Chapter 841 Restoring Memory 6
Jin Yuan lowered her eyes, shook her head and remained silent.

The demon stepped forward and wanted to say something to her. Jin Yuan waved her hand and said in a low voice, "Mandrill, my heart is in a mess. Let me be alone in this mountain..."

The outstretched hand of the monster froze in mid-air.I don't know how long it took before he slowly put down his hand, looked at her quietly for a while, then nodded and said: "Then you can stay here alone for a while, I won't bother you..."

The two remained silent for a long time, the demon sighed, and finally turned and left first.

Jin Yuan didn't turn around until she was sure that the demon had left, and seeing his leaving figure, a flash of painful struggle flashed in her eyes.

Lian Er is her, but the fact that she is also Jin Yuan can't be erased...Has Po Jun ever loved her?This question seems to be unimportant anymore, these millennia have wiped away her yearning and longing for love!
But she didn't lie to the mandrill, she loved and was disappointed...but she never regretted it!

If Po Jun hadn't been Po Jun, or if she hadn't been a humble lotus essence, their stories might have been different!

But there are no ifs in this world!

Back then, she was the one who flew moths into the flames, so who should she blame? !
The only thing she didn't expect was that she, with her dusty memories, would fall in love with Po Jun again... Are he and her destined to be entangled?
Close your eyes, the scene in the dream is still vivid.He always said that the demon was deceiving her. Now that she has recovered all her memories about Lian'er, she realizes... In fact, most of those dreams are real!
And the mandrill conjures up so many scenes, trying to remind her of everything in the past... Is he forcing himself to face reality? !
Jin Yuan sat on the very familiar rock, staring at everything on Qingyuan Mountain.The mandrill had already left, and the flowers, plants and trees, without their spells, withered in front of her again.

She was stunned, and got up to touch the withered flowers and plants, and the previous events unconsciously appeared in her mind.

The mandrill is no longer a mandrill... She doesn't even know when he became a demon, but the things he did and the creatures he killed cannot be erased!

As Ming Ye said, if you fall into the devil's way, there is only one way to go!

But the mandrill has never harmed her, and even the wound on her arm that was scratched by the binding cable was healed for her... and his gaze, she can't forget it!
(End of this chapter)

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