Chapter 844 Restoring Memory 9
Those Wuyue clansmen who were awakened by her ingenious hand rejuvenation came to their senses, and when they saw their priests for the first time, they bowed respectfully: "My lord priest—"

Priest Yanmo waved his hand, signaling that they don't need to be too polite, then pointed to Jin Yuan and said to them, "This Miss Jin Yuan is your savior, you must remember it!"

Hearing the words, the Wuyue people all turned around and bowed to Jin Yuan to thank them, all of them showed gratitude: "Thank you, Miss Jin Yuan, for saving me, we are willing to swear allegiance to the death—"

Jin Yuan shook her head, still worrying about the whereabouts of Changsun Yan and the others, she pulled a Wuyue clansman over and asked, "Can you see Changsun Yan and Luo Hen?"

The man shook his head, not knowing where they went.

Another Wuyue clansman buried his head in thought, patted his head and said, "Girl Jinyuan, when the monsters were fighting with Pojun Xingjun, we seemed to see a figure flying over, bringing Young Master Changsun and Young Master Luo Hen and others away." Walk……"

Jin Yuan's face was quite solemn, and she asked in a deep voice: "You said the demon and Pojun Xingjun fought? When did they fight?"

She remembered that after the mandrill told her that she was Lian Er, the demon took her away from here and flew to Qingyuan Mountain... Then she told the mandrill that she wanted to meditate, and the mandrill left as promised!

Could it be that after the mandrill left Qingyuan Mountain just now, it fought with Po Jun again?
"Yeah...they were still fighting here just now, the situation was terrible, it affected us...then all of us passed out!"

Several members of the Wuyue tribe nodded and answered truthfully.

Jin Yuan didn't know how these Wuyue people got rid of the control of the demon, but the demon led her to leave Pojun and leave here, presumably Pojun did it...

As soon as she thought of him who caused her pain and love, a majestic fog floated in front of her eyes.

If she was just Jin Yuan, at this time, she would definitely fight side by side with him without hesitation, let's deal with the demons together!

But even if she sealed her memory with dust, she couldn't erase the fact that she was Lian'er!

It is also because she is Lian'er that she can't be cruel and join forces with Po Jun to get rid of the demons!Indulging the demon and hurting several lives, but in her eyes, he is always the mandrill who talks and laughs!

Back then, despite the dissuasion of the mandrill, she insisted on ascension to immortality in order to see Po Jun again... After her ascension, she never saw the mandrill again!

(End of this chapter)

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