Chapter 869
Qingyuan Mountain.

The flowing water is gurgling, surrounded by fairy mist, and the four seasons are like spring...

This Qingyuan mountain is very close to the land of the Wuyue tribe, so it is surrounded by the aura of the Wuyue tribe all day and all night.The flowers, plants and trees on the mountain absorbed the spiritual energy unconsciously, and began to slowly cultivate their human form.

A hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The sun was shining at noon, and the creatures on the mountain seemed to be drowsy, and the entire Qingyuan Mountain was suddenly extremely silent.

But he, the mountain spirit who absorbed the earth's energy and turned into a magic, was extremely excited.Because this is the first time it can transform into a concrete appearance... It has seen those people of the Wuyue tribe who are born with supernatural powers. If they transform into human forms, they should transform into them!
It was thinking like this, and unknowingly walked to the lotus pond on the mountain, and its eyes were instantly attracted by the blooming lotus in the pond.

These lotus flowers are very beautiful, and one of the water lilies, under the sunshine, is shrouded in a faint brilliance, which looks particularly outstanding and particularly captivating.

It was shocked by the brilliance of the lotus, and just about to bend down to touch it, a soft and thin female voice came into its ears.

"Who are you, why do you want to pull out my lotus?"

Although the voice was soft, it was sweet and pleasant, even more tactful than the cry of a warbler.It hurriedly looked up, and saw that the water lily in the pond slowly transformed into a young girl.

Although the figure is not very clear, it can still see her unparalleled face and radiant eyes.

"I..." Its face turned red all of a sudden, and it stammered, not knowing what to say, until she smiled at herself, then scratched her head, and laughed too.

"I didn't want to pull your lotus, but I just think these lotus are beautiful, and I want to touch them..." It explained hesitantly, and it didn't know whether the lotus woman believed her words, but just hoped to talk to her.

She turned her head and smiled sweetly at him, the lotus flowers beside her were overshadowed by her smile.

"Really?" She asked with a smile, as if hearing its praise was a very happy thing.

"Yeah..." It nodded hurriedly, looked at her smile, and added a sentence embarrassingly: "Of are more beautiful! You are more beautiful than all lotus flowers..."

She smiled even more happily, walked out of the lotus pond, stretched out her hand towards it and said, "I am also a lotus, you can call me Lian'er..."

(End of this chapter)

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