868 The Finale 3
Zhuo Yanchong nodded, stretched out his hand to caress her lower abdomen, and said quietly: "I just realized that I have missed so much, lost so much... Lian'er, don't blame yourself anymore, if you want to blame, blame me... ...I'm not a competent father, I don't even know my own children..."

Jin Yuan's eyes were wet, and her voice was a little choked up: "At that time, I was going to tell you...but then..."

Zhuo Yanchong reached out to touch her lips, and kissed her lightly: "Stop talking, I understand... Lian'er, I have been the god of war for many years, and I am not afraid of anything, except that you ignore me and don't love me... ..."

Speaking of this, he held her hand tightly, and said word by word: "Lian'er, we still have a long time... You can do whatever you want, punish me however you want! But, don't leave me!"

Jin Yuan shook her body, looked into the depths of his eyes, and nodded slowly and solemnly.

Her nod is also a promise...

She made a promise of eternal life to him!

She never stopped loving him...and he, why not?

Just like what Luo Fei said when she came to return the piano that day.

She said: "Since you are in love, why bother to torture each other? You have survived even the most difficult days. Now that everything is difficult to overcome, don't you have the courage to go on?"

What Luo Fei said is right... He and she have gone through countless trials and tribulations and endured so much hardship, so why should they torture each other?
The past has never been forgotten, and she is not willing to dust off her memory again, because... escaping is not the best way!Since you are in love, why do you want to escape the real feeling in your heart?
She loves him, and he loves her too... What they should do is not to cry silently behind their backs, but to look at life with a smile on their hands!

They hugged each other, not only each other, but also the future they created together!

"Zhuo Bingshan, do you know? Back then, I only had a sliver of soul left, which was sent to the human world. When I existed as Jin Yuan... there was a Taoist priest who came to my house!"

Jin Yuan leaned on his chest and recalled with a faint smile: "The priest said, if you sow the cause, you will reap the fruit. I have a destined person..."

Zhuo Yanchong stretched out his arms to hug her tightly, his gaze was unprecedentedly gentle: "People in the world often say that after a catastrophe, there must be future blessings... Lian'er, we are destined to be together, and no one can separate us!"

The corners of Jin Yuan's lips curled up slightly, and she quietly snuggled into his warm embrace, enjoying the belated security, and said nothing more.

Yuelao's red line has no white line, he is her destined husband, and he will never change forever!
Full text finale.
I am the dividing line——
PS: At this point, the finale is finally here. Maybe there are still some doubts that have not been solved, and some people have not explained, but Ari would like to thank you for your support all the time... Regarding the past of Zhuo Bingshan and Jin Yuan, I will explain clearly to everyone in the episode later, as well as their big marriage and their happy life after marriage, I will write about it!
The episode is currently divided into several parts, 1. The past and future of Zhuo Bingshan and Jin Yuan, and of course their child Xiaoyuanbao, 2. The funny story of Luo Hen and Huimao's cultivation of immortality, 3. Ming Ye, which was originally not The story of a Gu demon with seven emotions and six desires, and an alternative funny girl! ! !Dear friends, please look forward to it, the side story is as good-looking as the main text, snickering~~ If Li is free, she will also write a hundred questions about Zhuo Bingshan and Jin Yuan's couple's relationship, hehehe!The second part of Fumantianxia will be updated later, dear friends, you can rest assured, there is so much nonsense, and then hug everyone who supports Ali and kiss hard, okay, thank you for the ingots that you rewarded, Little Yuan Baoer will be very happy to see these Yuan Bao~~~
(End of this chapter)

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