Godsend Field

Chapter 109 Agreement

Chapter 109 Agreement
Chen Wu's penetrating words were like seeing the bright moon through the dark clouds, which made Tianci and Anrui suddenly realize, and their hearts were clear.An Rui put away the spirit sword Fuyun, and listened carefully to Chen Wu's analysis. It was as if Wen Jun's words were better than ten years of reading, and he seemed to forget that the woman in front of him was an assassin who wanted to assassinate Tianci just now.

After hearing this, Tianci felt heavy and only felt his own pressure doubled. "I never thought that our little Yanhua City would have such an important meaning. I really hope I didn't hear what you said today!"

"Hiding your ears and stealing your bell is not something you should do, Lord City Lord!" Chen Wu continued, "His Majesty the King can safely entrust this place to you, just hoping that you can take good care of this Northwest Army in the battle for the throne between the three princes, and serve for future generations." The king escorts you."

Tianci was even more worried, "The three princes are vying for the throne, and I don't know who His Majesty will choose. How can I protect him? If the Northwest Army is mistaken, wouldn't it be a failure of His Majesty's great trust!"

"My lord, doing meritorious deeds is not necessarily a meritorious deed, sometimes doing nothing is a kind of meritorious deeds!"

Tianci's heart brightened, "You mean to let me control this Northwest Army by myself, and not let any prince touch him?"

"Your Majesty, the City Lord is really smart, and you know everything! In fact, this is the reason why His Majesty the King is willing to hand over the Northwest Army to you. Although many princes and nobles in the capital Ancona did not express their views, they did not have any small calculations in their minds. They decided early on. Has the target been set? I am afraid that you are the only city lord who has no distractions, so it is not difficult to see why His Majesty the King will single you out!"

"You told me so much today and made me understand a lot of things. I am very grateful to you. I won't bother with you about your assassination today!" Tianci said.

"My lord, we might as well cooperate!" Chen Wu suddenly suggested, "Your main task now is to take over the entire Northwest Province through Yanhua City, and prevent all the princes from getting involved here. But the two princes have already got their hands on it, and started Expansion, the eldest prince instigated against our Northwest Wolf, and the third prince colluded with the Wind and Snow Sect. I think that if only relying on the city lord's own strength, it will definitely not be able to prevent the infiltration of the two princes, so I boldly put forward a suggestion, and hope the city lord can adopt it! "

"you say!"

"I ask the Lord City Master to help me take back the Northwest Wolf, so that I can control the Northwest Wolf Four Hall and completely cut off the eldest prince. In return, I can help the Lord solve the three mercenary groups, and put the two princes in the Northwest. How about clearing it up completely?"

Tianci was noncommittal, but said lightly, "It can be considered!"

"I know that with the number of my lord's personal guards, I can't take over all these cities. My lord can apply to His Majesty the King to form a city defense garrison, and I, the Northwest Wolf, can also guard the four cities of Pingliang for the city lord. I can guarantee that as long as I can get it back Northwest Wolf, I will definitely follow my original policy to reduce taxes to the same level as your Lord’s Yanhua City, and strictly control my subordinates, and I will never bully my people. My Lord only needs to help me Northwest Wolf once, not only can I Solving the two mercenary forces can also wipe out the foundation of the two princes in the Northwest, and recover five cities at the same time, plus I, the Northwest Wolf, will take care of the four cities of Pingliang for the Lord, and kill four birds with one stone, why not do it?"

Faced with such a temptation, Tianci couldn't help but nodded.

Chen Wu was overjoyed, "Sir, did you agree? It's really great, I'll go get ready now!"

After talking about Chen Wu, Fang De opened the door and walked out, leaving only Tianci and Anrui father and son.

after a while
"Dad, why do I feel like we've been fooled, she lost nothing from the beginning to the end of the Northwest Wolf!"

An Rui nodded, and walked to Tianci's side, "This woman is not simple, if there is a chance, keep her by my side!"

In the early morning of the next day, Tianci ordered Gelug to send someone to Pingliang City to inquire about all the movements of the Heavenly Wolf Hall and the Diwolf Hall.

"Father, this time the prince sent a lot of masters, one of them is a seventh-level great swordsman, I'm afraid I can't handle it with my strength, so I want to invite you and Bai Feng to go with us!" Tianci looked at Anrui and said arrive.

An Rui laughed and said, "Father and son soldiers! If I throw you over there, when I get back to Ancona, your mother won't punish me to death?"

Received Shen Nuo from Anrui, Tianci immediately boosted his confidence.

Three days later, Gelu will report the news he found in Pingliang City to Tianci.

Pingliang city is currently under martial law for the selection of the new wolf master, and customs clearance certificates are required for entry and exit.In addition, there are a large number of guards around the main administrative locations in the city and the competition stage where the new wolf king is selected, and it is impossible to enter without an invitation letter from the Heavenly Wolf Hall.

"My lord, why don't we mobilize all the personal guards to directly surround Pingliang City. As far as I know, there will be no more than 3000 people in the Heavenly Wolf Hall, and most of them joined in the past two years. The combat effectiveness is not very strong. As long as Miss Chenwu If I can stop the reinforcements from the other three halls, I am confident that I can take Pingliang City within five days."

"My lord, most of the Heavenly Wolf Hall are also poor children. They are just ordered by my second uncle. They are innocent! And my third uncle's Heavenly Wolf Hall may have already transferred the elite to Pingliang City!" Chen Wu glared at Gru with indescribable anger.

Tianci nodded and looked at Gru, "Morning Wu is right. Most of them are innocent. We will only let them die for nothing if we attack by force. There is a debtor to blame. Pingliang City is just a small number of people who do evil. They just need to catch it, and leave the rest to Chen Wu to deal with."

"Thank you, Lord City Master! But my second uncle and the others have always been very cautious in doing things. This time the matter is so important, it is impossible for them not to take strict precautions. It is not so easy for us to get close to capture them. Why don't we go to Pingtian first Pingliang City, which is under the jurisdiction of my eldest sister Xiwu and brother-in-law Zeda, they should have received the invitation this time, as long as we are with them, we can enter Pingliang City smoothly, and then you can directly subdue me in the competition stage Second Uncle and Third Uncle, and I have a way to stabilize the entire Northwest Wolf!" Chen Wu said gratefully to Tianci.

"That's fine! Get ready, Gru, and hand over the city defense to Mr. Clark for management. You bring twenty personal guards with better martial arts skills and fighting spirit and set off with us in three days."

"Are twenty personal guards enough?"

"Hehe! Our main purpose of this operation is to capture the two Hall Masters, not to wipe out the Northwest Wolves, so people are more valuable than many!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

Early in the morning three days later, Tianci led twenty personal guards, dressed as businessmen, and drove four carriages full of goods to Pingtian City.The closest to Yanhua City is Pingliang City, followed by Pingtian City.Pingtian City is in the southwest of Pingliang City, and the journey is only half a day away.

In the carriage at the front, Lier was sitting next to An Rui, given by God.

"Brother Tianci, are you really determined to fight against the princes?" Lier asked worriedly.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it. I don't want to get involved with them, but I can't do anything about it!" Tianci said helplessly, "Whether it's for the trust of His Majesty the King or for the sake of the millions I have to get rid of all these forces in the lives of the people! Teacher Ou Ling once said that the price of too dispersed power is continuous war!"

An Rui patted Tianci and Li'er on the shoulders, "Don't worry about it. Tianci, you can do whatever you want, and you don't have to worry so much. A man will do things rashly, as long as he is right with the conscience of heaven and earth! Formerly afraid of wolves If you are afraid of tigers, what should you do!"

"But Uncle Anrui, what if they become the new kings and take revenge on Brother Tianci?"

"Hahaha! Lier, you are too careful. Your grandfather is the protector of the empire. What is there to be afraid of after you get married? Besides, if they become the new kings and really want to take revenge on us, we will go to court at the worst." In the Faran Empire, your little uncle is very likely to become the new protector of the Faran Empire. We will live in the Faran Empire by then. Let me tell you, the place where your master lives is the most beautiful place in the entire Faran Empire Yingxia Valley, where the four seasons are like spring and the scenery is picturesque, especially the sunset glow every day, which is the most beautiful and spectacular I have ever seen. If it wasn’t for Zhen’s reluctance to part with her homeland, I would have taken you to Yingxia Valley a long time ago.”

"Okay, I heard from my father that the master knows me. In fact, I have wanted to see the master for a long time. Usually, Dad, you say so much about the master, so I have to verify it! Hahaha!"

"Verification?" An Rui stared, "Are you doubting the ability of the master? Don't think that Dad can't subdue you without fighting spirit. Your master is thousands of times stronger than Dad. Even if you don't need fighting spirit, a little finger can subdue you. !"

"Brother Tianci, your ancestor is the former saint of the French Empire, and his strength will definitely not be lower than my grandfather, so you don't need to verify it!" Lier nodded beside her.

Tianci pouted, "Father, you said that the master was the former saint of the Faran Empire, why didn't he become a saint anymore? Who is the saint now?"

An Rui stared at the direction of the Faran Empire longingly, "Your master is a persistent person. Although he seems to be unrestrained and doesn't care about anything, he never gave up his pursuit of power. I think you all know that Only when the magic or fighting spirit reaches level nine can the full power of the artifact be fully exerted, so the guardian saints of the major empires are all ninth-level powerhouses. After your ancestors reach the ninth level of fighting spirit, they will become the guardian saints of the empire, with Even so, he continued to pursue a higher holy level, but no matter how hard he tried for so many years, he still could not find the way forward. Your master once described that reaching the ninth level is like walking Into a dead end. Later, your ancestor thought that powerful weapons would often make people dependent and hinder him from moving forward, so he returned the splendor of the divine weapon epee back to the Faran royal family. So far, our Faran Empire has been There are no new protectors of the country, but if someone threatens the Faran Empire, your ancestors will still take up the epee and defend the Faran Empire without hesitation."

"Oh, so that's the case! I think the ancestor is so courageous that he can resist the temptation of the divine weapon. If it were me, I would be reluctant to let go of the divine weapon!" Tianci expressed admiration.

An Rui sighed, "Master is the person I admire the most in my life!"

The convoy continues on the barren Gobi!
Every day is the hottest time at noon, and everyone in the convoy is sweating profusely, except for Lier, who is hiding in the moon wolf cloak to cool off alone.Yu'er was naturally resistant to heat, but ran to the carriage to sunbathe comfortably.

"My lord, we are almost at Hirata City!" Gru reported.

Tianci stepped out of the carriage and watched from a distance.

Pingtian City is very similar to Yanhua City, but the scale is much smaller, and the city walls are a bit dilapidated.

"My lord, that's Pingtian City! It's the smallest of the four cities in Pingliang, with a population of only about 30!" Chen Wu walked to Tianci.

"Let's go to the city, do you need to avoid it?"

"No need, I hardly ever go out, so no one in the Northwest Wolves will know me except a few hall masters and important officials." Chen Wu smiled lightly.

The convoy walked slowly to the gate of the city.

"Stop!" The guard at the city gate stopped the convoy. "One silver coin per person, five silver coins per carriage!"

Gelu stepped forward to pay the city gate tax, and a group of people entered Pingtian City.

Chen Wu was quite familiar with Hirata City, and led the convoy straight to the Blood Wolf Hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion is much smaller than that of Yanhua City, but it is extremely tightly guarded.

Chenwu and Gelu accompanied Tianci and Lier to the main entrance.Walking to the door, Gelu stepped forward and announced, "We are businessmen who have come all the way from Yanhua City. If we have anything to do, we will ask your hall master!"

The guard looked at Tianci and Li'er, although they looked like businessmen all in one suit, they were dressed extremely luxuriously and imposingly.The people who usually come to Hirata City are small businessmen who wear ordinary clothes, just like them.

The guards did not dare to neglect, and hurried into the mansion to report.

Not long after, the guard ran out, "My hall master, please come to the hall for a discussion!"

Under the guidance of the guards, the four of them came to the hall and sat in guest seats.

"Hahaha! I don't know that distinguished guest came to my city of Pingtian specially!" A hearty and unrestrained laughter sounded from outside the door, and a couple in their 30s appeared at the door at the same time.No need for an introduction, they are Chenwu's elder sister Xiwu and brother-in-law Zeda.

"Two hall masters, long time no see, but it's okay!" Chen Wu walked forward with a smile.

The original smiling faces of the couple froze, and Xiwu burst into tears.

"Everyone get down! No one is allowed to stay within 30 meters!" Zeda yelled.

"Yes, hall master!" All the nearby guards left quickly.

After all the guards went down, Xiwu hugged Chenwu fiercely, "Sister, you are fine, you are really fine! I thought you... Your brother-in-law and I are still discussing whether to go to Hefenglangtang to kill him next month." Second uncle and they will avenge you! It's great that you can come back!"

Chen Wu was moved in his heart!
"It's good that the morning mist is fine! Does he think that the Heavenly Wolf Hall can control our Northwest Wolves by colluding with the Earth Wolf Hall? Just dream! Now that the new wolf king is back, we will expose their true colors and let all the Northwest Wolves The brothers all recognize their faces!" Zeda shouted excitedly.

Xi Wu hugged Chen Wu tightly, "Sister, what happened, why are you going to Pingliang City?"

"At that time, I learned that my second uncle and the eldest prince were colluding with the eldest prince to rebel, so I wanted to dissuade them, but I didn't expect to encounter an ambush on the way! I thought I was doomed, but fortunately, I met the Lord Godsend and rescued me!" Chen Wu lightly Gently lifted the mist away, and introduced, "This is the newly appointed lord of our Northwest Province, Lord Earl Kate, a gift from God."

The new lord!Godsend • Lord Kate!
As soon as the new lord arrived in the northwest, he immediately formed a personal guard group, and wiped out Spike Fang with lightning speed. All forces feel threatened at the same time as never before.

The Zedas were taken aback, their faces darkened immediately, and they looked at Tianci warily.

"Sister, brother-in-law, don't worry. The lord is not here to exterminate our Northwest wolves, but to help me get them back. I have reached an agreement with you. If I get back the Northwest wolves, I just need to help you get rid of them." For those three mercenary regiments, my lord will continue to hand over the four cities of Pingliang to our management!"

"Really?" The Zeda couple looked at Tianci in disbelief.

Tianci nodded helplessly. At that time, Chen Wu made an agreement on his own initiative when he was still a little dazed. Now that he said it in public, Tianci can't go back on the spot!

Zeda and his wife were overjoyed, "If the second uncle and the others become wolf kings this time, I am afraid we will not have a good life. With the help of the lord, we will be able to kill all these traitors!"

"Well, we came to my sister this time to discuss a solution! I think ten days later..."

The recent inspection at the gate of Pingliang City is extremely strict, and all carriages entering and exiting must be interrogated.

"Stop! What's in the carriage, open it!" A guard yelled at the approaching convoy.At the same time, four or five guards pointed their spears at the carriage.

The leading coachman jumped off the carriage, slapped him with a raised hand, and held up a gold medal at the same time, "Do you dare to stop the carriage of the head of the Blood Wolf Hall?"

The guard was shocked and hurriedly gave way.

The coachman didn't talk too much, he jumped into the carriage, and a group of carriages roared towards the city.

The guard rubbed the red marks on his face, "Why have all the hall masters become so violent recently?"

Outside the hall of the City Lord's Mansion in Pingliang City, there is a spacious courtyard surrounded by pennants with wolf heads.There are two seats in the middle of each of the four sides, and there are enough seats for nearly a hundred guards behind the seats.

In a room in the inner mansion of the City Lord's Mansion, three half-hundred men sat at a table and drank fine wine.It was Deken who chased Tianci and others to the entrance of Foggy Valley and the two hall masters of Tianlangtang and Dilangtang.

"Mr. Durken, that little girl is really..." the Dilang Hall master asked cautiously and tentatively.

Durken's face darkened, "We saw them walk into the foggy valley with our own eyes, and your subordinates also saw it. Is there any fake?"

"Third brother, what accidents will happen if Mr. Durken goes out in person? There is always going in and out of the foggy valley, so what are you worried about!" said the master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall with a smile.

"Second brother, you must be the wolf king this time. Third brother, I would like to congratulate you first!" The Dilang Hall master raised his wine glass.

"Hahaha, it's all thanks to Mr. Deken's help! As long as we get rid of Zeda and Sosa today, the Northwestern Wolf will belong to our two brothers!" The head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall laughed. , toast together to Deken.

Deken raised his glass in return, and said indifferently, "I have already fulfilled the request you made for His Royal Highness. I don't know when you will start to do what you promised the Elder Prince?"

The head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall raised his head and gulped it down, "As long as the two of us brothers succeed today, tomorrow I will concentrate all the 5000 troops of the Northwest Wolf under your command, Lord Deken. They are the Sword Glow Mercenary Group and the Rose Mercenary Group The regiment is no more than [-] people, and we add the Jianmang mercenary group to at least [-], I don't believe that we can't take Berna, Boxi, and Berlin?"

Deken nodded. If he can successfully win the three cities of Berna, he will have enough bargaining chips to negotiate with the Snow Wind Sect and make him support the eldest prince instead.As long as the siege of Yanhua City is completed, it is equivalent to actually controlling the entire Northwest Province.

"Northwestern Army!" Durken secretly sighed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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