Chapter 842 Restoring Memory 7
A long time ago, they lived on this Qingyuan Mountain, and they really lived a carefree life... It's just that after she saw Po Jun, she kept chasing Po Jun's figure, but she didn't pay attention to the mandrill's eyes, in fact, she always stayed in her own eyes. body!

And now that she heard Mandrill's words, she finally understood that he... never gave up on her!
But her heart cannot be divided into two!

She saw the love in the mandrill's eyes. Since there is love, it means that the mandrill who has been reduced to a demon can still be saved, doesn't it?

It's not that there is no trace of kindness in his heart!

Immortals and demons are at odds, so is there no way to let the mandrill get rid of its demonic nature and just be a free-spirited mountain spirit? !
Jin Yuan looked down at the moon stone in her palm. Because of her blood on the moon stone, her spiritual power was integrated with her blood.

She had forcibly sealed her memory back then, and now that she regained her memory, she should have a splitting headache, but the moon stone in her hand helped her!

Not only did she not have a splitting headache, but she felt a wave of heat surging all over her body, and the spiritual power rushing around in her body was well controlled...

And those withered grasses that she touched with her hands miraculously regained their vitality.Different from the illusion performed by the mandrill, this time, the withered flowers and trees grew in front of her in a real and robust way.

She looked at her palm in surprise, did she absorb all the aura of her moonstone?
One must know that the art of rejuvenation is equivalent to the effect of bringing the dead back to life, and even the gods of the heavens cannot perform it!

She shook her head, put the Moonstone back into her arms, and waved her sleeves towards the other withered grasslands. Sure enough, within a moment, all the dead plants came alive, with green leaves and red flowers, full of vitality the sight!

Now that she already has the art of rejuvenation, the most important thing at this moment is not to think about other things, but to save the creatures who were killed by the mandrill!

I hope her efforts will not be too late!
Jin Yuan decided to pay attention, raised her body and flew towards the Wuyue Clan.

As soon as they flew to the Wuyue Clan, the first thing they saw was a particularly bleak scene.

The head of the Wuyue clan was dead, and the priest Yanmo was also stunned by the altar.

Perhaps because of being hurt by the demon's hostility, the other Wuyue clansmen all turned blue and lay on the ground, foaming at the mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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