Godsend Field

Chapter 105 King Beast

Chapter 105 King Beast
As soon as Tianci finished speaking, countless mice suddenly surged up like a tide, stopped at 30 meters, and surrounded Tianci and Lier in a half-garden shape.


All the mice began to scream, and the screams of thousands of mice oscillated and wandered in the valley, such a huge momentum even Tianci felt palpitations.

Tianci and Lier were shocked and immediately prepared to fight again.

The shouting stopped, and all the mice under the white mist suddenly lay down and lowered their heads.The rats facing Tianci were automatically divided into two rows, and a rat about the size of Yu'er walked out tremblingly with its slender tail.A body of silver-white fur is like a moon wolf under the moon, with two sharp teeth exposed.

The mice at the front immediately piled up on the corpse, and the fog was soon formed.The silver-white mouse climbed up tremblingly, facing the feathers with four tails, its paws softened and it fell down.


The silver-white mouse screamed and looked at Tianci and the others with small mung bean-like eyes.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er responded harshly.



. . . . . .

Seeing the strange communication between the two monsters, Tianci and Li'er's faces sparkled.

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er suddenly roared loudly, looking very angry.

The silver-white mouse immediately lowered its head, its sharp teeth chattering.

Yu'er grinned at Tianci, kicked her four claws vigorously, and flew towards the silver mouse like flying, and landed on the pile of mice accurately.The mouse where the claws landed unexpectedly passed out directly.

Yu'er's four flowing tails flicked suddenly, and slapped the silver mouse. The silver mouse screamed and fell to the ground in the distance. Once it landed, it immediately got up again, obediently ran to Yu'er again, and squatted down. with front paws.

"Brother Tianci, could it be... Yuer it..." Seeing the scene in front of her, Lier stuttered a bit.

Tianci looked at Yu'er and then at Li'er, "You said Yu'er, what happened to Yu'er?"

Lier finally calmed down, "Look at their attitude towards Yu'er. I think that silver-white monster mouse should be the king of this group of mice, or it should be the silver mouse king recorded in the book. The only one that makes the Shu King so respectful is the King Beast or the Emperor Beast."

Tianci looked at Yu'er in surprise, Yu'er turned her head and grinned at Tianci, raised her little paw and stretched out two sharp nails.

"Bang!" The Silver Mouse King was swept away by Yu'er's weird tail again.

"King Beast!!"

Looking at Lier's firm gaze, Tianci couldn't believe it.

I also know about Warcraft Godsend.

Just like human beings are divided into princes, nobles, common people and untouchables, Warcraft also has its own division.The lowest level of each race is the beast. The beast has no magic core and no wisdom, just like a pariah slave of human beings.The monsters are higher than the beasts, and the monsters have the ability to generate magic cores, which is much higher than the beasts, just like human civilians.Warcraft gathered in different regions generally have a leader, just like a human noble.And every race will have a kind of king, which is equivalent to the emperor of human beings.

Take the wolf clan as an example, ordinary wolves are beasts and the lowest level of the wolf clan, and they will only obey the orders of the wolf clan monsters.For the wolves, the status of monsters is higher than that of wild beasts. Wolves like to live in groups. Each wolf pack has a wolf king. For example, there is a Gobi wolf king in the Gobi, a grassland wolf king in the grassland, and a forest wolf king in the forest. , These wolf kings are nobles in the wolf clan, they do not communicate with each other and do not submit to each other.The moon wolf is the master of all wolves, the king of kings, and all wolf kings will surely submit to the moon wolf.

These are only for one race, and the situation for different races is more complicated.

Regardless of the strength of different races, they will not submit to each other and recognize each other.Even the lowest level of Warcraft Wind Rabbit will not surrender to the much stronger wolf clan at their disposal.

There is only one exception is the King Beast and the Emperor Beast.

Among the high-level monsters, only a very few monsters are born with domineering kings, who can become the recognized kings of all monsters, and become the existence of the top of the pyramid among monsters, such as the ninth-level monsters of frost dragon, flame dragon, frost phoenix, fire phoenix, holy Unicorns, Saint Thunder Eagles, etc., from weak to windy rabbits to powerful like dragons, will respect the king beasts and dare not surpass them in the slightest.

And the Emperor Beast is even higher than the King Beast.

According to legend, there are only two real emperor beasts among the billions of monsters, that is, the five-clawed golden dragon that rules all monsters on land, and the colorful phoenix that rules all birds and monsters in the sky.

But both king beasts and emperor beasts have two remarkable characteristics. First, they are all ninth-level monsters or higher-level monsters, and their strength and wisdom are unparalleled.The second point is that they are unique in their race, and only when they die will new members evolve to their level.

"Yu'er is the King Beast!!"

Tianci couldn't believe it, Yu'er grew up with him since he was a child, and even farted together. He didn't even accept the most basic inheritance of his own firefox family. Its strength today is all due to taking it. Only the magic core left by his mother can condense his own magic core.What's more, although Yu'er is a high-level monster with extraordinary intelligence, its strength is only at level six, and it can only reach level six with his own help, which is completely different from the strength of ordinary king beasts at level nine.

"Bang!" The Silver Mouse King flew out again.

Tianci was taken aback and asked casually, "How many times?"

Lier sighed, "23 times..."

The mice under the mist all clucked and trembled, as if facing an abyss.The silver mouse king climbed up the pile of mice again, the silver fur was already covered with dust, bloodshots appeared on the skin of his mouth.It seemed that facing Yu'er's naked punishment, the Silver Mouse King didn't even have the courage to gather magic elements around him to resist.

"Okay, Yu'er, come back!" Tianci looked at the pitiful Silver Mouse King.

Yu'er swiped her tail and jumped back to Tianci's shoulder with a vigorous push of her four claws.

boom! 24 times!

The silver mouse king with bruised nose and swollen face climbed up the pile of rats with his head drooping again, waiting for Yu'er's punishment. After waiting for a long time without seeing any movement, he raised his head tremblingly, only to see that Yu'er had returned to Tianci's shoulder.

"Yu'er, are you really... really the King Beast?" Tianci couldn't believe it.

Yu'er spread her front paws and glanced at her mouth, who knows?Anyway, Benhu doesn't know. . .

Tianci knew that it would be fruitless to ask further questions. If Yu'er knew it, he would know it, and if he didn't know it, Yu'er probably didn't know either.

Tianci took out the water bag from the space ring, "Yu'er, what is the strength of that Silver Mouse King, and what level of monster is it?"

Feather spread out a small claw

"Oh, so it's a level five monster!"

Yu'er raised two sharp nails again.

"Pfft!!" Tianci just took a sip of water and spat it out abruptly, "What... a seventh-level monster..."

Godsend, the seventh-level monsters actually surrendered to the sixth-level monsters.

"Ask them, is this their territory?"

"Aw~~Aw~~" Yu'er yelled.

"Squeak~~yo~~" The Silver Mouse King nodded his head.

"Ask again, did they kill these people?" Tianci pointed to the skeletons on the ground.


"Squeak~~yo~~" The Silver Mouse King nodded and shook his head.

"Brother Tianci, look at this silver mouse king, it can't be more than 300 years old at most, and look at this place, according to what you said, it has existed here for no less than 2 years, and look at these people, I think they have Yours may have been dead for tens of thousands of years," Lier said next to her.

Godsend slapped his forehead, yes!
The silver rat king lay on the pile of rats and shook his head desperately, pointing his paws into the distance, "squeak~~yo~~"

Tianci was stunned for a moment, you mean there is something over there?

Tianci walked forward.The silver rat king said "Yo~~", all the rats dispersed immediately, and the rats that had been like a tide disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only countless rat corpses.

The platform was spacious enough. Tianci had walked more than 500 meters before before reaching the edge of the platform. It seemed that he had reached the center of the platform.

"Li'er, be careful, the vines and grass in front have thorns!" Tianci could clearly observe through his divine sense.The vines and grass in the front are all emerald green, while the vines and grass in the back are a little black.

"Wings of the Wind!"

Li'er slowly floated up, and threw half of the rope in her hand to Tianci.

The front is okay, but further inside, the vines and grasses are densely packed. . .


Tianci let out a scream and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong!" Li'er hurriedly fell down.

"Don't come down...there are thorns on the ground!" Tianci endured the pain and said with difficulty.

"Wind blade technique!" Li'er sent out several wind blades at the same time, blowing away the mist on the nearby ground, cutting off all the vines and grass and blowing them away.

Li'er fell to the ground, and the mist filled again.


Surrounding Tianci for two meters, a simple tornado blows away the surrounding fog and prevents the surrounding fog from filling up again.

Tianci reluctantly sat up, rolled up his sleeves and legs, and saw a finger-length thorn pierced on the skin of his left calf. The thorn had turned black, and the surrounding five inches had also turned dark. Diffusion outward.

"Toxic!!" Lier covered her mouth.

Tianci gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and pulled out the sharp thorn, and black blood burst out immediately.

"Ah!" Li'er screamed, as if pulling it out of her body, the muscles on her face twitched.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt!" Tianci patted Lier's shoulder and forced a smile, "It's already numb!"

It’s okay if you don’t say anything, Li’er burst into tears immediately, “Look in the ring quickly, is there any medicine... By the way, I heard from grandpa that bloodletting is needed, bloodletting from the cross wound, I’ll do bloodletting for you right away. "After speaking, Li'er stood up and hurriedly searched for it. The dagger that could be easily touched at ordinary times, but now she couldn't find it no matter how hard she looked. Li'er was so anxious that her tears were like broken beads, "I'll suck it out for you. . . ”

Tianci held Li'er down, "Don't worry, even a moon wolf can't kill me, let alone a small poisonous stinger?"

Tianci took his numb left leg and sat cross-legged, "Li'er, Yu'er, help me be vigilant, don't let anything disturb me!"

With his eyes slightly closed, Tianci put his hands on his knees, and dots of blue light emerged from all parts of his body.

Normally, it is easy to heal the wound with a little blue light from trauma, but this is different, the venom enters the body along the blood, and it is much more difficult and troublesome to deal with the active toxin than the fixed wound.

Dots of blue light shone from the muscles, blood vessels, bones, and internal organs of Tianci, entering into the blood of Tianci as if ordered.A large amount of blue light is blocked around the heart, like a filter to purify the god-given blood, individual toxins are ready to flow into the heart along with the blood, and all are wrapped in little blue light.But the toxin was extremely active, sticking tightly to the blood, no matter how hard Qing Guang tried, he would not get out of the blood.

"What a strong poison!" Tianci secretly exclaimed in his heart, and even accelerated Qingguang's movements.

Since I can't escape, I might as well move out the blood together!Tianci mobilized hundreds of blue lights to wrap a toxin-adhered blood along the blood vessels to the left leg wound, just like driving away the fire element to expel the toxin from the body.In addition to the heart, a large amount of blue light gathered in the joints of the limbs, the spine, neck and viscera.

Time passed little by little, and the little blue light finally removed the last toxin out of the body.

Opening his eyes, he saw that Li'er had fainted on the ground, and Yu'er next to him was vigilant, and the Silver Mouse King, a seventh-level monster, lay obediently at Yu'er's feet.

His left leg has regained consciousness, the wound has stammered, and there is a pool of black liquid under the wound.

Tianci stood up, her legs were numb, after being nourished by the blue light, she immediately returned to normal.Tianci lifted Li'er on his back, "I understand now, what the Silver Mouse King shook his head at that time meant that some people were killed by rats, and some people were killed by poison vines here!"

Looking at the thick fog around him, Tianci lamented that if he didn't have divine consciousness, even a high-level warrior would not be able to walk in alive.And if he didn't have the blue light, he might have become a member of this skeleton.

Seeing that Tianci was fine, Yu'er was also very happy, and the Silver Mouse King next to him felt relieved.

"Bang!" Yu'er's big tail hit the Silver Mouse King's body. Although there was only one left, the power couldn't be ignored.The Silver Mouse King was thrown directly into the stinger, and then ran back in a slump, without a stinger on his body.

"Hmph! Your fur is hard enough!" Tianci laughed.

The Silver Mouse King shivered all over.

"Don't worry, I won't get your fur idea, besides, your fur is only enough to make a shoe at most!"

Back at the mouth of the canyon, Tianci spread a blanket at the half-meter-wide entrance, and put Lier on top of the blanket.Also put the woman next to Li'er from the mist.

Tianci stretched out his right hand, Ye Mingzhu floated out from Li'er's chest, and returned to Tianci's hand, "Yu'er, take care of them, I'll go outside to see how the pursuers are doing!"

Along the winding path, Tianci walked to the entrance outside and unfolded his consciousness. There was no one within 500 meters. The carriage was still parked, but the horses had disappeared.

It seems that those pursuers did not dare to enter Fog Valley, so they withdrew!

Back to Li'er, Tianci closed her eyes and rested.

I do not know how long it has been
"Hmm~~!" Lier woke up from sleep.

Tianci opened his eyes, "Are you awake?"

"Brother Tianci..." Li'er rubbed her hazy eyes, sat up with one hand propped up, "Are you alright, is it still hurting?"

Tianci smiled slightly, "I'm healed, completely healed!" After saying that, Tianci rolled up his sleeves and legs, and his left leg has recovered as before, without even leaving a scar! "

Yu'er also ran over at this time, circling around Li'er, handing a piece of cooked meat to Li'er from her fingernails.

Li'er just woke up and felt a little hungry, so she took the cooked meat, "It's very fragrant, brother Tianci's roast is really good!"

Tianci shrugged, "I just woke up too!"

Lier was taken aback for a moment, remembering what Yu'er did in the pack of dead wolves, and the rat corpses scattered all over the place back then, "Uh... oh... oh..."

After desperately rinsing her mouth, Lier ate some snacks.

"Li'er, let's take a look inside again, I seem to feel something!" Tianci said.Before being stabbed, the god-sent consciousness crossed the platform and touched a building.

"Shall we go, I'm afraid..."

"Hehe, you just need to use the hurricane technique to open the way, it should only be about 500 meters away!" Tianci looked at Li'er pleadingly.

Led by the Silver Mouse King, Li'er released the Hurricane Technique, and a powerful tornado directly opened a spacious path on the platform.Stepping off the platform, there is a dilapidated palace directly opposite, with a double-layer structure and a height of more than ten meters.The original gorgeous appearance has already become dilapidated at this time, and many edges and corners have fallen off.

Scanned with consciousness, there was no sign of poison ivy.

"Brother Tianci, look there, it seems that a magic circle has been blessed!" Li'er pointed to a strange pattern on the exterior of the palace.

"It should be, otherwise it would have collapsed after 2 years!"

The main entrance of the palace had long been damaged, and Tianci and Li'er walked directly into the palace.It is strange that there is not even a trace of fog in the palace.

The empty palace was covered with dust everywhere. In the center of the main hall, there was a pool about four meters long and two meters wide. The pool was surrounded by vague patterns that covered the entire palace. Stone pillars carved with patterns were erected around the palace.

Across the pool, there was a huge statue of a man in the palace. Unfortunately, the statue was broken from the middle, and the upper part fell to the ground and was already shattered. It is impossible to tell the appearance of the statue.On the two three-meter-high stone tablets on both sides of the statue, the writing on them has long been blurred, and it looks exactly the same as the writing on the frontmost stone tablet.

I turned around and found nothing special, but was led by the Silver Mouse King to the apse.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but you are shocked by Godsend when you look at it.

The entire apse is like a weapon warehouse, filled with all kinds of weapons and armor.

These are what the corpses outside use!

Tianci picked up a long sword casually, it felt pretty good, but unfortunately it was rusted!There are so many weapons and armors given by God that it is impossible to choose one by one, and the divine sense can quickly distinguish among them.

These weapons and armors are all made of high-quality iron materials. Unfortunately, no matter how good the iron materials are, they cannot stand the test of time. At least [-]% of the weapons are rusted and broken to varying degrees, and some of them have simply become broken. A pile of scrap iron.

However, there are also very few weapons that still retain this complete appearance. Tianci swept it away with his divine sense, and suddenly laughed, "Medium-grade weapons, hahaha, they are all medium-grade weapons! Huh? There is even a long sword that I can see with my divine sense." Impenetrable... could it be... a high-grade long sword?"

Tianci stayed in the weapon pile for most of the day, and with the full cooperation of Lier, Yuer and Silver Mouse King, he took out a few middle-grade weapons, a total of 21 weapons.The middle-grade weapons are all made of precious metals, which are much more corrosive to time than ordinary metals, but even so, there are still about a dozen of this batch of middle-grade weapons that have rust, but it is not serious, go back After sanding it off it's fine.

The last thing he took out was the long sword that could not be seen through by the divine sense. It was cold and heavy in the hand, and the blade was as smooth and bright as if it had been newly forged.

Tianci put 22 weapons into the space ring, and turned around again, before leaving the palace with Li'er and returning to the entrance.

(End of this chapter)

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