Godsend Field

Chapter 104 Fog Valley

Chapter 104 Fog Valley
Beside the huge corpse of the Sky Splitting Eagle, Li'er couldn't believe it.

According to the common sense in the mainland, the difference in strength between one level of monsters is at least two to three times. Let alone one, even two or three level five monsters can hardly defeat a level six monster, let alone the tyrannical Sky Cracking Eagle .

Seeing Yu'er with four tails dancing back and forth beside her, Li'er was even more dumbfounded, "Yu'er...is this Yu'er?"

Tianci withdrew his consciousness, and the fire elements gathered by Tianci immediately scattered freely like a kite with a broken string.Yu'er's four weird tails returned to one. Yu'er, who was enjoying it, glanced at Tianci very unwillingly, and ran to the Sky Splitting Eagle to tear the huge wings with her small claws.

"Okay, Yu'er, those are not chicken wings, they're not tasty!" Tianci said, walking to the side of the cracked sky eagle, "Li'er, give me your dagger, and I'll take out the magic core, a sixth-level wind element." The magic core can make you a staff!"

After taking out the magic core, Godsend it to Lier.

"What about that mage?" Li'er pointed to the sixth-level fire mage who fell on the ground behind.

"Wake him up, I still have something to ask him!" Tianci walked towards the mage, and at the same time unfolded his divine sense. As long as he was within the range of his divine sense, this sixth-level mage would not be able to play tricks.

The mage woke up in a daze, his neck felt cold, and when he looked down, he saw a shining dagger resting on his neck.As soon as the mage struggled, the dagger pierced his skin, and blood flowed down the dagger to the ground.

"What's your name?"

"I... Etro!"

"You know me, where are you from?"


"The capital? Then why did you come to the northwest?"

"I... I was commissioned by someone."

"What are you here for?"

"Kill a woman!"

"Come here from the capital just to kill a woman? Then what is her identity?"

"We are only responsible for the murder, and we don't know the specific identity."

Tianci and Li'er looked at each other. It seemed that this woman's identity must not be simple. Someone came from the capital to kill her.

"You mean you, who else but you?"

"We have a total of seven people here... four great magicians, two high-level swordsmen and one great swordsman."

Tianci was taken aback. It's okay to say otherwise, the Great Sword Master is not something he can handle. "Are they all coming here too?"

"Yes, because my monster is a flying monster, so I set off first... They will arrive in a while, I advise you to give the woman to me, I can..."

"Bang!" Before Etro could finish speaking, Tianci punched him on the mouth, causing a mouthful of blood.

Tianci stood up and looked behind him.Lier came over and pulled Tianci's sleeve, "Brother Tianci, it seems we can't go back, we must go forward!"

"Go forward, you only have a dead end!" Etro sneered.

The corner of Tianci's mouth raised, "Even if it's a dead end, we will take you with us!"

"No, I'm not going to Foggy Valley..." Etro hurriedly gathered fire elements, trying to fight to the death, but no matter how he gathered them, the fire elements would dissipate before they materialized, and Etro was anxious sweat.

"It's useless, if you want to blame it, you are a fire mage!" The heaven-sent sword fell straight down, and Etro fell to the ground.

Tianci found a rope and tied Etro's hands behind his back, and threw him into the carriage.Tianci and Li'er sat side by side, and the carriage continued to gallop forward.

"Brother Tianci, what happened to Yu'er just now, why is it so fast that I can't see clearly?" On the carriage, Li'er still had some lingering fears about the battle just now.

"Hehe, I only discovered it in Yaster City. Yu'er actually has long tails, and the more tails, the stronger his strength. When he had three tails, even fifth-level fighting spirit fighters were no match for him. Now it has four tails, so it should be at the level of a sixth-level monster in terms of strength."

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er jumped onto Tianci's shoulder, wagging her big tail triumphantly.

"Don't be complacent, you can't even grow three tails on your own."

The carriage continued to run, and a mountain range appeared in the distance in front of it.The tall mountain peaks are rugged and precipitous, towering at right angles in the clouds, and the mountains are covered with snow all the year round.

"Is there no way?" Tianci stood up and looked around.

"Brother Tianci, look there, it looks like a canyon." Lier pointed to the dark place among the mountains far away on the left.

"Go over and have a look, you can't wait for them to chase you!" Tianci drove to the place pointed by Li'er.

A canyon wide enough for one person leads deep into the mountain, and it is impossible for a carriage to enter. Tianci jumped out of the carriage and walked to the entrance of the canyon. It was pitch black inside.

"Do you want to go in?" Tianci hesitated, and the canyon could not see the end under his consciousness.A strange premonition emerged in Tianci's heart.

"Brother Tianci, it's better not to go in, I think it's so gloomy inside, I'm a little scared!"

"Well, I also feel ominous, this feeling is very uncomfortable!"

"Then let's go quickly!" Lier took Tianci's hand and walked to the carriage.

As soon as he sat in the carriage, he saw dust flying in the distance, and countless horses galloping towards him from a distance.

"Looks like we have to go in!" Tianci smiled bitterly, quickly carried the unconscious woman on his back from the carriage, and walked into the canyon, Li'er picked up Yu'er and followed behind.

Gusts of wind blowing in the canyon pierced straight into the bones, and the ground was covered with strangely shaped stones, making it bumpy to walk on.

Tianci was able to know the way clearly with her spiritual sense, but Lier suffered a lot. It was already pitch black and the road was uneven, so she fell to the ground dangerously.

"Oh, how did I forget this!" Tianci slapped his head.With a slight movement of his mind, Ye Mingzhu appeared in his hand, "Li'er, hold this!"

The night pearl emits a soft light to dispel the surrounding darkness.

"It's so beautiful!" After picking up Ye Mingzhu, Li'er was not happy for having the light, but was conquered by Ye Mingzhu's appearance!

"Brother Tianci, you have such a good thing in your interspatial ring, why didn't you take it out earlier!" Lier complained.

Tianci chuckled, Ye Mingzhu felt like a blood connection to Tianci, and it didn't need to be placed in the space ring, but directly integrated into the body, Li'er didn't know this.

The entrance to the canyon was surrounded by hundreds of horses, and six of them walked to the carriage.

"Deken, there is no one else in the carriage except Etro!"

"Wake up Etro and ask who they are and where they went!"

"Deken, from the place where Etro's accident happened, we are surrounded by half a garden. It is absolutely impossible for them to escape. The only explanation now is that they have entered the foggy valley!"

"Foggy Valley... No matter who it is, if they really go in, it will save us a lot of trouble! You send people to guard the entrance, and if no one comes out after three days, go straight back to Pingliang City!"


After walking along the winding and rugged canyon for about 1000 meters, Tianci and Li'er walked out of the canyon, and it suddenly became clear to them that there was a huge basin valley inside. The smog in the basin valley was confusing, and they could only see a place about [-] meters ahead. And below, there is a layer of white mist half a meter thick, and the ground cannot be seen.Outside, the Gobi is always windy, and even the canyon is full of dark winds, but inside it is quiet, and there is not even a breeze.

The entrance formed a slope leading to the bottom, Tianci and Li'er walked down the slope and stood in the mist.Tianci walked to the side and took out a blanket from the space ring and spread it on the ground, and carefully placed the woman on the blanket.The woman has not yet come to life, but her breathing is very steady, and her face is not as pale as that day.

"This is Foggy Valley!" Lier exclaimed.The woman lying on the blanket was covered by a white mist, and she couldn't see it from the outside.

"Li'er, this place is too far away, let's go to that mound and have a look." Tianci pointed to a vague mound not far away.

The ground was filled with thick smoke, and there was a lump at the place where Tianci landed. Tianci unfolded his consciousness and was stunned. The skeletons covered the ground under the mist densely covered the entire canyon.

"Li'er, don't move, this place is weird!" Tianci withdrew his steps, "Use magic to blow away the mist first."

Lier recited the spell "Hurricane!"

A strong hurricane blew past, and the mist drifted away, revealing countless skeletons, withered skeletons, torn clothes, and black holes on the ground. . .

"Ah!" Lier couldn't help but exclaimed.

After the hurricane, the fog returned to the ground. . .

Tianci unfolded his consciousness, moved slowly and carefully, and the bones under his feet shattered.

"Brother Tianci, be careful, we can just stay here if it doesn't work!" Lier said with concern.

Tianci turned his head and smiled, and continued to move forward slowly.The mound is only 200 meters away from the mouth of the canyon, and it is about [-] meters high.Tianci came to the front and was about to climb, but the starting point was abnormally soft, and his right hand sank deeply into it.Horrified by Tianci, he quickly withdrew his right hand, and a hole the size of an arm appeared on the mound.

Loose soil?

Tianci pressed it lightly again, and it turned out that the soil was very soft, not like a mound at all, but more like the accumulation of countless dust.

"Li'er, can your hurricane spell reach here?" Tianci shouted from a distance, his voice echoing in the valley.

With a distance of 200 meters, and the fact that Tianci did not have the same fighting spirit as Langfitt • Dunwall Knight Commander, the voice could only reach Lier's ears indistinctly, and he couldn't hear what he said at all.

"What are you talking about, I can't hear you clearly!" Lier's voice of blessing the wind magic came from afar.

Tianci shook his head helplessly, and returned by the same route.

"Brother Tianci, what's going on ahead? I couldn't understand what you said just now." Lier asked with concern when seeing Tianci come back.

"The front is a bit weird, it doesn't seem to be a mound, that's why I came back and asked you to go there with me! But you must be careful on the road, so many people died here, there must be great danger!"

Lier smiled, "I know how to fly in the wind! I can float in mid-air, you don't have to worry about me!" After speaking, Lier chanted the spell, and her body slowly floated in the air.

"The Flying Wing of the Wind seems to be able to only levitate, not drift. Could it be that you know the air dance technique?"

Lier glanced at Tianci angrily, "I can't drift, can't you just drag me away?"

Tianci suddenly realized, and immediately took out a rope for camping from the interspatial ring, "Yu'er, you guard this woman, Lier and I will go over and have a look, if there is anything wrong, you can cast a spell!"

Yu'er reluctantly jumped to the side of the woman.

Although there was no danger in the previous trip, Tianci still proceeded cautiously and came to the side of the mound, "This is it. We thought it was a mound just now, but it doesn't seem to be it. Look, the soil is very soft. You use magic to make them Blow it away!"

Lier, who was suspended beside Tianci, immediately launched the magic "hurricane!"

There was a burst of dust, and the huge mound disappeared under the blowing of the hurricane, revealing a huge stone tablet two meters high and one meter wide, with rows of huge characters engraved on the stone tablet.After a long period of time, the stele has been dilapidated, and the inscriptions on it are also blurred.

Tianci walked up to the stele and stroked it gently with his heart.

"Brother Tianci, can you understand the words on it?" Lier asked softly.

"I don't understand, this should not be the language we use on the mainland now, it should be..." Tianci paused.The characters currently used in the mainland are the ones used uniformly after the Great Qin Emperor unified the entire continent 2 years ago after abolishing many other characters. For 2 years, no matter how the dynasties were changed, the characters have never changed.The writing on this stele is obviously not the common writing on the road today, which means that this stele was built 2 years ago.

"Let's go down again!" Tianci said, under the divine consciousness, Tianci has clearly observed that starting tens of meters in front, it turned out to be a platform made of huge flat rocks. , It can be compared with Ancona Shengguang Square.There are ruins, broken stone pillars, and broken statues everywhere on the square, and the ground of the square is covered with vines and grass.The entire square was under fog, and it was impossible to see clearly with the naked eye.

Walking to the side of the square, stepping on the stone steps, the 500-meter spiritual consciousness can't reach the edge, and slowly walk up the square
"Whoosh! Whoosh..." There was a rush of sound.Countless mice suddenly sprang out from around the platform, rushing towards Tianci like a tide.

"Be careful, there are rats!" Tianci yelled, and Li'er immediately became alert. Although she couldn't see the movement under the mist, she could still hear sharp screams.

"Yo~~" "Yo~~"

At this time, it may be too late to retreat, and the mouse's speed is so fast that it will be in front of it in an instant.

"Wind Blades!"

A series of half-meter-long wind blades flew down from the midair, forming a net to enclose Tianci in the middle, and the wind blades cut through the mist towards the boundless mice.Many of the mice have evolved into magical beasts, all of which are around level three, and most of them are ordinary beast mice.

The mouse at the front was directly cut into two by the wind blade, and the mice behind continued to sprint despite the collapse of their companions in front. Many mice managed to break through the wind blade among the densely packed wind blades and bit at Tianci with their sharp teeth. .

Tianci was unhurried, and slowly opened his hands. Just as the first mouse jumped out of the mist and rushed towards Tianci, Tianci punched the mouse's head accurately with his right hand wearing a platinum glove, causing the head to burst and blood splash.

More and more mice passed through the wind blade and rushed towards Tianci. It was obviously impossible to kill them one by one. The speed of Tianci's arms increased suddenly, and his arms drew an airtight circle, catching the jumping mice Pop it all off.

The soft fist didn't move as if it was loose, but moved like the wind. The mouse's skeleton was shattered by the high-speed bounce, and it fell heavily to the ground.And there were countless wounds on Tianci's arm.

The god-given speed can fight against the seventh-level monster Baifeng, and the waving of his hands is as fast as lightning.It's the first time I'm not used to using soft fist Tianci like this, but there's nothing I can do about it.If you are dealing with one or two, you don't need to be so fast, but you are facing a group of mice, and if you slow down a little, there will be mice that slip through the net.

Seeing that Tianci is not in any danger for the time being, Lier quickly adjusted the "hurricane raging" when the wind is about to end.

Almost at the same moment when the wind blade disappeared, two tornadoes more than 40 meters high and ten meters thick appeared in front of Li'er. With the sound of the wind, the fog on the ground was instantly blown away, revealing the tide-like rats on the ground.Two huge tornadoes moved forward, and all the mice within 30 meters were sucked into the tornadoes. The original blue tornadoes instantly turned black as if they were stained with ink, and the broken rocky ground was exposed on the ground.

As the tornado moved forward, the mice on both sides rushed up again.

"Wind Blades!"

The dense wind blades fell like a rain of arrows, nailing the mouse to the ground.

"Brother Tianci, hurry up, I...I can't hold on any longer," Lier said with difficulty.

At this time, Tianci was tired of fending off the mouse's attack and couldn't take care of himself.Although the attack power of this group of mice is very poor, there are too many of them, and it is impossible to kill them all.In a moment, a thick circle of rat corpses appeared around Tianci, and Tianci's arms were sore and limp, and there were bursts of pain from the wound. Tianci spread out the blue light to restore the abnormal arms, and the speed did not slow down at all.

"Aw~~Aw~~" A huge roar sounded.All the mice shuddered involuntarily.

Countless fireballs appeared out of nowhere in midair and crashed down. Each fireball was small, but the number was astonishing.

"Boom~~" The fireball fell to the ground and exploded quickly, splashing sparks impacting the surrounding mice.

At this time, Tianci didn't come in time to release the magic barrier, and the fireball that fell crashed directly hit Tianci's shoulder. The whole clothes were scorched, and the skin on the shoulder was rotten and bloody.

oops!Tianci yelled in pain, and immediately a little blue light appeared on his body, and the rotten flesh recovered at a speed that could be seen.

Li'er in mid-air is much better than Tianci. Although she was taken aback by the sudden fireball technique, at least she didn't suffer any damage.

A red shadow flashed across the mist, and quickly rushed to Tianci's shoulder. It was Yu'er who came to rescue after discovering the abnormality.

The fireball killed all the mice within more than 100 meters around. The unextinguished flame continued to burn, and a pungent burnt smell accompanied by the smell of blood filled the entire space.

Tianci quickly gathered the surrounding fire elements to Yu'er, and four big fiery tails appeared strangely behind Yu'er.The sky was red, and there was another burst of intensive fireballs. The terrifying number attacked every inch of land within 200 meters around, and the bloody smell became even stronger.

A little tired, Lier floated down slowly, and stood beside Tianci, "Ahem! Brother Tianci, there are so many mice there!"

"I don't know, but they must be under the control of a high-level monster, otherwise they wouldn't be rushed to death like this!" Tianci stared at the corpses all over the place, there were eight thousand if not ten thousand.

"I think so, maybe we must have invaded its territory, and that's why we were attacked!" Lier gasped slightly.

In the depths of the darkness, a petite figure trembled as if sensing something.

Facing such a fierce attack, the other mice did not dare to move forward again, squeaking.

"Li'er, let's go back first, take a rest, and when the rest is over, we'll copy their lair!"

(End of this chapter)

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