The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 864 Between Love and Hate 8

Chapter 864 Between Love and Hate 8
Luo Fei recalled what happened thousands of years ago, and sighed guiltily: "So, for your death, I have always felt guilty, that's why I have been by Pojun Xingjun's side, trying to make up for it..."

Concubine Luo took out a dagger from her bosom at this point, and handed it to Jin Yuan, with a regretful expression on her face: "Fairy Bibo who harmed you has been punished by the Emperor of Heaven, Lian'er, if you still can't let go, you can kill me with one knife." Leave me alone... Pojun Xingjun has been in pain for a thousand years, and I have been guilty for a thousand years, I owe you this!"

Jin Yuan was taken aback by her actions, shook her head and said, "You are not wrong, how can you say you owe me? Even if you helped me at that time, how could you defeat Fairy Bibo who is full of hatred? Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for keeping this violin for me for so long!"

Concubine Luo retracted the dagger, shook her head and smiled nonchalantly. After a long silence, she sighed and asked, "Lian'er, you have always been so magnanimous that you don't want to hate me. Why didn't you forgive Pojun Xingjun? Pojun Xing Jun has always loved you and never changed his heart...Why do you not want to be with him?"

"It's not him that I can't forgive, but myself..."

Jin Yuan smiled wryly and shook her head, raised her eyes to see Luo Fei's puzzled expression, and finally stretched out her hand to caress her abdomen, with tears of grief flickering in her eyes.

"Here, I and his child were conceived, but before I had time to tell him... I learned that he was going to marry another woman! I know this is all a misunderstanding... But the misunderstanding can be solved, but it can't save me. Child! I was injured by Fairy Bibo that day, and I lost him... My life can be recovered, but my child's life cannot be recovered..."

At this point, she was in tears.

And Zhuo Yanchong, who was hiding in the dark and eavesdropped on all this, his face changed suddenly, seeing her weeping while stroking her lower abdomen, his heart throbbed more and more painfully.

He finally understood what she said, and finally understood why she said that it was not him but himself who refused to forgive!

It's not her fault that his silly Lian'er lost their child...

It's just that he was too young at that time, thinking that he could protect her well, but he didn't know that she had long been the target of the gods in the heavens who wanted to get rid of her!
It was his blind self-confidence that killed their children!

Seeing her grief-stricken expression, he wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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