to being almost wiped out, and being assigned the identity of another god of wealth by the heavens, you can't escape the fate of a pawn! Do you think Po Jun loves you? If he loves you, how can he have the heart to let you be a pawn?"

Jin Yuan shook her body, and several pictures flashed in her mind. Who is that dying figure?
Who is that crying holding Jiao Weiqin?

(End of this chapter)

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