The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 862 Between Love and Hate 6

Chapter 862 Between Love and Hate 6
"But then you told me yourself that you were going to marry someone else, and I couldn't believe it... I wanted to question you, but the Emperor of Heaven said that you have already set off and went to Beihai to get married... What else can I do?"

Every time she thought of that period of the past, she couldn't help but feel pain in her heart.

"I want to chase me out, and ask if you really want to marry that Princess Longsan from Beihai... But those people in your fairy palace imprisoned me and didn't allow me to go out, for fear that I would disturb your eldest daughter." Marriage! I was not reconciled, and finally broke free from the shackles desperately, and was injured, so I escaped from the confinement... Unfortunately, I was attacked by Fairy Bibo before I had a chance to find you, and I was injured before, so I couldn't fight her... ..."

She also didn't understand why that Fairy Bibo had so much hatred and wanted to put her to death.

Now that I think about it, Fairy Bibo also loves him...

Everything is just crazy because of love, crazy because of love!

"Later...later...that's what you know!"

After Jin Yuan said this with a wry smile, she couldn't help but began to tremble.

In fact, there is something that she has been keeping from him... And at this moment, she has no intention of telling him!
What's the use of telling him now?Everything is irreparable!
"Stop talking, I understand..."

Zhuo Yanchong saw that her face became paler and her body trembled uncontrollably, and finally he couldn't help but hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Silly girl, what you saw was all illusions, how could I have the heart to say those things to you? As for the marriage, it was even more fictional... At that time, I left suddenly to lead the heavenly soldiers to exterminate the demons! The reason why I didn't tell you is because the monster was transformed by your friend mandrill, and I was worried that you would be sad because of it, so I deliberately kept it from you..."

Those misunderstandings were actually deliberately made by the Emperor of Heaven in order to separate him and her...

But the Emperor of Heaven was always his elder brother, so he couldn't hate the Emperor of Heaven!
Jin Yuan buried her head in his arms, and finally couldn't help crying bitterly: "So what you said is right, everything is just a misunderstanding, a big misunderstanding...It turns out that you don't love me..."

"Lian'er, in this world, you are the only one worthy of my love!" He sighed, bowed his head to kiss her forehead, and wiped away the tears on her face: "Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, don't run away from me anymore." , how are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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