The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 845 Restoring Memory 10

Chapter 845 Restoring Memory 10
After ascension, she never saw a mandrill again!
Even throwing away the friendship between them for many years...

It was she who chose to leave Qingyuan Mountain and him...

Then she didn't know what he went through. Everyone said that he fell into evil because of power and ambition, but as his friend, she couldn't treat him like that!
If back then, she loved mandrills, maybe there wouldn't be so many entanglements between her and Po Jun...

If she hadn't left Mandrill back then and stayed with him through the most difficult time for Mandrill, maybe Mandrill would not have become a demon...

But in the dark, because of her stubborn decision, they fell into an irreversible roulette wheel, and they could no longer get out!
That was what she owed to the mandrill... This time, she finally had the chance to repay it!
"Miss Jinyuan, Miss Jinyuan..."

Priest Yanmo's call pulled her back from her brief absence, she lowered her head to hide the flash of bitterness and melancholy in her eyes, readjusted her expression, and smiled apologetically at him.

"Do you know where the demon and Pojun Xingjun went?" She asked those Wuyue clansmen again.

They shook their heads and said hesitantly: "We don't know, but they should have left not long ago, so they must be around here!"

Jin Yuan nodded, decided not to delay, and was about to say goodbye to them, when a Wuyue clansman suddenly pointed in the direction of the temple, and said in horror: "Look quickly—"

Jin Yuan and the others hurriedly looked up, only to see wisps of green smoke rising from the top of the temple.

The place where the temple is located, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, was originally shrouded in golden light, but now it shows such an ominous sign, maybe something happened!

Before Jin Yuan and the others could react, the temple shook unexpectedly, and then a strong shock was transmitted to the place where they were standing along with the shaking of the whole temple.

It's certainly not an earthquake...

The Wuyue tribe looked at each other in panic, the priest Yanmo frowned slightly, shook his head and smiled at his tribe comfortingly, then walked to Jin Yuan and whispered: "Miss Jin Yuan, I'm afraid Pojun Xingjun and the monsters, just go to the palace and kill them." Near the temple!"

Jin Yuan nodded in agreement, and said to Yanmo: "You tell your clansmen, don't go near the temple, I'll go right away..."

Before Priest Yanmo could answer, Jin Yuan flew towards the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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