Chapter 870
It turned out that her name was Lian Er... It also smiled slightly, stretched out its hand without hesitation, and held her hand together: "My name is Mandrill..."

It and her, although their bodies are unclear, and there is no real touch when they hold hands, they still smile at each other knowingly.

The moment they clasped their hands together, it was also doomed that it and her fate began to be entangled together!
"Lian'er, you were transformed into this directly by Lian'er, why can't I?" Ever since the mandrill and Lian'er met, the two have become close friends from being curious at the beginning to talking about everything later.

Lian'er rested her chin and thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "I was transformed by Lian'er, but you are a mountain spirit... Maybe you don't know the shape in the first place!"

The mandrill nodded half-understood, looked at her for a long time, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Why don't I try to transform into you too?"

"Okay..." Lian'er also nodded excitedly, and sure enough, within a short while, the mandrill transformed into a similar appearance to her.She leaned forward and backward with a smile, took the mandrill by the hand and walked to the edge of the lake, pointing to the mirror-like lake and said: "Mandrill, look, do we look like good sisters?"

The mandrill looked in the direction of her finger, and saw the clear reflection of the two of them in the clear lake water.

Even though it turned into her appearance, people with discerning eyes can still tell the difference clearly!
Because its eyes are different from hers, because it is a mountain spirit, its eyes are always cloudy, but her eyes are so clear and bright, and full of bright smiles.

It looked into her eyes and always felt happy and secure.

Just looking at her happy smile, it secretly vowed to make her happy forever!Her happiness belongs to her and herself, and no one can take it away!
"Mandrill, what are you thinking?" She thought it was staring blankly, so she stretched out her hand and shook it in front of it.

It came back to its senses, shook its head and said with a faint smile, "I'm not half as good-looking as you... It seems that I'm a mountain spirit, and I don't suit your lotus attire!"

After saying that, it turned around and returned to its original indistinguishable appearance!

She shrugged her shoulders, she was used to seeing its vague form anyway... Although it is a mountain spirit, she has absorbed more aura than this lotus spirit, and her spiritual power and cultivation are also stronger than her!

Seeing it was silent, she thought it was bothering her, so she pulled its hand and comforted her with a smile: "Mandrill, in fact, your eyes are very beautiful...much better than mine!"

PS: The first episode was about the trio entangled with the mandrill and Pojun when Lianer was still a lotus essence thousands of years ago. After finishing this, it will be the happy life of Xiao Yuanbao and Zhuo Bingshan!Dear friends, let’s take it step by step, Ali will write down all the entanglements clearly~~
(End of this chapter)

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