Godsend Field

Chapter 101

Chapter 101
"My lord, this is the map of Yanhua City with a radius of [-] li. I have sorted it out. Please take a look at it!" Gelu placed the map in front of the table given by God.The map roughly depicts cities and villages, roads, mountains and lakes, and Yanhua City is in the middle of the map.

"Look, my lord, this is Yanhua City. With Yanhua City as the center, there are twelve large and small cities and nearly a hundred villages. At present, only Yanhua City and thirteen nearby villages are under our control." Grew While talking, he gestured on the map with his hands.

Tianci stood by the desk and looked at the map seriously, "It turns out that there are still so many towns and villages that have not been recovered. What is their current situation?"

"I have already investigated, and the twelve towns are currently controlled by the Wind and Snow God Cult. The three cities of Kule, Kuhe, and Kuro in the north are controlled by the Lieyang Mercenary Group, and the two cities of Karama and In Kemayi City, the Jianmang Mercenary Group controlled the two cities of Berna and Boxi, and the Rose Mercenary Group controlled a city of Berlin. These five cities were in the west and east respectively. The remaining four cities in the south Pingliang City, Pinglu City, Pingshun City and Pingtian City are all controlled by Northwest Wolves! As for the villages, they are all controlled by the controllers of nearby cities."

"Northwestern wolf?" Tianci frowned.

"My lord, I know this!" Lorna jumped and ran in from the door.

"Nana, why are you here? My lord and I are discussing business!" Gru reprimanded with a straight face.

"I was looking for Li'er, and I came in when I heard you talking about Northwestern wolves. Besides, I'm also your lord's personal guard, why can't I talk about business?" Lorna protested, muttering.

"Hehe, since you know it, let's talk about it!" Tianci walked back to his seat and sat behind the table.

Rona pouted at Gru, who shook his head helplessly.Since the originally very obedient younger sister has the future lord's wife as her backer, she has become less and less concerned about her elder brother.

"My lord, this Northwest wolf is a serious local bandit in our Northwest province. I heard from my father and the others that there were Northwest wolves when they took office as village chiefs. They are from the leader to the hall master to the soldiers. They are pure Northwesterners. They used to be active in the mountains, and this time they took the opportunity to occupy four cities after General Seiya left. My lord, you must not underestimate them. Although they are all bandits, they and Spikes are definitely not on the same level. Spikes will only bully us by relying on the power of others, but their Northwest Wolves can monopolize four cities among churches and large mercenary groups, and their strength is absolutely unquestionable!"

"Well, you are right! But what is their strength?"

"This..." Lorna was speechless, looking at Gru for help.

"My lord, as far as I know, the Northwest Wolves now have more than [-] armed forces!"

"Ten thousand people!!" Tianci stood up abruptly, "Ten thousand people, how could Viscount Sephiroth condone the armed forces of ten thousand people under his nose! If they rebel, wouldn't we be their prey?"

"My lord, as long as Viscount Sephiroth receives a certain amount of purple gold coins, he will let them go. Everyone knows that. And the Northwest Wolves have only developed in recent years. I heard that 80% of their troops have been increased in the past two years." Into the Northwest Wolves. Although they are powerful, adults can rest assured that they will never dare to rebel easily. Not to mention anything else, the [-] Northwest Army under the command of General Seiya alone is not something they can deal with, so adults can go ahead rest assured!"

"Well, I'm relieved to hear you say that. But why would someone join them? Don't the people know that they are bandits?"

Neither Gru nor Lorna spoke.

"Brother Tianci, you are tired of talking, let's drink something!" Li'er walked in carrying a plate with four small bowls on it.Since Viscount Saphiroth withdrew, only a few old mothers left behind in the City Lord's Mansion who were cooking and washing.

Yu'er also followed Li'er out, looking at Tianci and the others with sneaky eyes.

Tianci picked up the small bowl and took a sip.

"Puchi~~" Tianci spat out in one gulp.

"Li'er, this is..."

Gru and Lorna looked at Tianci in surprise and took a sip.



"Oh, Li'er, what is this, why is it so salty!" Lorna complained.

Li'er looked at the three of them in disbelief, and took a sip herself, "Oh, I... I put the wrong salt... It was clearly sugar that was put there yesterday!"

Tianci and the others were speechless.

"I'm going to do it again!" Li'er hurriedly put the small bowl back into the saucer, and ran back to the inner hall.

Rona also followed Lier into the inner hall.

Gru smiled slightly, "This should be Miss Lier's first time cooking!"

Aftertaste from God, "If you don't put the wrong salt, maybe it's really delicious!"

"My lord, let's continue! Our current tax is only enough to maintain the normal operation of the city, and we still owe the blacksmith a lot of purple gold coins. If we want to pay it off within two years, we must raise the tax, or take back the nearby urban village."

"The tax can no longer be raised, let's see if we can take back the nearby cities!"

"These forces have been entrenched for several years. If we suddenly propose to take back the city, I'm afraid they will unite against us, and we will really be alone! Please see, my lord, the three cities in the north are among the nearby cities. The largest one is now controlled by the Snow Wind Sect. The Snow Wind Sect is the least armed, but it is also the most troublesome. You also know that in our Northwest Wind Snow Sect is the largest church, with many followers and most of them are Wealthy merchant officials, they can be said to have mastered most of the city's operations. If we take it back by force, it may cause dissatisfaction among these people, which will affect the operation of the city."

"The scorching sun mercenary group that controls these two cities in the west is not small, with about 3000 members. If it is not difficult for us to subdue them, and we still have a reason, no one will say anything even if they are wiped out. , but... but I heard that the head of the Lie Sun Mercenary Group belongs to the Eldest Prince!"

"It's the eldest prince again, how can he control so many mercenary groups!" Tianci said in disgust.

"The three cities in the east are controlled by the Jianmang Mercenary Group and the Rose Mercenary Group. Prince's people."

"The third prince...why does he meddle in the Northwest?" Tianci was a little annoyed.

"There are more mercenary groups stronger than them on the mainland. If there is no support from the princes, why would their mercenary groups occupy the city?"

"We can't beat the Northwest Wolf, we can't offend the Snow Wind Sect, and we can't provoke the two princes, how can you tell me to take back the town! What I, the lord, is really useless!" Tianci yelled angrily.

Gru remained silent, no one would be able to do anything about this situation.

"Gelu, you are going to collect some information about them, we will study it carefully!" Tianci quickly calmed down.

"Yes, my lord!"

It has been a month since I entered Yanhua City, and the new taxes have basically been carried out normally. Without many complicated and heavy taxes, the vitality of the residents has been mobilized immediately, and the number of people entering and leaving Yanhua City every day has already More than doubled than before.

"My lord, there is an Elder Fengshi from the Fengxue Sect outside the door asking to see him!" A personal guard ran into Tianci's study and reported.

"Elder Fengdian?" Tianci was taken aback.

During these days, Tianci has also learned more or less about the largest religion in Northwest China.There are two halls under the leader of Fengxue Sect, the Temple of Wind and the Temple of Ice. Each temple is presided over by an elder.The status of the elders of the temple is like that of the cardinal in the Illuminati.

"Please go to the living room!" Tianci ordered, muttering to himself, "What does the Fengxue Sect want from me? Is it about the management rights of the three cities in the north?"

Tianci put on formal clothes, and accompanied by Lier, walked into the living room.A middle-aged man with a thin face was sitting in the hall, with a pointed chin, an aquiline nose, and sharp triangular eyes.There are seven or eight men and women standing behind the man, each of whom has good strength.

Seeing Tianci walking in, the man stood up and greeted Tianci enthusiastically. Having a lord like you is really a blessing to the people of our Northwest Province. I hope that the city lord will not be offended by my rash visit this time on behalf of the Fengxue Sect!"

Tianci smiled lightly, "According to what I know, isn't the elder of Fengdian supposed to be on Tianlei Mountain? How did he come to my city of Yanhua?"

"Hehe, I'm here to visit Lord City Master on behalf of the leader of our Fengxue Sect this time." The Elder of Fengdian said with a smile.

"Actually, if you don't come to me, I will go to you too!" Tianci moved his palm slightly, and the order of amnesty appeared in his hand, "I am ordered by His Majesty the King to manage all towns and villages within five hundred miles of Yanhua City. If If that's right, there are three cities in the north, Kule City, Kuhe City, and Kuluo City. They should all be within [-] miles of my Yanhua City! I also heard that these three cities are currently controlled by your Fengxue God Sect. In management, you see when I send someone to take over, so you guys can cooperate!"

The face of the elder of Fengdian changed, and the followers behind him were also furious.Tianci ignored the other party's expression and continued to play with the Heaven's Pardon in his hand.

Gru and Lorna also walked into the living room at this time.

"Hehe! Your Excellency Lao Lao cares about these three cities. On behalf of the residents in the cities, I would like to express my gratitude to you. Now these three cities are prosperous and stable under the management of my Fengxue Sect, and the residents live and work in peace and contentment. Every year, most of the tax revenue will be handed over to the city lord. This is not a small amount! If the city lord wants to take over forcibly, I am afraid it will cause panic among the residents. The turmoil, I am afraid that even if His Majesty the King comes in person, it will surely be calmed down." The elder of Fengdian said gloomyly.

Tianci's face also darkened, this was clearly a threat to himself, just about to refute, he saw Gelu taking a step forward.

"My lord, what Elder Fengdian said is very true. And even if we take over now, we don't have extra manpower to maintain the daily security and vigilance there!"

Tianci looked at Gru, Gelu nodded very seriously, and Tianci looked at the impulse suppressed by the elder of Fengdian, "Okay, we will talk about this matter later!"

"City Lord is wise!" Elder Fengdian proudly cupped his hands. "Actually, we have one more thing to prove to you this time! I heard that you met a moon wolf when you came this time, but is it true?"

Tianci was stunned for a moment and wondered, only the mercenary group knew about the encounter with the moon wolf when he and Gru came together, they should have left the Northwest Province, how could the people of the Snow Wind Sect know?
"That's right, we did meet Moon Wolf!"

"My lord wiped out the moon wolf?" The elder of Fengdian looked very excited.

"That's right, it was me and my head of the personal guard who killed him together." Anyway, Tianci simply admitted it generously.

"Then my lord must have obtained the moon core too!"

Tianci's heart was shocked, and he looked at Gru, Lorna, and Lier next to him, and the three of them shook their heads lightly.

Seeing Tianci's expression, the Elder Fengdian was afraid that Tianci would deny it, so he quickly said, "Hehe, we met a few mercenaries who devoured the mercenary regiment some time ago, and I heard from them that the lord admitted that he had obtained the moon core of the moon wolf. of."

So that's the case, Godsend understood it at once.After subduing Hank, many members of the devouring mercenary group fled in all directions, and they also spread the news that they got the moon core.Tianci smiled wryly in his heart, no wonder Nightmall Zada ​​would kill the Soaring Mercenary Group and Baal Merchant Group at all costs after obtaining the eighth-level wind magic core. Will also be killed by Zada.At the beginning, he didn't hunt down and kill the remaining mercenaries, so he let himself get the moon core. The news spread all over the sky.

"Yes, I got the moon core too!"

Hearing Tianci's own confession, the Elder of Fengdian was ecstatic, and he stood up and bowed, "My lord, the moon core is the treasure of the wind element, and it is also the sacred object of our Fengxue Sect. If you are willing to part with me, I will The church will definitely be grateful for the kindness of the adults, and will repay the adults forever!"

"What do you feel, what do you hug, moon core..."

"Shut up, it's your place to intervene when adults are talking, don't let me out!" Gru reprimanded loudly without waiting for Lorna to finish speaking.

Luo Na suddenly realized that the Snow Wind Sect cared so much about the moon core, if they knew that the moon core had been taken by Lier, it might cause Lier some inconvenience.

"My lord, this is..." The elder of Fengdian looked at Gru and Lorna in surprise.

"Hehe, it's nothing. My personal guards have always been like this, even if they meet outsiders, they still have no rules. As for you talking about the moon core, I'm very sorry, I'm already ready to use it for other purposes!"

"Can you think about it again?"

"Don't think about it, I said that I have already planned to use it for other purposes!" Tianci looked at Lier and said very firmly.

"My lord, can you think twice, the significance of the moon check to our Fengxue Sect is really very important, and our Fengxue Sect is also bound to win, I also ask your lord to weigh the power of it!" Seeing Tianci so firm, the elder of the Fengdian was heartbroken Furious, said grimly.

Tianci has been a stubborn person since he was a child, and he will not take hard things when he is soft. When he heard the blatant threat from the elder of Fengdian, he was immediately furious, "Are you threatening me? I told you clearly that I will not give you the moon core." !Gru, see off the guests!"

"Since the city lord doesn't take our Fengxue Sect seriously, then we're leaving! Let's go!" The elder of Fengdian flicked his long sleeves, turned around and left, seven or eight followers also glared at Tianci, and left angrily. go.

When the people from the Fengxue Sect left, Li'er walked gently to Tianci's side, "It's all me, if I hadn't taken the Moon Core back then, I wouldn't be so stiff with them now."

"It's okay!" Tianci held Lier's little hand.

"Miss Li'er is surprised by this remark. Even if we don't have a moon core, we and the Fengxue Sect will sooner or later become deadlocked. Judging from the attitude just now, they will not give up the three cities of Kule, Kuhe, and Kuluo in the north. And we have to take back all the surrounding cities. From this point of view, our contradictions are irreconcilable, and it is only a matter of time," Gru said.

"Well, I thought of this too, so I decided not to give it to them!" Tianci said.

"Hehe! My lord, you are becoming more and more like a real lord now!" Lorna said happily from the side.

"Gelu, I asked you to continue investigating their situation. Is there any progress?" Tianci asked.

"My lord, I secretly investigated the situation in the nearby cities according to your instructions, and I got some results!" Gruden paused, "Before my lord came every time, including the thirteen cities in Yanhua City, the city of Yanhua The tax is the highest, followed by the Wind and Snow Sect, then the Lie Sun Mercenary Group and the Sword Mang Mercenary Group, followed by the Rose Mercenary Group, and the Northwest Wolf is the lowest! But even for the Northwest Wolf, their taxes are higher than in previous years It’s [-]% higher than normal times.”

Tianci was silent for a while after listening, "According to what you say, the so-called bandits are most concerned about people's livelihood?"

"It can be said that! That's why many young people are willing to join the Northwest Wolves, and the Northwest Wolves will expand rapidly within two or three years, forming a powerful force that controls the four cities."

"Gelu, next you send people to pay close attention to the movements of the Snow Wind Sect. I always feel that they won't just let it go!"

"Yes, my lord!"

On the third day after the Elder Fengdian left, Tianci and Li'er, accompanied by their personal guards, walked on the streets of Yanhua City. Facing the personal inspection of the city lord, all the citizens warmly received them. With the arrival of the lord, I don't know how much more taxes I will have to pay this year, and how much more crimes I will suffer.

"My lord, this is the fruit I bought from the countryside in the west last month. It's sweet and delicious. Try it!" One of the middle-aged women saw Tianci and others, and quickly took out the biggest and best fruit on her stall. , cut it and handed it to the lord.

The kindness is hard to refuse, Tianci took out a piece and handed it to Lier, and picked up another piece, "It's so sweet and delicious, what's this called? I've never eaten it at home before!" Tianci couldn't help admiring.

"This is a great specialty of our Northwest, water melon! Eating it in midsummer is the most thirst-quenching, if you put it in ice water before eating, it will be even more delicious!" The middle-aged woman introduced, "If the city owner likes it, I will eat it every day. How about sending it to your house?"

"Okay, how many gold coins is this?" Tianci took out a few gold coins from the ring after eating the watermelon.The city lord never eats anything from his people for nothing, and it has been spread throughout Yanhua City in the past few days!
"That's so much, this water melon is at most one silver coin!"

"Hehe, then you can give me a few more tomorrow!" Tianci handed over a gold coin, said with a smile, and continued to inspect Yanhua City with Li'er.

After patrolling for a whole day, Yanhua City was extremely peaceful under the management of the personal guards. Both the residents and Tianci as the city lord were quite satisfied. In the evening, Tianci and Lier returned to the city lord's mansion. When they arrived at the gate, they saw a familiar man The figure stood at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion and looked around anxiously.

"Ah Quan, it's you!" Tianci and Li'er said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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