Godsend Field

Chapter 108 Inside Story

Chapter 108 Inside Story
It has been five days since I returned to Yanhua City. Tianci is either entangled in many government affairs or patrolling the entire city every day.Occasionally, I met Chen Wu a few times, and asked about Chen Wu's life experience or the reason why he was hunted down, Chen Wu refused to answer, and Tianci was too lazy to ask again after being bored.

On the seventh day, the troops sent by Duke Kate arrived, personally escorted by a famous mercenary regiment from the capital.

A total of more than 100 staff members came this time, responsible for administration, taxation, commerce, construction, criminal law, agriculture and food, overall planning, etc., and the leader was a shrewd Mr. Clark in his 50s.Mr. Clark was born in the Duke of Kate's territory since he was a child. He participated in the management of the Duke's territory in his 20s. Later, he was transferred to the capital with outstanding achievements to follow the Duke. After receiving a letter from God this time, Duke Kate specially asked Clark to organize A group of experienced staff came to the northwest to help Tianci manage it.

Before leaving, Si Ni also decided to come with her. Although Si Ni only entered the Imperial College for more than a year, she usually studies very hard, so this time it happened that she could come together to help Tianci.According to Anrui, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. Only learning in practice is the fastest and most reliable way.

Hou Tianci was very happy to see Si Ni. After more than a year of getting along, she has already regarded this thin and frail little girl as her own sister!
"Young master! My name is Clark, and I am here to assist the young master in managing the Northwest Province by the order of the Duke of Kate." Clark introduced himself after seeing Tianci and saluting.

Although Mann is one year older than Tianci, he is a member of the Seat family after all.At present, only Tianci and Nero inherit the name of Kate, so family members call Tianci the eldest master and Nero the young master.And the young master is also destined to inherit the entire Kate family.

"Mr. Clark, you don't need to be too polite, just call me Tianci!"

"Don't dare, you are the young master, how dare we call you by your first name directly!" Clark said tremblingly.

Tianci is not reluctant, the more people come from the big family, the stricter the rules.

Tianci called Gelu over, and dispersed the more than a hundred people into rooms near the city lord's mansion.All the rooms near the city lord's mansion are not allowed to be occupied by ordinary people. Only the captain of the personal guard or the staff who are in charge of daily management can live in it, which is also convenient for daily work.

That night, Tianci held a banquet to clean up the dust for these new staff members. Tianci's generosity and easy-going left a deep impression on everyone.

On the second day in the City Lord's Mansion, Gru and Clark handed over the content of the usual management and the situation of Yanhua City and even the entire Northwest Province to Clark in detail.Clark has a wealth of experience, leading all his staff to take over Yanhua City in one day, and Gru is only responsible for the daily security of Yanhua City, guarding the city gate, and crusade against rebels.

After handing over and walking out of the City Lord's Mansion, Gelu took a deep breath!All relaxed.

"Hee hee! What's the matter, brother? It looks like you are very happy!" Lorna asked with a smile.

"Of course, you also know that I'm not good at those things. I was forced to manage Yanhua City because my lord has just taken over it. Now it's all right, there are special people to take charge of the management. I just need to feel at ease. You just need to bring the entire bodyguard team! Lorna, how is the condition of the woman that the Lord entrusted to you?"

"Did you mean Morning Mist? She has been recuperating in the house for the past few days, and she often goes out for a walk in the past few days. I have accompanied her around half of Yanhua City!"

"You have to keep an eye on her, I always think she is very unusual!"

"Your Excellency told me that Chen Wu has a level five grudge!"

"I'm not talking about vindictiveness!" Gru pondered for a while, "There are some things about her that are even scarier than vindictiveness!"

In the study of the City Lord's Mansion
"Young master, we have registered all the important official positions in Yanhua City here recently. The following is the list of people who are going to take over. They are all very experienced people. It only takes a little time to control the entire Yanhua City. The officials of the city. If the young master has no objections, you can issue a pardon and let them take over officially tomorrow!"

Tianci looked at the list carefully and found nothing wrong, so he wrote down the pardon on the spot.His Majesty the King governs the world through the decree of pardon, and the lords manage their territories through decree of pardon.

"Young master, I have also seriously discussed with all the staff members. The current tax set by your lord is only enough to barely maintain the daily expenses of Yanhua City and the pro-guard group. If you want to recruit the pro-guard group to full strength The difference is [-], which requires an appropriate increase in taxes, or an increase in city gate taxes!" Clark reported to Tianci with a densely packed paper.

"No, I will never increase the tax, and I will not open the city gate tax. The big deal is that the guards will maintain the status quo, and it will be fine if there is no increase in staff?"

"In addition to this, there is also business. After investigation and statistics by me and my staff, more than [-]% of the business in our Yanhua City is directly or indirectly controlled by the Fengxue God Sect. This does not matter to Yanhua City itself It will be very unfavorable to take over the three cities of Kule in the future, so we invite your lord to order to change the current business pattern of Yanhua City!"

"I wanted to change a long time ago, but now they are all huddled together, and Gru and I have never been able to do it!" Tiansend guilty.

"Hehe! Why should the young master make trouble? If a bowl of water is cloudy, wouldn't it be fine to pour it out and fill it again? Or you can keep pouring in new water to dilute it!"

Tianci's eyes lit up, "You mean..."

"As far as I know, the young master has a close relationship with the Barr Chamber of Commerce. Although the Barr Chamber of Commerce is not large, it is also a national chamber of commerce. It must be very uncomfortable to survive in the cracks of the big chamber of commerce these years. Why don't you persuade it to shift its focus? What about the Northwest? Although the cake in the Northwest Province is barren, any piece of it will kill their small Barr Chamber of Commerce. In addition to the Barr Chamber of Commerce, we will also contact the Meister Chamber of Commerce to participate!"

"Since our Northwest Province is still profitable, why didn't they come before?" Tianci asked.

"The young master doesn't know that businessmen are all profit-seeking. If the Northwest Province was safe and stable, people would come, but the situation is just the opposite. The Northwest Province was tossed by Viscount Saphiroth in a mess, the power was scattered, and the kingship was difficult. Okay, naturally no businessman is willing to take risks. But it is different now. Under the management of the young master, the Northwest Province will surely be stable and prosperous. Coupled with the strong support of Duke Kate, the future of the Northwest Province is boundless. I Thinking that there will be many chambers of commerce scrambling to enter the Northwest Province, we only contact the Barr and Mesto chambers of commerce now, which is actually giving them a huge benefit!"

"Very well, you can discuss this matter. However, the Mesto Chamber of Commerce is one of the three major chambers of commerce in the empire, while the Baer Chamber of Commerce is only a small chamber of commerce. It has been hit a lot recently. I hope you can help the Baal Chamber of Commerce more. !"

"Hehe! I understand!" Clark said with a bright smile in his heart, "Young Master, if possible, take back Kule City as soon as possible!"

"Kole City? Why?"

"Because of it!" Clark tapped the Tianlei Lake on the map with his hand. "If you can control the Tianlei Lake, even if the annual tax of the entire Northwest Province is halved, it will not be difficult!"

In the early morning of the next day, the guards posted huge notices at the gates of the four gates of Yanhua City, announcing the lord's amnesty.As soon as the announcement came out, the whole city was in an uproar. The impoverished people who were usually fed up with the oppression of the officials cheered, while the officials, large and small, who had always been pampered and pampered, felt as if they were facing an abyss.

An earthquake in the Northwest officialdom! !

All the main positions in Yanhua City were replaced in one day, and the original officials were transferred to humble positions to retire!Clark struck out even more, setting several rules in succession, which changed the originally turbid atmosphere in the officialdom.

After a busy day, Tianci returned to the study in the evening.Lier and Si Ni had already prepared sweet soup and waited for Tianci to come back.

After drinking the sweet soup, Tianci chatted with Lier and Si Ni for a while, and then went back to her room to rest.Lil and Si Ni lived in the next room.

Just after midnight, the moon set off its center and towards the west.

In Tianci's room, the wooden window was slowly raised, and a black shadow quickly flashed in from outside the wooden window.

As soon as he entered the room, Hei Ying quickly found a dark place to hide and listened quietly.In the room, apart from the heaven-given breathing, there is the occasional sound of Yu'er grinding teeth, and the little fire fox is still drooling when sleeping, wondering what he is eating in his dream!
Noticing that there was no movement, the black shadow came out in the dark, bowed his waist, tapped his feet, and walked carefully to Tianci's bedside.

Looking at Tianci's defenseless sleeping face by the moonlight, Heiying pulled out a dagger from his waist and held it in his hand.The black shadow held the dagger high, but he still refused to strike.After holding it up for a while, Hei Ying slowly lowered his hand and put the dagger back into his waist, turned around and left.After taking two steps, Soi Ying paused again, looked at Tianci on the bed, gritted his teeth, pulled out the dagger and walked back to the bed, the dagger he held high still refused to fall. . .

After repeating this three or five times, Soi Ying actually sat by the bed.

As if he had finally made up his mind, Hei Ying stood up abruptly, holding up his dagger without hesitation. . .


A purple light flashed, inserted at the feet of the man in black, buzzing.The black shadow was horrified, and hurriedly turned to look at the door.

"Crack!" The door was pushed open, and An Rui walked in slowly and said coldly, "I said before, if you want to hurt my son, you must first ask the spirit sword if you agree!"

The man in black quickly placed the dagger across his chest, unfolding his light blue fighting spirit, ready to fight to the death.

"Give up, Chen Wu! You are no match for my father!" A god-sent voice came from behind.

Chen Wu turned her head in shock, and saw that Tianci had sat up, and she didn't seem to be awakened at all.

"You...you didn't sleep?"

"I've been watching you since you left your room!" Tianci said lightly.

An Rui's right hand grasped falsely, and the spirit sword on the ground flew back to An Rui's hand, pointing directly at the morning mist.

"Can you tell me your identity now, and your relationship with the Northwest Wolf!" Tianci said calmly.

At this moment, Chen Wu knew that there was no escape and gave up, "My father is the former Northwest Wolf King, and I am the new Wolf King who they said died of illness."

Tianci was taken aback. Although she had long felt that Chenwu's identity was not simple, she never expected that she would be the new wolf king.

"Why are you killing me?"

"Because you said that you would exterminate the Northwest Wolf sooner or later. The Northwest Wolf has gone through so much hard work from my grandfather and father to become what it is today. I won't watch it be destroyed by you!" Chen Wu said with a touch of sentimentality.

"Then why are you hesitating?"

Chen Wu sighed, "Because... I don't want the people to lose a good lord. There are too many disasters for the people in the Northwest, and it's not easy to have a good lord. I don't want them to suffer any more!"

Tianci couldn't help but sigh in his heart. According to Gru's report, this Chenwu is the new wolf king who advocates reducing taxes. It seems that she really cares about the suffering of the people here.

"I can understand your feelings, but you also need to understand that you Northwest wolves can be said to be arrogant and domineering in Pingliang City. If I don't exterminate them, how can I treat the people there?"

"The only ones who are arrogant and domineering are the two hall masters of the Heavenly Wolf Hall and the Dilang Hall, and most of our Northwest Wolf members are poor people. You can't treat them equally!"

godsend is silent

"Can you tell me now why the people from the Northwest Wolf hunted you down?"

Chen Wu gave a bleak smile, "Our Northwest Wolves are divided into four halls. The masters of the Heavenly Wolf Hall and Diwolf Hall are my second uncle and third uncle respectively. The head of the Wind Wolf Hall is a brother Sosa who made great achievements in the past. The blood wolf hall is dignified. My elder sister Xiwu and brother-in-law Zeda are the masters. Since my father passed on the wolf king to me, my second uncle and third uncle were very dissatisfied and opposed me everywhere. Because they are stronger, I have been holding back, but Last month I heard that my second uncle and third uncle had quietly joined the eldest prince and planned to rebel in secret. Out of consideration for family affection and the overall interests of the Northwest Wolves, I decided to go to my second uncle alone to persuade them, hoping that they would not fight with the eldest prince. I went back and forth, but I didn’t expect that I happened to meet the people sent by the prince of the capital, and I was defeated in the fierce battle, so I had to run for my life, and then I was rescued by you.”

"I think you may not know that those people you met came from the capital to kill you!" Tianci corrected.

Chen Wu was stunned for a moment, and then understood, "What do you mean... It seems that the second uncle and the third uncle planned to want my life this time. I am afraid that the news I got back then was also leaked to me on purpose. They It is also calculated that I will go to them in private. It is a pity that they did not calculate that I will meet you. You saved me and brought me into the foggy valley. And they must think that we cannot get out of the foggy valley alive , That's why they released the news that I was dead, and invited the other two hall masters to elect a new wolf king! They really have good intentions!"

"I don't understand. To put it bluntly, you Northwest wolves are bandits. Your Highness, the great prince, why would you care about you? You even sent someone to help your second uncle and third uncle rebel against you!" Tianci asked.

"Of course he doesn't care about us, what he really cares about is you, Lord City Master!"

Tianci was surprised, "How?"

"Your Excellency, you should have investigated clearly. Your Yanhua City is surrounded by four forces. In addition to our Northwest Wolf and Fengxue Sect, there are also the Lie Sun Mercenary Group controlled by the First Prince, and the Sword Glow Mercenary Group controlled by the Third Prince. Group and Rose Mercenary Group. Maybe you haven’t felt anything yet, but if these four forces are controlled by the same person, have you ever thought about how your Salt City will feel if it is surrounded in the middle!”

"It's so weak that it can't be supported by one hand, and finally it's controlled by Qi!" Tianci thought for a while and said.

"That's right! Let alone Yanhua City, even the entire Northwest Province will be controlled by him alone."

"Even if he controls my Northwest Province?"

"So what?" Chen Wu shook his head, "My lord, do you know how many soldiers and horses I have in the Northwest Main Army?"

"The 80 main battle army led by General Seiya."

"That's right, it's 80! Among the ten provinces of the empire, how many provinces have more than 80 troops? And do you know that these 80 main battle legions have been fighting the Orc Empire all year round, and their combat power exceeds There are millions of people in other provinces. And all the supplies of the Northwest Army have to pass through Yanhua City and be completed here. Therefore, whoever controls the Northwest Province is equivalent to controlling the entire Northwest Army. His Majesty the King is now weak and sick, and at any time Possibly... It is no secret that the three princes are competing for the throne. My lord, just imagine, if you are a prince, and you have a main army as brave as the Northwest Army in your hands at this critical moment, how will the situation be? What did it look like?"

Tianci and Anrui nodded at the same time.

"So no matter who wins in the end, if he doesn't have the 80 Northwest Army in his hands, he won't be able to sit on the throne! On the contrary, if he owns the 80 Northwest Army, even if he doesn't sit on the throne, he won't be able to sit on the throne. You can sit on the throne anytime."

"How could this be? This is a blatant rebellion. Would Dean Rafael watch this happen?"

"President Rafal? Are you talking about our protector, the saint?" Chen Wu asked, "but don't forget that the duty of the saint is to protect the country, not the king's personal guard. Anything that benefits the empire If it is stable and prosperous, Lord Sage will do it, even if it supports rebellion. Isn’t His Majesty’s current succession the best example?”

"Your Majesty?"

"That's right! According to legend, the previous king died young, leaving only the 15-year-old eldest prince, who is now His Majesty and the 13-year-old second prince. His Majesty's mother, the queen, died early, while the second prince's mother, the former king's noble concubine, is still alive, and her mother's family is powerful. , deeply rooted in the capital. The eldest prince is smart and talented but weak, while the second prince is mediocre but has a strong family background. At that time, all the ministers were divided into two factions to support the two princes, which also made the empire extremely unstable. At this critical moment, our Lord Saint personally shot and killed the second prince and all his relatives and families, thus quelling the court dispute in one fell swoop, and now His Majesty can sit on the throne safely. So Lord City Lord, you should understand now, Saint Those who protect the country, not the king!"

Tianci shook his head and smiled wryly, "I now understand why both the eldest prince and the third prince have meddled in my little Salt City!"

"Master City Master, you should be happy!" Chen Wu continued.

"Happy? How can you be happy being caught in the middle by two princes?"

"Isn't it? There hasn't been a lord in such an important place for nearly a hundred years. Do you really think it's too barren and no one wants it? Wrong! Big mistake! To tell you the truth, everyone wants this place, but ours Your wise Majesty the King will not give it to anyone. Now that it is given to you alone, it is enough to prove His Majesty’s trust and expectation in you!"

It's okay if you don't listen, Tianci is even more confused now, "Why me, why did His Majesty choose me?"

Seeing Tianci's distressed expression, Chen Wu gave a rare smile, "Master City Master, don't you think this is very interesting?"

(End of this chapter)

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