Chapter 840 Restoring Memory 5
"Lian'er, he doesn't love you, you still have me..."

The demon sighed, stretched out his hand to hug her into his arms, patted her on the back tenderly, and said softly: "Do you remember what I said? You and I are destined to be and me When Po Jun is together, he will only regret...he, like the gods in the heavens, has never looked down on us..."

Seeing that Jin Yuan was weeping quietly and did not struggle to embrace him, a sneering smile flashed in the bewildered eyes of the monster, and he couldn't help reaching out and hugging her tightly.

It seems that at that time, he told her that it was Lian Er's decision, there was nothing wrong!

He knew that she would never forgive Po Jun... And now that Lian'er was by his side, whether Po Jun felt guilty or true love, she would not dare to act rashly!
If he lost to Po Jun thousands of years ago because his spiritual power was weaker than him, then this time, with Lian Er by his side, he would definitely not lose!

Lian Er can only belong to him... This world can only belong to him!

"Lian'er, it was he who caused you to almost die before... You must hate him, don't you?" He whispered in her ear, his eyes fell on the moonstone in her hand, and there was a flash of calculation in his eyes of light.

As Jin Yuan, she would not give him the moon stone, but now that she has recovered her previous memories, she knows that she is Lian'er... She will give him the moon stone!
Just as he was thinking about this matter, Jin Yuan shook her head, pushed away his arm, retreated from his embrace, and said in a low voice: "Mandrill, you are wrong... I have never regretted it before, and I have not regretted it until now. Falling in love with him...all of this is my fault, what's the use of hating him? "

Having said that, she smiled wryly, raised her head and looked directly into the demon's eyes, her eyes had regained clarity: "I've been forgetting that memory, I just wanted to escape from all of this... But escaping doesn't mean that the previous Nothing happened!"

The demon frowned slightly, took a deep look at her, and asked thoughtfully, "Lian'er, don't you want to avenge yourself?"

"Revenge?" Jin Yuan slowly repeated these two words, turned her back to the demon, her voice became calmer: "Po Jun didn't harm me back then, why should I take revenge?"

"But he betrayed you..." The demon was startled, feeling that things seemed to be out of his control.

(End of this chapter)

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