The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 861 Between Love and Hate 5

Chapter 861 Between Love and Hate 5
Taishang Laojun was taken aback for a moment, and asked doubtfully, "How can I help?"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled thoughtfully: "I have my own plan... As long as they are still in love, all problems will be solved!"
I am the dividing line——
After Jin Yuan returned to Qingyuan Mountain, apart from chatting with Ming Ye and the others occasionally, her attitude towards Zhuo Yanchong was polite and distant.

"Pojun Xingjun, you are in an important position, you should return to the heaven as soon as possible..."

Jin Yuan noticed that Zhuo Yanchong was standing behind her, turned around and persuaded helplessly.

Zhuo Yanchong sighed inwardly, ever since she decided to separate from him, she changed her address to him back to Pojun Xingjun.And her attitude towards him is even stranger than Ming Ye, so how can he not be annoyed?
Seeing Ming Ye chatting and joking with her intimately, he wished he could drive Ming Ye away from here...

But if he is as strong as before, he will be in vain if he compromises these days!

Damn Mingye even gave him a trick to move her with his words and deeds, but no matter what he said or did, she was indifferent.

It was also the first time he had seen her heart of stone!
It was also because he had seen... that he knew that her infatuation and her love were so precious!

"Lian'er, I won't go back until the misunderstanding is clearly explained..." Zhuo Yanchong shook his head and said calmly.

Jin Yuan put down the flower basket in her hand, and asked indifferently, "Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?"

"A misunderstanding from a thousand years ago..."

Zhuo Yanchong pulled her over, the action was not too intimate, so she didn't shake off his hand, and sat down slowly with him.

How long had it been since they had such a long conversation?
"I want to hear you tell me clearly, what happened to you thousands of years ago, and how you were killed so that your soul almost died!" Zhuo Yanchong looked at her seriously, and said slowly and clearly.

Jin Yuan's body trembled, and she raised her eyes to meet his serious expression, her surging emotions calmed down inexplicably.

"Thousands of years ago, the Emperor of Heaven told me that you would not be with me... This is not the first time, of course I didn't pay much attention to it!" Jin Yuan took a deep breath and began to recall the past that she didn't want to recall thousands of years ago.

Those pasts, after she recovered her memory, flooded her mind wave after wave like a tide.

(End of this chapter)

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