The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 865 Between Love and Hate 9

Chapter 865 Between Love and Hate 9
But the lost child will not be reborn...

It turns out that she has been suffering so much all this time, it turns out that she has been enduring suffering alone that is unimaginable for ordinary people!

He stood under the shade of the tree for an unknown how long, until Luo Fei comforted Jin Yuan and was about to say goodbye to him, seeing him grabbing his hands into the tree trunk but unwilling to show up, Luo Fei whispered to persuade him to see Jin Yuan , he suddenly came back to his senses, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"It's not her who is unforgivable, but me..."

Zhuo Yanchong murmured these words, staggered and flew away from here.
I am the dividing line——
Xu Shi had confided his pain to others, and after a few days, Jin Yuan's mood calmed down a lot, but when she left the house, Zhuo Yanchong was nowhere to be seen.

It seems that he has returned to the heaven?
He's finally tired of here...

Jin Yuan shook her head and smiled desolately, and was about to water the flowers when Huimao shouted "Sister Ayuan, it's not good, it's not good", and ran to her panting.

"What happened?"

Seeing his flustered expression, Jin Yuan's heart suddenly jumped wildly.

"Pojun Xingjun..." Gray Mao gasped for several breaths, and then said intermittently: "Pojun Xingjun, he was captured by the heavens!"

"What did you say?"

Jin Yuan stared wide-eyed and asked in disbelief.

"Heavenly Emperor heard that Pojun Xingjun didn't completely kill the monster, but kept a wisp of his spirit alive. Although he was no longer demonic, Pojun Xingjun concealed the matter and did not report it, which angered the Heavenly Emperor, so the Heavenly Emperor sent someone to arrest him. Lord Pojun Xing said that he will be dealt with according to the rules of heaven..."

Gray Mao finally spoke clearly, and after finishing speaking, he did not forget to look at Jin Yuan's reaction inquiringly.

The kettle in Jin Yuan's hand fell, and she didn't even notice that her hand was splashed on her feet. She shook her head and murmured, "Impossible...he is the brother of the Emperor of Heaven. How could the Emperor of Heaven have the heart to punish him? It must be a misrepresentation." news..."

"How is it impossible? The Emperor of Heaven has always been tough, not to mention that the monster is not a trivial matter... Sister Ayuan, did Pojun Xingjun really not kill the monster?"

Gray Mao blinked his big eyes and asked innocently.

In fact, he already knew about this, but otherwise, how could Sister A Yuan believe it?

They put in a lot of thought, just for sister A Yuan and Po Jun to reconcile!

(End of this chapter)

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