Godsend Field

Chapter 102

Chapter 102
Seeing Tianci and Li'er both approaching, Ah Quan hurriedly ran to him, plopped and knelt down in front of Tianci.

Tianci naturally helped the panicked Ah Quan to his feet, "Hehe, you didn't know at the time, and those who don't know are not guilty! Besides, you also helped us a lot!"

Lier walked over from the side, "Let's go in and talk!"

Ah Quan respectfully followed Tianci and Li'er into the City Lord's Mansion.

"Ah Quan, you came here not long after you went back. Are you here to sell goods again? How does it feel to not have to pay the city gate tax?" Tianci asked with a smile.

"My lord, I'm not here to sell any goods this time." Ah Quan suddenly stood up from his seat, walked to Tianci and knelt down again, "I'm here to beg your lord to save us miserable people!"

Tianci was shocked, and quickly helped Ah Quan up, "What's going on, stand up and talk!"

"Since I returned to the village, I soon heard that your lord has taken over Yanhua City from Viscount Sephiroth, and you have also lowered the taxes in Yanhua City and nearby villages a lot, so I rushed over to plead with you Take over our place, our villagers... can't live anymore..."

"You should be near the Tianlei Mountains, did something happen there?" Tianci asked.

"Last month, there was an unprecedented avalanche on Tianlei Mountain, and the people of the Snow Wind Sect said it was because we collected snow yam flowers on the mountain all the year round, which angered the Snow Wind Goddess. They also forbade us to go there again. Collect medicinal flowers on the mountain, otherwise our whole village will be burned as sinners. Our village has lived on collecting snow mountain medicinal flowers for hundreds of years, and they suddenly forbid us to go... We have no way to survive!"

Tianci slapped the handrail, "They are too domineering!"

"My lord, you just know that the Snow Wind Sect has always been domineering in the northwest," Lorna said angrily beside her.

"My lord, I think it's better to let this matter go for now." Gru walked forward, "My lord has just arrived in the northwest, and the foundation is not stable, and the Fengxue Sect has been entrenched in the northwest for a long time. If the Divine Religion blatantly turned their faces, I am afraid that not only will it not solve the problem, but our Yanhua City will be paralyzed at any time!"

Gruden paused, "According to my statistics these days, more than [-]% of the merchants and officials in our Yanhua City believe in the Snow Wind Sect. If the Snow Wind Sect incites them to make trouble, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Tianci calmly thought for a while, "Gelu, you are right, now is not the time. But we can't just watch them all starve to death, can we?"

"My lord, we have recruited [-] guards from the nearby villages, so there will be a shortage of labor in the villages. It is said that some places have been put on hold due to the lack of labor. It is better to let their villages move to the villages near us to have a settlement at least If you can eat and drink enough, it will not be too late for them to go back after the adults take over all the cities in the future!"

Godsend, take a look at Ah Quan
Ah Quan said gratefully, "The head of the group is right. We can't spoil the big things of the adults because of our own small things. We are all poor people. It is enough to have enough food and clothing. I will go back and tell the village head to move to a nearby village. Come."

"Gelu, you send a team of personal guards to go with Ah Quan, if anyone makes things difficult for them, just say it's me!"


After finishing Ah Quan's affairs, Tianci went back to the study and looked at the map hanging on the wall.

"Brother Tianci, are you still thinking about how to recover these cities?" Li'er walked in with soup.

"Yes, His Majesty the King entrusted so many people to me, I can't just leave them alone! You saw Ah Quan today, and their lives may be more difficult than we imagined."

"Well, but they are lucky to meet a lord like Brother Tianci. I believe you will become the best lord!"

"Maybe!" Tianci took the soup bowl from Li'er, "If possible, I would like to be a carefree little blacksmith!"

After finishing the soup, Tianci put the bowl on the table, "Li'er, what do you think we should do with the current situation?"

Li'er shook her head helplessly. Li'er has never been interested in politics or anything like that.

"Father said that you should start with the weakest when facing the enemy. Look at the four sides of our Yanhua City, where the Wind and Snow God Sect is too involved and deeply rooted, and the two mercenary regiments on the two sides have princes as their backing. Fear, only this..." Tianci tapped the four cities on the map with his fingers, "Only this Northwest Wolf has no influence, so let's start from here!"

The strong wind rolled the sand and stones against the wind, and a carriage was speeding on the avenue of Kengwa.

"In fact, riding a horse is also very interesting, but the wind and sand are a bit heavy!" Li'er sat in the carriage, opened the curtain and said to Tianci with a smile.

"I told you to wait for me in the City Lord's Mansion. I'll be back in two days. You insist on coming out with me!" Tianci said.

"I...I also want to see other places!" Lier turned her head to look at Tianci, if in some places, Tianci and Uncle An Rui are really similar.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Lorna ran into the hall, "Brother, did your lord really go out by himself?"

Gru nodded silently.

"Then why don't you follow, what if something happens to your lord!"

"I also want to protect my lord, but my lord doesn't agree. Besides, if I leave, what will happen to Yanhua City, what will happen to the personal guards? And if I'm not here, they will definitely guess that my lord has left here, which will be even more detrimental to my lord. .”

"You can't go, that allows me to follow Ya, at least I can protect them!"

"Just you? To be honest, if the adults can't deal with them, and you are just a waste of time! Besides, the two of you go out, won't you be an eyesore?"

"Am I that bad? Since I'm so bad, why did you ask me to protect Miss Lier?" Lorna pouted and turned her back.In the last selection of the squadron leader of the personal guards, the originally hopeful Lorna was not selected. The name was to let her protect Lier, but in fact, everyone knew that Captain Gru was avoiding relatives.

"Okay, okay, next time I will definitely persuade the adults to take you with me. I asked you to monitor the Fengxue Sect, have they made any changes?"

"No, the elder of Fengdian has already left for Tianlei Peak, I saw them leave with my own eyes today!"

"Although this is the case, don't let your guard down!"

"yes, Sir!"

After running for a day, the wind and sand stopped at night, and the weather cooled down.Tianci and Li'er stopped by the roadside, Tianci took out a tent from the space ring and set it up, and picked up a lot of dry firewood from the side to light a bonfire.Yu'er got out from nowhere, lying in front of the campfire and shaking comfortably.

Tianci took out the prepared raw meat, put it on a skewer and roasted it on the fire. "This time, you can try this cumin and see how effective it is!" Tianci said with a smile. He has been busy with things in the city these days and has not tried it yet. over the effect of cumin.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it too!" Lier sat next to Tianci.

Smelling the bursts of fragrance, Yu'er got up in a jerk, and rushed to Tianci's shoulder, drooling.

The meat roasted with cumin is really delicious, and besides the smell of meat, there is also a special fragrance of spices.

After a delicious meal, Tianci stood up and stretched comfortably, "Huh? Someone!"

Li'er and Yu'er immediately became vigilant.

"Tick, tick!" The sound of horseshoes gradually sounded, and a handsome black horse appeared on the road in the distance, walking towards the direction of Tianci.There was a person lying faintly on the horseback.

The black horse came to a stop by the campfire, and the man on the horse fell off the horse with a puff, and lay down on his shoulders.

Tianci and Li'er were taken aback, and hurried up to help the fallen man up.

A cold and beautiful woman in a coma, about 25 or [-] years old, with a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth, and scattered black hair.

"She's injured! Ah!" Lier lifted the woman up and suddenly saw a foot-long wound on the woman's back. Her fair skin was turned outward, and the clothes on her back were soaked in blood.

Tianci and Lier quickly carried the girl into the tent, Tianci took out a bottle of hemostatic wound medicine and a bag of water from the ring, and took out a set of clothes for Lier, "I'm going out, you apply the medicine for her. "

Walking out of the tent, Tianci walked to the side of the black steed, and patted the horse's back lightly. The moistness of his hand was accompanied by the pungent smell of blood.

Boom~~ The steed fell to the ground without any warning, foaming at the mouth, and its wide-open eyes immediately lost their vitality.

Tianci frowned, and immediately found countless wounds on the black horse's body, ranging from deep to shallow, and bones could even be seen in several places.Needless to say, it can be seen that such dense and regular wounds were caused by large-scale wind magic.Fortunately, the power of the magic is not very strong, it seems that it should be emitted at the end of the battle.

Tianci knelt down and stroked the steed, "What a fine horse!"

"Brother Tianci, change it, the wound is so deep!" At this moment, Li'er came out of the tent, holding the bloody clothes that the woman had changed.

"Did you find anything about her life experience?" Tianci pointed to the clothes in Li'er's hand.

Li'er shook her head, "She is still unconscious, what should we do!"

"Go in and sleep too, and wait until dawn tomorrow to talk about everything. There is no one around at the moment." Tianci said as he sat by the campfire, Yu'er ran to Tianci's feet and lay down beside the fire.

Lier nodded slightly and walked back into the tent.

The night is cool and quiet!
Early in the morning, the sky was dim and bright, Tianci withdrew his consciousness, and a blue light appeared all over his body, dispelling the fatigue all over his body.

Li'er came out of the tent, "Brother Tianci, her wound has begun to heal, but she hasn't woken up yet, what should we do?"

Tianci looked around, it was desolate without a single family, not even a trace of life, "Let's take her and go together, we can't just leave her around here!"

Tianci set up the carriage, and after Li'er made a thick bed in the carriage, he put the strange woman into the carriage. Tianci put away the tent and other items, and continued to run along the avenue with the carriage.

The four cities controlled by Northwest Wolves are Pingliang City, Pinglu City, Pingshun City and Pingtian City.The four cities are in a square shape, with a total population of over 180 million. The largest of these is Pingliang City, with a population of over 65. It is also the closest to Yanhua City. It takes two days to get there with a fast horse, and three days with a fast horse-drawn carriage. , Tianci's goal this time is to secretly visit Pingliang City.

The carriage ran for a long time on the deserted avenue and only encountered a few small caravans headed to Yanhua City.

The sun is westward, setting slowly, and the slender shadow is dragging obliquely.

Tianci suddenly turned his horse's head and headed towards Yanhua City.

"Brother Tianci, this is... are we not going to Pingliang City?" Lier asked strangely.

"Don't talk, hide that woman!" Tianci said.

In a moment, dozens of men in black came on horseback from behind. Seeing the carriage driven by Tianci in front, the men in black speeded up, and the dust flew up for a while.

"Boy, did you see a wounded woman riding a black horse?" All the men in black quickly surrounded Tianci, and one of the leaders pointed at Tianci with a whip and asked.

"No, I've been walking along this road today, and I didn't see the woman and dark horse you mentioned," Tianci replied.

The leader rode his horse and circled the carriage twice, "What's in you, where did you come from, what do you do?"

"I went from Pingliang to Yanhua City to visit relatives, and the one sitting inside was my younger sister." Tianci got out of the car in fear, "Sister!"

"Brother, what are you calling me for!" Lier replied inside.

"Open the curtain and let us see!" The leader pointed to the inside of the carriage.

"Female family, it's inconvenient!" Tianci was a little embarrassed.

"If you tell you to open it, you will open it. What are you doing with so much nonsense!" After finishing speaking, all the men in black pulled out their long swords, and light blue and dark blue fighting spirits flashed from their bodies. godsend.

Just when Tianshen was in trouble, the curtain of the carriage was slightly pushed aside, Li'er was wrapped in a quilt and sat in the carriage, "There is nothing in it except me!"

The leader glanced inside the car, but found nothing unusual, and frowned, "Let's go!"

Dozens of horses galloped forward, and soon disappeared in front of them.

Tianci turned his head and looked at Lier, "How did you do it?"

"Are you asking me, brother~~"

Tianci smiled awkwardly, "How did you fool them?"

Li'er moved aside slightly, and saw the woman leaning against the corner of the carriage, and Li'er was sitting in her arms, covered with a quilt, even Tianci couldn't see the clue "How is it?" Li'er tilted her head asked with a smile.

"Smart!" Tianci gave a thumbs up.

"Since there are so many people chasing and killing this woman, her identity must not be simple. Let's hurry up and hurry. Now that Gelu is not around, if they come back, I'm not sure I can stop them." Tianci said Then turned the horse's head and accelerated towards Pingliang City.

"Don't forget, there's me and Yu'er, we both have the strength of level five!" Li'er put the woman back, covered her with a quilt, put on her cloak and walked out of the carriage to sit with Tianci In front of the carriage.Yu'er continued to hide and sleep in the carriage.

"I've been worrying about the territory a while ago. I always wanted to ask you if you have made any progress in magic after comprehending the Voice of the Wind?"

"Actually, brother Tianci, you also know that comprehending the heart of the element is only a matter of a moment. At that time, I only felt that the wind element that I could sense had become more. Later, I slowly discovered that my spiritual power seemed to have become stronger. Quite a lot. Basically, it can be said that it has more than doubled!"

"Double..." Tianci was shocked, "I remember that when Roland comprehended the Heart of Flame, his mental strength also increased a lot, but it doesn't seem to be as exaggerated as you. The fourth-level magician doubled his mental strength. Even if others meditate for four or five years, they may not be able to achieve it!"

"I've thought about this too, maybe it's because of the lunar core. Didn't Gru also say that the sooner you take the lunar core, the better the effect? ​​The lunar core you gave me was taken when it was just formed. So the effect may not only increase the affinity to help me comprehend the voice of the wind, but maybe it can also help me greatly improve my spiritual power!" Lier said.

"Maybe, no wonder so many people want this moon core!"

The value of the moon core is equivalent to that of a magician, not to mention the moon core gifted by God was obtained when it was just formed, and its value is also the highest.

"The moon nucleus! It hasn't been released for many years..." Under the moonlight, the elder of Fengdian sighed.Suddenly a goshawk flew across the sky, the elder of Fengdian stretched out his arm, and the goshawk landed on the arm of the elder of Fengdian.He took out a small bamboo tube from Goshawk's foot and opened it, and a rolled note appeared in front of him.The elder of Fengdian shook his arms, and the goshawk flapped its wings and flew into the sky again, disappearing into the sky.After carefully reading the note, the Elder of Fengdian threw the note in the air, and suddenly dozens of wind blades shot out from his hand, instantly cutting the note into countless pieces and scattering it on the ground.The elder of Fengdian raised his head and glared in the direction of Yanhua City, "Shame on you! Then don't blame me!"

"Elder, those who followed us have already retreated, and we estimate that we will be able to return to Kule City in one day!" At this time, a follower ran forward and reported.

"Okay, turn around and head south for me."

"Nan? My lord, are we not going back to Kule City?"

"What are you doing back in Kule City? Waiting for the elders of the Bingdian to laugh at you?" The elders of the Fengdian scolded angrily, "Without the moon core, we will wait for the rest of our lives to be bullied by that old woman!"

"Li'er, you have now comprehended the voice of the wind, and your spiritual power has doubled, so how is your magic?" Tianci asked.

"I'm not very clear about the specifics, because it's not long before I realized it, and I haven't calmed down to understand it these days, but I think that if I rely on that magic core, I should be able to release sixth-level magic!"

"Sixth-level magic?" Tianci was taken aback.

"Brother Tianci, why don't you just stop and let me try!" Lier suggested.

Tianci stopped the carriage, really looking forward to Lier's sixth-level magic.

Li'er jumped out of the carriage lightly and walked forward for more than ten meters.

"Li'er, if you can't do it, stop quickly, don't force it!" Tianci cared.

"I see, brother Tianci, put the barrier away, I'm afraid the magic will get out of control!"

Tianci quickly unfolded his consciousness and released a large magic barrier in front of himself and the carriage.

Seeing Tianci made a ready gesture, Lier held the necklace inlaid with the eighth-level magic core in her left hand, and slowly spread her right hand.

The most famous thing in the Northwest is the wind and sand. The wind element here is extremely abundant, much higher than that in the south.

Li'er closed her eyes slightly, and felt the wind elements around her with her heart.The flowing wind sent the wind elements to Li'er continuously, and Li'er easily gathered a large amount of wind elements.

Vermilion lips moved slightly, Li'er began to recite the spell, and the loose wind element immediately became regular, and the huge wind element gathered and formed in front of Li'er
"The Hurricane Raised"

At almost the same moment, four tornadoes with a height of more than 40 meters and a thickness of more than ten meters appeared in front of Li'er.Lier was next to the magic, her clothes were flapping, and the moon wolf's skin was floating and trembling violently. If it wasn't for the ribbon tied around Lier's neck, the cloak would have been blown away long ago.Ten meters away, Tianci was blocked by a magic barrier, looking at the huge tornado in surprise.No matter in terms of size or power, it is far from what Olima could compare to.Fortunately, there is an enchantment, otherwise the aftermath alone would probably overturn him and the carriage.The huge movement woke up Yu'er, she jumped off the carriage, passed through the barrier, the gust of wind rolled up Yu'er, and blew it back heavily, the poor Yu'er fell on the carriage before she could react, "Oh~ ~"

Li'er, who has dealt with wind elements all the year round, didn't feel uncomfortable, and controlled the four tornadoes to move forward slowly. Wherever the tornado passed, a deep mark was left on the ground.After slowly advancing for more than 200 meters, it disappeared because of the loss of Lier's spiritual support, and the night returned to calm.

"Li'er, you are really powerful. This is a sixth-level magic, right?"

Li'er was a little tired, but she pulled herself together and nodded embarrassingly, "Well, this is level six, and it was taught to me by grandpa. It's a pity that my mental power is still not enough, and I have to rely on the help of the magic core. Let me gather the wind element myself, I am afraid I can only release one."

Lier said this, and took out the necklace from her chest. The little fox still had the same luster, but the magic core in her arms had faded a lot, obviously because the wind element had decreased.

"The eighth-level magic core is good. He can slowly absorb and replenish the wind element when he runs out, which is much more convenient than the sixth-level one!" Tianci said, and looked at Lier again. "Equipment is also a kind of strength. Your current The strength is a sixth-level great magician, hahaha!"

Helping Lier into the carriage, Tianci drove the carriage again, "Lier, take a good rest, when you wake up tomorrow, maybe we have arrived in Pingliang!"

Tianci waved his horsewhip, "Fight!!"

(End of this chapter)

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