Godsend Field

Chapter 106 Interception

Chapter 106 Interception
Back at the entrance, Tianci put the woman on his back again, put away the blanket, and prepared to leave here with Li'er.

Yu'er followed behind, and the Silver Mouse King respectfully sent Yu'er to the mouth of the canyon before rushing back to the valley. It's really tiring to serve Yu'er, the little king beast these days.

Walking out of the canyon with the light of the Ye Mingzhu, Tianci Xin slightly moved the Ye Mingzhu back into the body.

At the entrance of the canyon, the carriage was still parked, and the contents and horses were missing.

Tianci carried the mysterious woman on his back and walked with Lier on the way back.

"Dance of the Wind!" Li'er blessed herself and Tianci with wind-type auxiliary magic, which can make her and Tianci's bodies lighter and easier to walk. "Brother Tianci, are we not going to Pingliang City?"

"Of course not, don't forget that this woman on my back cannot appear in Pingliang City!" Tianci looked at the north, "Let's go back to Yanhua City to find out the identity of this woman before we talk about it!"

When I came here, I was far away from the avenue because of escape. Now there is no carriage, so I can only walk back step by step.If there was only Tianci alone, it might be possible to go faster, but now there is Lier and the mysterious woman on her back, so the schedule will suddenly slow down a lot.

At night, Tianci set up a tent and put the woman into the tent.During the few days of the injury, the woman didn't eat anything, and only relied on Li'er to feed a little water every day when she changed her dressing, and she looked extremely thin at this time.

Tianci took out the tableware and cooked some hot food at the door of the tent to have a delicious meal with Lier, when there was a sound from the tent.

"Are you awake?" Tianci and Li'er rushed into the tent at the same time.

I saw that the woman had opened her eyes at this moment and was sitting up with difficulty.It's a pity that the rice grains haven't been eaten for a few days, and in addition to losing too much blood before and being unconscious, there is still half a sliver of strength in the whole body at this time.

"You...we...are...who...?" The woman asked with difficulty after seeing the two Tianci.

Li'er put the quilt behind her and helped the woman lean on the quilt, "We were passing by, and I saw you fainted on a black horse a few days ago, so I saved you!"

"Black rose...my... where's the black rose?"

"Black Rose? You mean the dark horse, but it's a pity that it's dead!" Tianci said.

Hearing the sad news of the dark horse, the woman's eyes were full of sadness, tears were about to flow out.

"You just woke up, I'm going to cook some rare food for you, you have been in a coma for four or five days!" Tianci said and walked out of the tent, all the materials are in the space ring, and only Tianci can do these things.

Tianci mixed dry food with snacks and boiled it into porridge, put a little seasoning on it and brought it into the tent.

Li'er took the bowl and spoon and fed it to the woman spoon by spoon.After the woman finished eating, Li'er put down the bowl and spoon.

"What's your name, who are you, and why did you provoke the Northwest wolf to hunt you down?" Tianci asked while sitting beside him.

The woman trembled all over, and immediately became vigilant, "You...how do you know that I was hunted down by the Northwest wolf!"

"Of course I know, they originally wanted to kill us, but they were killed by us in the end!"

When Tianci mentioned killing the Northwest wolf, the woman's eyes were filled with anger, and then she changed to "Kill it, kill it all!"

"You haven't told us why the Northwest Wolf hunted you down? At least you should tell us your name!"

"My name is Chenwu. As for why you hunted me down...you don't want to know, don't worry... I will leave you when my injury improves tomorrow!" the woman said calmly.

"It doesn't matter. It should take three or four days to walk from here to the main road. How can you do it alone without water or food? Let's go together, at least we have someone to take care of us!" Lier said.

"Three or four days away from the main road? Where is this place?" Chen Wu was taken aback.

"I don't know where it is, but I know that our next day's journey will be Foggy Valley!" Tianci said.

"Foggy Valley... Do you mean that you have been to Foggy Valley, cough cough!" Chen Wu couldn't help coughing in desperation, "Foggy Valley is the first forbidden place in the northwest of our country, and people who have entered it for thousands of years have never come out .”

Tianci and Li'er looked at each other. No wonder the sixth-level fire magician Etro refused to go to Fog Valley even if he was killed.There are endless rats under the fog everywhere, and poison ivy that makes Tianci a headache. No wonder so many people died.And to be able to come out safely this time, all depended on Yu'er restraining the Silver Mouse King, and the mysterious blue light in his body.

At night, Li'er and Chen Wu slept in the tent, Tianci and Yu'er could only sleep outside with a blanket, and the bonfire was crackling.

The next morning, after breakfast, Tianci put away the tent before setting off.

Chen Wu refused to let Tianci carry it, and insisted on walking by himself.Tianci found a strong branch, shaved it clean, and handed it to Chenwu to walk on it. Lier also blessed Chenwu with auxiliary magic, and the originally unhappy walking speed became even slower.

Although Yu'er was not big, it was still heavy for Li'er to hold her for a long time. Anyway, now that Tianci didn't have to carry her back, Yu'er swiftly climbed onto her imperial throne.

After walking on the endless next door for two days, Chen Wu's physical strength gradually recovered, although his face still looked haggard and thin.

"You should have a strong fighting spirit, otherwise you would not be able to last for so long with such a serious injury," Tianci asked as he walked.

Glancing at Tianci, Chen Wu pondered for a moment before answering, "Yes, I have level five Dou Qi!"

At the age of 25, you can have level [-] battle qi, which should be regarded as a good talent.

"Are you still unwilling to tell us what kind of grievances you have with the Northwest Wolf?" Tianci continued, "You don't have to worry about us. Even if we didn't meet you, I'm afraid we will have friction with the Northwest Wolf. It's just a matter of time." question."

"I know." Chen Wu suddenly stopped and said coldly, "I already know your identities!"

Tianci and Li'er were taken aback at the same time, "Do you know our identities?"

Chen Wu snorted softly, "Your Lord and Gru killed the moon wolf at such a young age. Let alone our Northwest, the whole empire may have already spread the word."

"Then how do you know it's us?" Lier asked.

"You don't need to ask, this cloak of yours is the best proof!" Tianci said.Apart from the moon wolf's fur, there is probably no other fur that can sense moonlight.

"My lord, I think you are going to Pingliang City this time. You didn't lead your personal guards. Are you planning a private visit?"

"Yes, I originally planned to visit privately, but I don't need it now!"


"I originally learned that the four cities of Pingliang managed by the Northwest Wolf collected the lowest taxes, and the lives of the people were relatively the best, so I thought about making a private visit. If what I saw was true, I I still want to have a good talk with the leader of the Northwest Wolves, but seeing those Northwest Wolves being arrogant and domineering on the road, I am going to give up now." Tianci said lightly.

Chen Wu's body trembled slightly, "Then you plan now... to exterminate the Northwest Wolves?"

"Exterminate?" Tianci smiled slightly, "I don't have the strength yet, and my personal guard group is only three thousand, even if it is full, it is only five thousand, which is comparable to their [-] people."

"Then what are you going to do about it?"

Tianci looked at Chen Wu curiously, "It seems that you are very concerned about the Northwest Wolves! But don't forget, in addition to my personal guards, there is also the Empire's 80 Northwest Main Army. If necessary, I will report to His Majesty the King. Ministry of Defense, requesting the Northwest Army to cooperate with me in exterminating the Northwest Wolves!"

"You..." Chen Wu stopped suddenly, glared at Tianci, and then smiled bleakly, "Yes... With the status of your Kate family and the importance your Majesty the King attaches to you, you can completely mobilize the Northwest Army and have the ability to wipe out Northwestern wolf!"

Tianci didn't ask any more questions, Chen Wu didn't say anything, and both sides remained silent.

On the fourth day, I finally returned to the avenue.

"Chen Wu, you should go back to Yanhua City with us first, you haven't recovered yet, so it's very dangerous to go to Pingliang City like this."

Chen Wu nodded after thinking for a while.

At the same time, in the city lord's mansion of Yanhua City, Gelu was discussing the next training plan and recruitment plan with several squadron leaders, when a personal soldier ran in slowly, "Regiment leader...it's not good. ...someone is here..."

There are relatively few merchants coming and going on the official roads in the northwest, and it took a long time to meet three or four teams.Tianci spent a purple gold coin to buy a horse from a merchant.Those who travel between Yanhua City and Pingliang City are basically small businessmen, and they don't bring many horses. It's for the sake of Zijin coins that they can get one.

Chen Wu and Li'er rode on horseback, while Tianci walked.

"How long before we can return to Yanhua City?" Lier asked.

"According to our current speed, I think it should take another day and a half!"

The noon sun was shining brightly, and sweat was slowly streaming down the foreheads of the three of them.

There was a sudden burst of dust in front of the avenue, and more than a dozen horses came galloping.

"Hehe, there are a lot of horses coming ahead, let's try to see if we can buy another one, so that we can return to Yanhua City earlier!" Tianci said with a smile, his face relaxed.

The handsome horse galloped, and soon ran in front of Tianci and the others.

"Hehe! Lord City Master, we meet again!" The leader reined in his horse and said with a smile.

Tianci looked up and saw that it was the elder of Fengdian of Fengxue Sect.

"Elder Fengdian, you seem to be waiting for us here deliberately?" Tianci said coldly.

"That's right, I've been waiting here for a long time, the City Lord. I didn't expect the City Lord to come back so soon! I wonder how the trip to Pingliang City was?" The elder of Fengdian narrowed his eyes and faced the morning mist behind Li'er, "That girl It looks familiar, don’t you know it?”

"It's none of your business! What are you waiting for us here?" Tianci said impatiently.Originally, he didn't like this elder of Fengdian, but now he blatantly blocked him.

"Refreshing! In fact, I am waiting for the city lord here is still the old thing. I implore the city lord to give up the moon core to our Fengxue Sect. If the city lord agrees, our Fengxue Sect is willing to help you exterminate the Northwest Wolf. Pingliang The four cities are all owned by your lord, and my Fengxue Sect will never get involved, what do you think?"

Sure enough, it was the moon core again!

Tianci exhaled, "I said long ago that I already have other uses for the moon core, so you don't have to think about it any more. As for the Northwest Wolf, I will take care of it myself without worrying about your Fengxue Sect!"

The face of the elder of Fengdian sank, "It seems that the city lord is forcing us?"

"Joke! The moon core is mine. How can I use it? It's my freedom. How can I force you to say it? Besides, this is my territory and I am the lord here. If you block me so openly, aren't you afraid of the laws of the empire? "

"Law...hahaha!" The elder of Fengdian laughed and waved his arm.

Fifteen attendants in white clothes jumped off their horses and surrounded Tianci and others in the center. Ten of them took out their staffs, and the remaining five drew out their long swords to unfold their fighting spirit, a light blue fighting spirit.

"Level five grudge?"

"What is the Lord City Master thinking? I can tell you clearly that except for these high-level swordsmen, the rest are great magicians, and four of them and I are sixth-level great magicians. The elite of our Fengshen Temple have been dispatched!"

"Do you dare to hurt the lord in broad daylight? This is a rebellion!"

"I know, but I also know that this is the wilderness!" Elder Fengdian said grimly.

Godsend said nothing, silently looking at the people around, magicians don't have to think about it, it is impossible to break through their own magic barrier without the strength of the eighth level.Now the focus is on these five warriors.I can entangle one, Yuer should be able to entangle one, Lier should be able to deal with one, but I don't know if Chen Wu can deal with one after recovering from a serious injury.

"Don't worry about me, I can do it!" Seeing Tianci's eyes, Chen Wu immediately understood what Tianci was thinking and got off the horse with Lier, "Unfortunately, I don't have a weapon!"

Tianci took out a lighter medium-grade weapon from the space ring and handed it to Chen Wu.Originally, he wanted to use that high-grade weapon for Chen Wu, but it was too heavy and not very suitable for Chen Wu who was recovering from a serious injury.

Now that we can deal with five, what about one more?The four of them are barely able to deal with each other. If they have another two-on-one, my side will be defeated immediately.Now Tianci really regrets not bringing Gru out.

"Elder, since they don't know how to live or die, ask your subordinates to retrieve the moon core, the sacred object of our Fengxue Sect, for you!" said one of the old men holding a staff.

"Then there is Mr. Lao Pu'er!" said the elder of Fengdian respectfully.

Pu'er nodded, and walked towards Tianci, "Boy, our elders treat you with respect and kindness. Don't blame me if you are so ignorant of praise!"

"Pu'er, the head of the guards of the Fengshen Temple, has reached the peak state of the sixth level of the wind system more than ten years ago, and is known as the No. After half a step away, I didn't expect him to come out this time. Lord City Master, your moon core is really attractive!" Chen Wu whispered in Tianci Li'er's ear.

"Brother Tianci, let me try it, I have always wanted to verify how far I have improved!" Lier stood up.

"Li'er, this is not nonsense, you can't resist it! Ahem!" Chen Wu hurriedly grabbed Li'er. In her eyes, Li'er was no more than a fourth-level wind magician. How could she be able to resist Pu'er? A level six great magician?

Li'er pushed away Chen Wu's hand and smiled, "It's okay, even if I lose, Brother Tianci will not let me get hurt!"

Under Chen Wu's confused eyes, Li'er stepped forward and faced Pu'er.

People around spontaneously dispersed.

"Girl, get out of the way, I'm not targeting you!" Pu'er waved the staff in his hand.

Li'er stubbornly moved aside, blocking Pu'er's eyes from looking at Tianci.

"Hmph! Since you're looking for death, don't blame me!" Pu'er waved his staff to gather wind elements.

"Fengyao Cross Slash!"

Hundreds of huge cross wind blades instantly appeared in the sky of Pu'er.Lier has also done Fengyao Cross Cut before, but Pu'er's is twice as long as Lier's and the wind blade itself is thinner and thinner.Li'er's Fengyao Cross Cut is cyan, while Pu'er's is cyan with white, which looks sharper and sharper from a distance.

With a wave of Pu'er walking stick, hundreds of wind blades flew towards Li'er, but most of them flew towards Tianci.

"Fengshen~ Use your endless power to tear open the cracks in space, and freeze the eternal time in an instant." Lier's beautiful voice sounded.

"Wall of Empty!"

A blue wind wall five meters wide and ten meters high stood in front of Li'er. Hundreds of cross wind blades slammed into the wind wall fiercely. The huge wind wall began to tremble with the cross wind blades. Li'er Then continue to strengthen and strengthen again.

Snapped!When the last cross wind blade hit the wind wall and disappeared, Lier's wind wall also dissipated.

"Hmph! Little girl, you can actually block my sixth-level Fengyao cross cut. It seems that your talent is not bad. I advise you to go back to practice honestly. You will definitely reach the fifth-level master within five years." Magician! Don’t lose your life here!”

Lier smiled lightly, "Thank you for your concern, but I can't leave!"

Li'er held the magic core on her chest with her left hand, and a strong wind element came out. With her right hand, she held the cane across her chest, and gently recited the spell.

"A hurricane is raging!"

Following Li'er's whisper, four tornadoes with a height of more than 40 meters and a thickness of ten meters suddenly appeared in front of them.

With a wave of Li'er's cane, four huge tornadoes rushed towards the four warriors very quickly, and they didn't move forward as slowly as last time - controlled by magic! !

Faced with the sudden change, the warrior suddenly became flustered. Fortunately, he had been fighting with his fighting spirit since just now. When he was hit by the hurricane head-on, his clothes were instantly crushed by countless wind blades around the tornado. If it wasn't for the defense formed by fighting spirit, I'm afraid that the whole person will be torn apart by the hurricane now.

The four warriors immediately strengthened their fighting spirit and lay down on the surface, carrying the tornado tightly.

The mages around were stunned by the scene in front of them, their mouths widened and they couldn't speak, Pu'er even stared at Li'er with wide eyes.

Just as the four warriors were fighting against the raging hurricane, another warrior raised his sword and rushed towards Li'er, "Go to hell!"

"Stop!" Just as the warrior rushed towards Li'er, Pu'er suddenly yelled, and sent out a wind blade to hit the warrior's waist. The warrior stopped after two steps forward, and looked back at Pu'er suspiciously.

"Mr. Pu'er, you are..." the elder of Fengdian stepped forward and asked.

Pu'er ignored the elders of Fengdian and the warriors, and went straight to Li'er, with a particularly gloomy expression.

"Xiao Nizi, have you taken the moon core?"

(End of this chapter)

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