Godsend Field

Chapter 110

Chapter 110
In Pingliang City, the courtyard outside the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion was already full of people.

The hall masters of the Fourth Wolf Hall in the Northwest had already taken their seats, and the guards who followed were standing behind them.

The guards of the Blood Wolf Hall all wore a red wolf cloak, wrapping their bodies in it.Tianci and the others were also wearing a red cloak and standing quietly behind the Zeda couple.

"My lord, look at the two over 50-year-olds on the opposite seat are the head of the Wind Wolf Hall, Sosa, and the deputy head, Sauron. They are brothers, and sitting on both sides are my second uncle and third uncle!" Nodding his head, he whispered in Tianci's ear.

Tianci didn't raise his head and eyes, and had already understood the surrounding situation clearly under his spiritual consciousness.

"Your second uncle seems to be serious this time, there are at least a thousand people ambushed nearby!" Tianci said lightly.

Zeda and his wife were shocked and looked back at the gift from God.


A rush of horns sounded, and everyone fell silent.

The head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall strode to the center of the courtyard, looked around and said sadly, "I invite everyone here today because I have something very sad to tell you. Our new wolf king, my little niece passed away unfortunately last month. Although I told everyone that he passed away due to illness, but here, I want to tell everyone frankly that our new wolf king was assassinated and died!"


The crowd that had just calmed down immediately became agitated, while the Zeda couple and the head of the Wind Wolf Hall, Sousa, watched the performance of the head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall with cold eyes.

"Who did it?"

"Revenge for the Wolf King!"


All the guards were filled with righteous indignation and united with the enemy.

"Quiet! Quiet! Although I haven't found out the specific murderer, I will definitely not stop here! I also hope that everyone can remain calm. In Yanhua City not far away, the new lord is staring at the murderer. Looking at us, he can't wait to wipe us out immediately!"

"That lord killed our wolf king!" someone shouted.

"Kill the lord!"


. . . . . .

At this moment, the guards pretending to be in the Blood Wolf Hall were all furious, wishing they could go out immediately and chop the head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall into pieces.

"Hehe, your second uncle's hand is really beautiful!" Tianci said to Chen Wu in a low voice.

"This kind of small measurement is what he is best at, but he is also good at such a small measurement!" Chen Wu said coldly.

courtyard center
"At this moment, my heart is also very sad. But as the saying goes, Long Wutou can't do it, not to mention that our huge Northwest wolf needs a wise and capable wolf king to lead it. That's why I specially invite everyone to come here today. , I just hope that a new wolf king can be selected in public to lead us!"

"In my opinion, what else should I choose? Master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall, you have the most senior qualifications. You are also the younger brother of the old wolf king and the uncle of the new wolf king. I think you must be the new wolf king!" The dignified master stood up and said loudly, everyone could hear clearly.

"You can't say that!" Sauron, the deputy head of the Wind Wolf Hall, also stood up. "The rules of our Northwest Wolf have always been determined by the old wolf king before his death. If there is no decision, it will be determined by competition. As for relatives, I don’t think the Vice-Hall Master Xi Wu of the Blood Wolf Hall would be more suitable?”

After being robbed by Sauron, the deputy head of the Wind Wolf Hall, the face of the head of the Di Wolf Hall suddenly darkened, "Even if it is a competition, do you think there is anyone here who has higher martial arts fighting spirit than the head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall?"

"That's not necessarily true!" Sauron said contemptuously, not paying attention to the Dilang Hall Master at all.

Just as the two hall masters and deputy hall masters were arguing, Tianci smiled and asked Chen Wu, "What's going on?"

"The relationship between the Wind Wolf Hall and the Heavenly Wolf Hall and the Earth Wolf Hall has always been bad. The head of the Wind Wolf Hall, Sousa, and my brother-in-law Zeda were both promoted to the head of the hall by virtue of their merits, so they all look down on the second and third uncles who rely on relatives. Be the head of the hall. I think Sosa's visit this time is definitely not as simple as being a spectator!"

"That's enough, shut up! You have a hall master and a deputy hall master, arguing in public to make peace? The state owns the state law, and the gang has gang rules! We will choose a new wolf king through competitions according to the historical rules!" The master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall said angrily, and at the same time looked at Sosa resentfully.

The Hall Master of the Dilang Hall strode forward, "Since it is in accordance with the rules, then I will show you how powerful the Deputy Hall Master Sauron is!"

Sauron was about to fight forward, but Sosa, the master of the Wind Wolf Hall, grabbed Sauron's wrist, "My brother is not your opponent!"


The master of Dilangtang snorted coldly, turned around and prepared to leave.

"I said my brother is not your opponent, but I didn't say that I am not your opponent!" Sousa said coldly.

The master of the Dilang Hall was taken aback, "Haha! Okay, I also want to learn about your blood-devouring fighting spirit, Sosa!"

Godsend secretly said, according to Gru's information, they are all five-level grudges, only the master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall has broken through the sixth level, but although they are all five-level, the time for the Diwolf Hall master to enter the fifth level is a little longer, and the chances of winning are greater a little.


Sousa's fighting spirit emanated without warning, and the dark blue fighting spirit was particularly dazzling.

"Level [-] Dou Qi!!"

"Do you still want to experience my blood-devouring battle qi?" Sosa said proudly.

The master of the Dilang Hall was horrified, and stood stiffly on the spot, his facial muscles twitching involuntarily. Unexpectedly, Sosa had reached the sixth level of grudge!

Seeing the hall master of the Dilang Hall standing in the middle with an embarrassing expression on his face, the hall master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall said loudly, "I never thought that the master of our Wind Wolf Hall would be promoted to the sixth level of fighting spirit. What a pity and congratulations! This is our Northwest Wolf's blessing!"

When everyone noticed the head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall, the head of the Dilang Hall quietly slipped back to his seat.

The head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall turned to look at Zeda and his wife again, "Hall Master Zeda, come and have a try too, maybe you will get this wolf king in the end!"

Just as Zeda was about to speak, Xiwu stood up, "Second Uncle is talking about that, don't you know how much we weigh? Besides, my father passed the title of Wolf King to my younger sister, not to you and me. People, isn't it because we don't have the ability to be wolf kings!"

Xi Wu's voice mixed with fighting spirit spread far away, and everyone present could hear it clearly.

The face of the head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall suddenly sank, while the head of the Wind Wolf Hall, Sousa, gloated at the head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall.

"Xiwu is right. None of us can beat the new wolf king in terms of aptitude, intelligence, insight, and tolerance. But heaven is jealous of talents, and I don't want Chenwu to be murdered by that hateful new lord at a young age! Although it is a pity , but we can't sit still and wait to be eliminated one by one by the new lord, we have to elect a new wolf king to lead everyone, otherwise the foundation of our Northwest wolf for hundreds of years will be destroyed, how can we be worthy of previous wolves King!"

Tianci snorted softly. He was still skeptical just now, but now the head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall directly blamed himself for killing the new wolf king!
"Second uncle is right, then you can compete with the master of the Wind Wolf Hall, Zeda and I will not participate!" After speaking, Xi Wu sat back in her seat.

The headmaster of the Heavenly Wolf Hall walked to the middle and looked around, "In this case, Sosa, let's compete. But since it is a battle for the wolf king, casualties are inevitable, and everyone who dares to take the stage will live according to their destiny!"

Sosa came to the middle "This is natural!"


The horn sounded again, and a guard came up carrying a tray on which were placed two identical long swords.The guard walked up to Sosa first, Sosa picked up one hand, the guard went to the head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall, and the head took the other one.

"let's start!"

The two unfolded their fighting energy at the same time, the dark blue fighting energy buzzed and trembled through the long sword, and the long sword exuded dark blue fighting energy.Although the fighting energy wrapped around the two of them was dark blue, the fighting energy of the master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall seemed to be a little brighter.

Two identical mid-tier weapons.

"Kill!" Sosa attacked first.

"Dang!" The two long swords collided together!
Sousa pushed hard, flicking away the long sword in the hands of the master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall, and struck the opponent's neck with a horizontal chop.The master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall calmly raised his right arm, with the long sword stuck upside down on his arm.

"Dang!" The long sword struck again, wiping out flames.

Sosa held the sword in both hands, and suddenly increased his strength.

The master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall held the long sword backwards and couldn't fight Sosa at all, so he retreated rapidly along with Sosa's thrust.Sousa was so powerful that he continued to stab straight with his sword.After retreating more than ten steps, the hall master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall suddenly raised his right leg, and his body stopped immediately. The right arm holding the long sword on the back suddenly raised, and lifted Sosa's long sword to the sky, and turned the long sword with his right hand. In his hand, he stabbed directly at Sosa's chest that was rushing forward in inertia.

Sosa's body bowed back, and his left arm suddenly grew to grab the right wrist of the head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall.The right hand holding the sword regained strength at this time, ready to attack again.

The master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall didn't wait for Sosa to fight back and suddenly bullied forward, and his body wrapped in dark blue grudge slammed into Sosa fiercely.

boom!The head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall hit Sosa's chest with his shoulder, and Sosa took a few steps back after being hit, with the long sword across his chest to prevent the opponent from attacking.

They were also level six battle qi, and this collision had no real impact on Sosa.

The head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall did not take advantage of the momentum to pursue, and swung his long sword, "Sousa, how long are we going to fight like this, why don't we all use the most powerful martial arts to decide the outcome?"

"Okay, let's decide the outcome with one move!" Sosa gritted his teeth and said fiercely.Grasping the blade with the palm of his left hand, he drew the long sword, and a trace of blood appeared on the blade.

Tianci looked at the morning mist in puzzlement.

"Sousa's vindictiveness is quite special. It is usually similar to other people's. Once it is combined with his own blood, the power will increase. In fact, it does not increase the power, but becomes devouring," Chen Wu explained.

"Swallowing?" It was the first time Tianci heard that Dou Qi was devouring.

"That's right, it's devouring! Every contact will devour part of the opponent's vindictiveness. In the duel, the more frequent and longer the swords of the two sides are in contact, the better for him. In fact, for Sosa, protracted battles are his strengths. With With the devouring characteristic, his sixth-level primary grudge can compete with the sixth-level mid-stage grudge! So you understand why my second uncle proposed a move to determine the outcome!"

Tianci nodded, "Then what level is your second uncle's fighting spirit?"

"My second uncle has been level six fighting qi ten years ago, and now he should be an intermediate level six fighting qi. And Sosa should have been promoted only this year, at most he is a primary level six fighting qi."


Sousa roared loudly, his fighting spirit soared.The bloodstains on the blade made a popping sound as if boiling.

The master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall clenched the long sword with both hands and exerted all his strength, his long hair fluttered.

"Kill!!" The two shouted at the same time, rushing towards each other like lightning!
"Devouring the world!"

"Dou Qi whirling cut!"

"Bang!" The two men slammed into each other with long swords in their hands.The long sword hummed, and lightning flashed at the joint.The master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall gritted his teeth, and the sleeves of his arms and sleeves burst apart, revealing his strong and powerful arms.Under the pressure of the head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall, Sosa seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed, and began to retreat slightly, but finally managed to hold on.

"Good!" The master of the Dilang Hall was overjoyed.The main members of the heaven and earth halls also echoed, as if they were winning.

Just when the two were in a stalemate, Sousa's fighting spirit suddenly increased. Although it was still dark blue, the brightness clearly surpassed the fighting spirit of the hall master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall.

Facing the horrified master of the mutant Heavenly Wolf Hall, the pressure from the long sword increased sharply, and at the same time, his fighting spirit quickly drained.

Devour!The longer the time, the more it will be devoured!
The master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall wanted to dodge with his sword, but the long sword seemed to be stuck, and beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead!
"Want to leave? No one can escape under my devouring heaven and earth!" Sosa suddenly smiled sinisterly and whispered, "To tell you the truth, I have been promoted to the sixth level of Dou Qi long before you. Sixth level grudge, my current state is the sixth level peak! I have been holding back for so many years, just waiting for today, don’t think that I don’t know how the old wolf king died, tell you, from the first time you gave the old wolf I knew when the king gave the medicine! And the new wolf king, needless to say, I can guess that you did it!"

"Go to hell!" Sosa roared, and slashed down!


The hall master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall flew out in response, and the right arm holding the long sword fell to the ground.

"Second Brother!" The Dilang Hall Master yelled and rushed over, helped the Heavenly Wolf Hall Master who fell to the ground, blood was flowing from the broken arm.

"You abolished my second brother, I'll kill you!" The Dilang Hall master screamed strangely, and was about to rush up.

"If you dare to go on stage, each will follow his destiny. This is what your second brother said! If you dare to come up, I will fulfill you!" Sosa said contemptuously, shaking the blood on the long sword.

The master of the ground wolf hall stopped immediately, not daring to move forward.At this time, the master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall stood up with difficulty, stopped the bleeding, and didn't groan from the beginning to the end, he was considered a man!

"Master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall, now you can announce who is the new wolf king!" Sosa said proudly, looking around with his hands behind his back, this kind of action was often done by the old wolf king before his death.

The master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall looked at Sosa viciously, and shouted, "Mr. Durken!!"

A purple figure flashed out from the hall, and the dark blue sword light trembled in the surrounding air and approached Sosa!
The sudden threat made Sosa startled, and hurriedly raised his sword to block it.


The long swords intersected, and the dark blue sword marks deviated from the track.Sousa's arm felt numb as if it had been hit by a heavy weight.

Deken quickly adjusted his sword path, and the dark blue long sword slashed straight down from top to bottom.With no time to take care of his numb arm, Sosa was forced to raise his sword to block again.

Just now he was complacent, but now he is tired of saving his life.

Although Sousa's blood-devouring battle qi was weird, it could only deal with the same level as himself, or weak warriors. Facing pure and powerful battle qi one level higher than himself, blood-devouring had no effect at all.


The long swords collided again, from the front!The powerful high-grade weapon combined with the seventh-level grudge directly cut Sosa's mid-grade long sword into two pieces.

"Pfft!" A severed arm flew up again.

"Ah!" Sosa threw the half-severed sword in his hand, his right hand held the broken part of his left arm, screaming in pain and rolled to the ground.

"It's a pity!" Deken looked at Sosa on the ground. If it wasn't for Sosa's shift at a critical moment, I'm afraid it should be a corpse lying on the ground now, not as simple as a broken arm.However, as a rare great swordsman, his haughty personality didn't make him strike again.

In just a few seconds, Sosa, who was caught off guard, was defeated miserably.Facing the sudden change, everyone was stunned, except for the two hall masters, Heaven and Earth, who knew in advance, and Tianci, who knew from the very beginning that there were unfathomable masters hidden in the hall.

Sauron ran in to help Sosa, and pointed at Deken angrily, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Deken's face was cold, and he ignored Sauron at all, "If you want to blame, you will blame your self-control and ran out to spoil the good thing of the great prince!"

"Prince!!" Everyone in the Wind Wolf Hall and the Blood Wolf Hall were shocked.

"Master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall, your brothers have colluded with outsiders to usurp the throne of the Wolf King. Needless to say, this person must have killed the new Wolf King?" Sauron said angrily.

"So what if I killed it?" Deken looked at the other two halls with contempt. "The master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall, the master of the Dilang Hall, it's up to you!" After speaking, Deken walked into the hall !

"Third brother, send the signal!" The master of the Wind Wolf Hall said reluctantly.

"Chirp!" A voice resounded throughout the City Lord's Mansion.

Immediately outside the courtyard was the sound of intensive running, the sound of armor clashing, and the sound of drawing bows and drawing swords. . .In a moment, nearly a thousand guards surrounded the entire courtyard, facing each other with swords.

"Second Uncle, Third Uncle! What are you doing? Do you still want to kill our Wind Wolf Hall and Blood Wolf Hall?" Xi Wu was furious, stood up and asked.

"It's because you don't know how to praise, and if you submit to us early, nothing will happen? Now that His Majesty the Empire is old and the eldest prince is powerful, my second brother and I have officially decided to join the eldest prince. If you are willing to submit, it will still be our Northwest Prince." Master of the wolf hall, otherwise none of you will get out alive today!" said the hall master of the wolf hall fiercely, and drew out his long sword at the same time.

The brothers of Wind Wolf Hall and Blood Wolf Hall were in an uproar and were aggrieved.

"Get ready!" The master of the Dilang Hall held up his long sword, and the surrounding guards immediately drew their longbows.

"The new wolf king is here! Stop it!" At this critical moment, Xiwu shouted.

Everyone present was shocked.

Accompanied by Tianci, Chen Wu walked to the center, and the two of them took off their red cloaks at the same time, and Yu'er jumped onto Tianci's shoulder without losing the opportunity.The twenty personal guards also threw off their cloaks to protect Tianci.

"The new wolf king is our new wolf king!"

Some dignitaries who knew Chen Wu all went forward and knelt down!
"Second uncle, how is third uncle recently? I heard that you called everyone to hold a competition, so I came to join in the fun and have a look, so I didn't disturb you!" Chen Wu said with a smile on his face.

The two hall masters of Tianlangtang and Dilangtang were frightened, "You... how come you are here, haven't you entered the foggy valley...impossible...you can't come out!"

Chen Wu walked around in a circle, "Listen up, brothers of the Northwest Wolf, I am your new wolf king, Chen Wu. The head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall and the Earth Wolf Hall colluded with outsiders to frame the Wolf King. I am here to officially announce that from today They will be revoked and arrested as hall masters, and will be interrogated by the master of the blood wolf hall and supervised by the master of the wind wolf hall! All the brothers of the heavenly wolf hall and the ground wolf hall present have been misled by traitors. If you evacuate immediately, As the wolf king, I guarantee that the past will not be blamed!"

All the guards on the periphery were at a loss, and many of them hesitated at first, putting away their weapons one after another, but did not leave immediately.

"What, you refuse to leave? Are you planning to rebel together?" Zeda jumped up and shouted angrily, pointing at the surroundings.

Zeda was usually straightforward, tall and majestic, and very unrestrained. At this time, he roared even more imposingly, and many guards on the periphery were frightened and left in a panic.

It's okay not to move, once one person starts to evacuate, the rest of the guards also start to evacuate one after another, just like deserters chasing after being defeated throw away their helmets and armor.

Although there is an order from the hall master, everyone knows that in the northwest wolf, the order of the wolf king is the highest.

"Stop all of them! Attack me, kill them all!" the Dilang Hall master shouted in disgrace.However, how could he reverse the chaotic scene in the periphery with just a few words!

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!" The hall master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "Okay, it's a good trick to bloom in the belly! My little niece, you have a strategy and enough courage. One sentence is worth thousands of soldiers. Second uncle, I am more and more admired now." You! But this is Pingliang City, and it belongs to me. Since you are here, don’t even think about going out. If Wugu can’t trap you to death, I will personally solve you!”

"Mr. Durkan~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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