Godsend Field

Chapter 103 Escape

Chapter 103 Escape
Tianci drove the carriage for most of the night, Li Eryu opened the curtain and sat out.

"Have you rested so soon? It's still early, you should sleep for a while!" Tianci said looking at the still haggard Lier.

"No need, I feel much better!" Li'er gently combed her messy hair with her hands, "Brother Tianci, how long will it take for us to get to Pingliang City?"

"According to what Gru said, there should be half a day left." Tianci said while driving the carriage, "Is she still awake?"

"No, her wound was caused by wind magic, and she lost a lot of blood. I don't think she will wake up so soon. I don't know who hurt her, but he hit her so hard!"

"It should be related to those men in black. Let's go quickly. I think they will definitely turn back. Don't forget that we didn't deal with the body of the black horse."

"Hee hee, Brother Tianci, do you still remember what Gru told us before we set off that day? You promised him that no matter what happens on the road, you will ignore it." Lier said with a smile, gently Lightly tidied up the somewhat messy soft hair.

Tianci glared at Li'er, "Although we say that, we can't just let her go and ignore her!"

Li'er moved her body and approached Tianci, "I knew Brother Tianci wouldn't do it, and I don't think she's a bad person, but those people in black find her annoying."

A gust of wind blew by, and Lier shivered.Tianci wrapped Lier's moon wolf cloak tightly, "It's cold at night, the cloak is tight, be careful of getting sick."

Li'er wrapped the cloak tightly, "Is it God-given that brother is cold, how about I give you the cloak, and I'll go to the car."

"No need!" Tianci stretched out his hand and gave Lier a shudder, "When did you see me sick?"

"Yeah! Don't tell me, I haven't thought of it. We all got sick when we were young, but Brother Tianci never seemed to have been sick!" Lier said in amazement, "I really don't know what your body is made of."

Tianci smiled, because of the clear flow after the day of magic, there will be no abnormalities in the body, and it seems that he has never been sick before the day of magic.

Tick, tick. . .A rush of hoofbeats came from behind.

"No, they're catching up! Li'er, go and wake up Yu'er." Tianci was shocked, although he thought they would turn around and chase them back, but he didn't expect to find them so soon.

"Stop, stop for me!" the man in black on the horse shouted, drawing out his long sword.

The carriage couldn't outrun the fast horse no matter what, Tianci simply stopped the carriage and walked to the front, Li'er followed behind with Yu'er in her arms.This time, only a dozen or so men in black came, and the remaining half probably continued to search.

"Boy, you are so courageous, you dare to play me!" The man in black rushed to a place about ten meters away from heaven and stopped, "Aren't you going to visit relatives in Yanhua City? Why did you turn around? Say, that woman is Not in your car!"

"Yes, we saved that woman! Why are you so eager to find her?" Tianci replied calmly.

"We don't need you to deal with the Northwest Wolves' affairs, hand them over to me, and I can walk around you without dying!"

"It's a joke, the state owns the state law, and the family has family rules. Even if she violates the great law, the local officials will deal with it. If the officials can't deal with it, there will be the lord. When will it be your Northwest wolf's turn!" Tianci reprimanded.

"Hahaha, hahahaha!" A dozen or so big men in black laughed wildly, "Officials...officials...hahaha! Let me tell you, I am an official here, I have the final say on everything, whoever I want to kill Just kill whoever you want, you should understand, and hand over to me if you are sensible, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Tianci was furious, and his original favor towards Northwest Wolves completely dissipated, "Is this how you Northwest Wolves manage the four cities of Pingliang? If that's true, then you really deserve death."

"How do we manage it? You need to be troublesome, brothers, let me do it!" The man in black waved the long sword in his hand, and the remaining big man kicked the horse's belly with both feet, and the horse galloped towards Tianci in pain.Tianci immediately made preparations for the battle. Although he could not break through his fighting spirit and kill the opponent, it was not so easy for the opponent to defeat him.As long as they can hold each other back, Li'er and Yu'er's magic will definitely be able to get rid of them.

"Wind Blade!" Lier shouted loudly.

Countless wind blades flew out from both sides of Tianci and flew towards the opposite big man.Wind magic is the fastest of all magic except light magic. It is too late to dodge from a short distance of more than ten meters. I saw a half-meter-long cyan wind blade beheading more than ten horses like sharp blades. into several paragraphs.The man in black on the horseback was able to escape in time by unleashing his fighting spirit, but he fell off the horse in a hurry and fell heavily on the ground.

"Magic... No, they have magicians!" The man in black screamed strangely, rolling up from the ground.

"Yu'er" Tianci yelled.


"Boom~~" Countless fireballs fell from midair, smashed into the crowd in black, and scattered in all directions.

The grudges of the men in black who came this time were all at the third level. The light blue grudges couldn't withstand the double-level five magic attack of Li'er and Yu'er. The magic quickly consumed everyone's grudges. The light gradually faded, and the defensive ability continued to decline, but the power of the wind blade magic was still powerful. It quickly broke through the fighting spirit defense of the man in black, and immediately blood splattered, and the body fell to the ground.

The original black-clothed man was cut with countless wounds by the wind blade, and the blood gushed out, "You... you... the hall master will not let you go... let you go!" The black-clothed man struggled from behind. He took out a bamboo tube and pulled it hard.

"Whoosh!" With a piercing sound, a beam of light rushed into the sky, exploded with a bang, and instantly illuminated the entire earth.

"No, this is a distress signal!" Tianci was shocked.Last time in Yaster City, Master Pusta also let it go. At that time, it was the guest of Marquis Dolan, who threw Yu'er into the stove with his hand raised. I don't know what kind of character he came back this time.

Tianci urged Li'er to get in the car while driving the carriage forward, "No, if it is for rescue, it will definitely come in the direction of the avenue. If we still follow the direction of the avenue, we will definitely be caught straight!" Thinking At this point, Tianci immediately turned the front of the car and ran perpendicular to the direction of the avenue.

Although there are no flat roads on the Gobi, there are no potholes. Except for the occasional rock bumps, it is generally OK.

"Brother Tianci, where are we going!" Seeing Tianci in such a hurry, Lier couldn't help asking.

"No matter where you go, avoid it first!" Tianci waved the horsewhip in his hand, "They just sent out a distress signal, and soon there will be masters coming, and if we don't leave, the whole army will be wiped out!"

Li'er remained silent and looked ahead nervously.

The carriage galloped across the Gobi.

Suddenly a long howl came from behind, and a huge figure blocked the moon.Tianci looked up and saw a huge bird gliding overhead, with a pair of outstretched wings that were more than six meters long.

"Sky Cracking Eagle!" Li'er exclaimed.The Sky Cracking Eagle is a level [-] monster, and most of the monsters in the Imperial Academy will learn to understand it.

The Sky Splitting Eagle circled several times above his head, Tianci simply stopped the carriage and walked forward.The Sky Splitting Eagle swooped down, and when it was almost approaching the ground, a figure jumped off the Sky Splitting Eagle's back, and the Sky Splitting Eagle flew to the sky again.

A middle-aged man in his 40s faced Tianci with a red staff in his hand.

"You were the ones who killed the Northwest Wolf?" the middle-aged man said coldly.

"Yes, we killed it!"

"So that woman must be in your hands?"

Tianci looked at the carriage behind him, "She's in the carriage."

"Leave the woman, you go!"

"We can go, but you have to tell me why you arrested this woman. Even if she broke the law, it should be dealt with by the city lord, not you!"

"Hmph! Are you talking about you? God-given Lord Earl!" the man sneered.

God-sent was horrified, the other party actually knew him, but he had never appeared in the four northwest cities.Tianci calmed down and organized his thoughts, "You know me? Then you must not belong to the Northwest Wolf! Who are you? Since you know my identity, then this woman should be handed over to me!"

"Unfortunately, this is not Ancona, nor Yanhua City. I originally wanted to let you go, but it seems that there is no need for this!" The man said, holding the staff in both hands, and the surrounding fire elements kept coming.

"Fifth-level fire mage..." Tianci was amazed. Under his divine consciousness, Tianci could feel the fire element within at least 500 meters surging towards this side.

"Level five, hahaha, that was five years ago!"

Li'er was startled, if the other party was only a fifth-level magician, even though she had just been promoted to the fifth level, she might be able to fight together with Yu'er.But he is a sixth-level magician, and he has been promoted for five years. He should at least have the strength of a sixth-level magician. Even if he and Yu'er join forces, he will surely win.

"You are very unlucky. If you are not of the fire element, maybe we will die in your hands today, but you are of the fire element, so no wonder we are!" Tianci said calmly, "Li'er, you and Yu'er first Deal with that sky-cracking eagle, this magician is handed over to me!"

"Brother Tianci, you... yes!" Although she was not very relieved, Lier still followed what Tianci said.

"It seems that you are so confident that you challenged me alone! Hahaha!" The man laughed loudly, "Even if you are the chief of the fire department, even if you can defeat Roland, it is not so easy to deal with me!"

The man raised his cane and began to gather fire elements, while Tianci unfolded his divine sense and closely watched the man's movements.

On the other side, Li'er and Yu'er teamed up to deal with the sixth-level Sky Splitting Eagle.The sky-cracking eagle belongs to the wind-type monster, but it is not good at magic attacks. It can only gather wind elements around its body for simple defense. Its main combat method is to rely on sharp beaks and sharp claws.

Facing the weak Li'er, the Sky Splitting Eagle swooped down, pointed its sharp mouth at Li'er's neck, and its two sharp claws attacked at any time.

"Wind Shield!" Li'er put a single defensive magic in front of her.

"The wind gathers into a shape and rushes into a blade. At the moment when the cross light shines, the God of Wind will also approve of it! Swing it, cross blade!——Feng Yao Cross Cut" A huge cross wind blade faces the sky Fly in the direction of the eagle.

The Sky Splitting Eagle stretched out its giant claws, facing the wind blade claws head-on.

In addition to the defense formed by the wind element near the body of the split sky eagle, its skin is naturally very hard, especially its claws, even with a sword or spear, it may not be able to hurt the slightest bit.The wind blade stopped immediately after being grabbed by the Sky Splitting Eagle, making a loud crashing sound.

"Crack!" The cross wind blade disappeared under the sharp claws of the sky splitting eagle, and the claws of the sky splitting eagle were also split open by the huge power of the wind blade, leaving blood along the wound.

The sky-cracking eagle, which was in pain, was furious, and raised its sharp claws to grab Li'er. When its claws touched the wind shield, it made a rattling sound, and the wind shield trembled violently, as if it was about to shatter.

Lier was shocked, and hurriedly chanted the spell to release the wind shield again.

"Boom~~" A ball of fire fell from the sky and hit the Sky Splitting Eagle's back.

The Sky Splitting Eagle flapped its wings violently, the wind and sand swayed its body and retreated quickly, and the fireball smashed towards the Wind Shield with the rest of its momentum.The wind shield had already become very thin after being hit by the Sky Splitting Eagle. After three or four fireballs hit it, it couldn't support it, and it disintegrated and disappeared.Fortunately, Li'er released a wind shield again to block Yu'er's fire magic.

The Sky Splitting Eagle flew back to the sky, ready to attack again.Li'er and Yu'er took turns releasing magic to attack the sky-cracking eagle in mid-air.

"It seems that your companions and monsters are not bad, they can even block my sky-cracking eagle! I want to see how long they can last." The man's mouth twitched, and he said disdainfully.

"You don't have to worry about that, I will naturally help them after I get rid of you!"

"Hahaha, then I really want to see, why did you solve me!"

The man quickly chanted the spell, and nearly a hundred huge fireballs appeared in midair, rushing down with a long tail.

"Meteor Shower"

The huge fireball rushed to two meters in front of Tianci
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!..." As if hitting an invisible wall, the huge fireball shattered, and the heat wave rolled.

"Magic enchantment..." The man was horrified, his eyes filled with jealousy, "I never imagined that you could use magic enchantment so purely at such a young age, then I want to see how much spiritual power you have!"

The man waved his cane, and the surrounding fire elements quickly became active.Tianci paid close attention to the movement of the fire element.Compared with magicians below the fourth level, my control over the fire element is far superior to them, and even Roland can't compete with him.I don't know if compared with the sixth-level magician, his control can still be as high as dealing with the fourth-level magician.

"Wind Lock"

Li'er, behind the magic shield, quickly used the binding magic while the sky-cracking eagle dived, and the wind element bound the sky-splitting eagle tightly like an invisible rope.Being restrained suddenly, the Sky Splitting Eagle was startled and immediately lost its balance, its whole body slammed into the magic shield and bounced back to the ground.

Yu'er next to him was overjoyed, ran forward with all four limbs and legs, raised his little claws high, and went straight for the Sky Splitting Eagle's eyes.In previous battles, as a high-level monster, Yu'er has gradually learned to attack the opponent's weakness. All monsters, no matter they are weak like a wind rabbit or as powerful as a dragon and phoenix, have a common weakness in their eyes. No monster can train their eyes so well. The body is generally strong.

A red shadow came straight towards the eyes, and the Sky Splitting Eagle was terrified, and hastily closed its eyes tightly.Yu'er scratched the cracked sky eagle's eyelids with one claw, leaving only a white mark in a blink of an eye.Yu'er twisted her body, raised her big furry tail high and slammed it down hard at the other eye.

Although the full-strength blow of a fifth-level monster is not as powerful as Baifeng, it should not be underestimated, let alone hitting the eyeball.Being hit by the sudden force, the Sky Splitting Eagle suddenly felt dizzy, countless golden lights flashed in front of that eyeball, and the eyelid opened involuntarily. . .

Don't miss out!

A tragic cry resounded through the Gobi land.

Yu'er nimbly rushed back to Li'er, a bloody eyeball hung on the sharp nail of her right claw, Lier's heart twitched when she saw it, although Lier had also gone through the baptism of blood many times, but facing The bloody organs are still a little disgusting.

The painful Sky Splitting Eagle struggled violently, and the defensive wind element around him also became active.Lier persisted for a while and then gave up. The sixth-level monster struggled desperately. With Lier's current state, it is impossible to completely stop it. Instead of wasting it, it is better to prepare other magic, at least it will not be like dealing with the moon wolf, because After exhausting his mental strength, he could only watch helplessly as brother Tianci was beaten.

The sky-cracking eagle that had regained its freedom flapped its huge wings and flew a few steps staggeringly, obviously not yet adapted to one eye.

Tianci obviously already knew the process of the battle, and Yu'er was really getting better at fighting now.

"Damn it, you actually hurt my Sky-Cracking Eagle!" The man said with a gloomy face. In order to subdue the Sky-Cracking Eagle, he spent a lot of money. "You all go to hell with me!"

The man roared, and the fire elements in the air changed rapidly, and the fire elements that were originally concentrated on attacking Tianci quickly split and filled the air.Tianci was shocked, it seemed that the opponent was going to attack collectively, although his own magic barrier could help Lier resist, but it would definitely distract Lier.

Tianci gritted his teeth and removed the magic barrier, and quickly wrapped the unformed fire element tightly with his powerful thoughts, and scattered it! !
The fire element is like an obedient soldier, spreading out with the thoughts of God.

The man was terrified, his eyes froze, and just as he was about to recite the spell, the fire element gathered unexpectedly. . .It disappeared. . .This is the first time that such a thing has happened in decades of practicing magic.

Just when the man was in a daze, Tianci rushed up quickly, and the sword palm fell straight down, and the man snorted and fell slowly to the ground.

Li'er's side was not as relaxed as Tianci. The Sky Splitting Eagle who lost one eye seemed to be mad, attacking desperately.

Tianci quickly gathered all the fire elements under his consciousness to Yu'er, Yu'er was bathed in the fire elements, and cried out comfortably.Behind the fluffy tail, three big fiery tails appeared strangely, and four tails swayed back and forth.

Faced with Yu'er's change, the Sky Splitting Eagle was shocked, stopped attacking, and trembled involuntarily.

"Restrain it!" Tianci suddenly yelled.

After hearing this, Lier immediately recited the spell "Binding the Wind Element"

Invisible ropes bound the Sky-Cracking Eagle tightly. At this moment, Yu'er was already ready to go. Seeing the Sky-Cracking Eagle being restrained on the ground, it rushed towards the Sky-Cracking Eagle like a flash of fire. The fire element wraps around the nails like gas, which is strange and dangerous.

A red light flashed, and the sharp nails slashed across the neck of the Sky Splitting Eagle.

"Pfft!" Blood spurted from the Sky Splitting Eagle's neck, and its huge body crashed down.

(End of this chapter)

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