Godsend Field

Chapter 111

Chapter 111
The careful preparations of the two hall masters of Heavenly Wolf Hall and Earth Wolf Hall were completely disrupted by the sudden morning mist. Facing the situation that was out of control, the two hall masters didn't care much because they still had hole cards.

"Mr. Durken~" the head of the Heavenly Wolf Hall shouted.

A purple figure flew out and stood opposite Tianci and Chenwu.

Just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly saw the gift from God in front of him, and Durken was taken aback, "It turned out to be the Earl!"

Tianci smiled slightly, "You know me, that means you are also from the capital, and the eldest prince sent you here!"

"Since the Earl has guessed it, I won't say more. Our mission here this time is to take this woman's life, and I hope the Earl will make it easier for you!" Durken said respectfully.

At this time, if it is said that the person Durken least wants to see is the Earl of Godsend.If something happened to Godsend here, Duke Kate and Saint Rafal would vent all their grievances on the eldest prince. In the end, his own life and death were small, and the eldest prince would never be destined to be on the throne forever!
"Take her life? Hahaha, ridiculous! Let me ask you, what crime did she commit? Why do you kill her?" Tianci said angrily.

Durken choked, it seemed that the Earl wanted to protect the morning mist.

"My lord, the Northwest wolf is a bandit, and I am also killing the country and the people!"

Tianci moved his right hand slightly, and the order of forgiveness appeared in his hand, "Then do you know this?"

Durken's heart was shocked, "Heaven's pardon!!"

"I am ordered by His Majesty the King to manage Yanhua City and all the people in the nearby cities within a radius of [-] miles. Even if they are bandits, I am here now, and I will handle all matters. It is not up to you to execute without permission. You And the six people in the hall can now leave."

Deken's heart sank, and he gritted his teeth, "My lord, the task given by the eldest prince was to kill the bandit leader. I must complete the task. Please forgive me if I offend you!"

No one here is his opponent, as long as he can kill Chen Wu, plus the six people in the hall, it is enough to control the whole scene.At that time, even the Earl of Godsend will have no choice but to give up. At most, he will impeach himself after the event. Anyway, the eldest prince will come forward to protect himself in the end!

Connected to this level, Deken ignored the gift of heaven and launched his fighting spirit to attack the morning mist.


A purple light flashed, sealing Durken's direction.


Durken paused, his arms numb!

A white figure, Bai Feng appeared in the middle of the courtyard with An Rui on his back, and the purple light flashed back to An Rui's hands.

Deken failed to get a blow and quickly turned around, attacking the morning mist from the side.At this time, Chen Wu had already made preparations, stirring with a light blue grudge.

Level [-] battle qi is nothing to mention in front of level [-] fighters, let alone Durken's fatal blow with all his strength.If Deken is allowed to approach and display the strongest martial arts, even Chen Wu has great abilities and cannot escape death.

Faced with Deken's rapid transfer, An Rui stood up from Baifeng's back, with a sudden force on his feet, his body flew towards Deken like a sharp arrow.The spirit sword Fuyun in his hand made a crackling sound, pointing directly at Durken's back.

Durken was terrified in his heart, such power could shake the air to such an extent that even he himself couldn't do it.If Chen Wu was forcibly killed at this moment, he might also die by the sword behind him.

Deken quickly turned around and swung his sword to block An Rui's thrust.

"Dang!" The flames splashed

Durken stopped halfway and hurriedly picked up Anrui, but Anrui was ready to go, and the two decided to judge.Durken took two steps back from the shock before barely standing still.An Rui took the opportunity to turn around and stand in front of the morning mist.

Chen Wu, who had narrowly escaped death, was still in shock.

An Rui held the sword in both hands, his fighting spirit soared, and he stabbed directly at Deken!
"Chaos—Three Folded Waves!"

Deken's long sword lay across his chest, and the dark blue fighting spirit filled the entire blade.


A huge force passed through the blade, pressing the top of the sword against Durken's chest.

Just after the force passed, just as Deken heaved a sigh of relief, another more powerful force rushed over like a flood, and Deken, who was caught off guard, felt as if he had been hit hard by a stuffy hammer, and his body suddenly churned. .The body flew backwards involuntarily, and a mouthful of blood could not help but spit out from the mouth.


Before Deken could react in mid-air, Baifeng had already bullied him, and his thick and long tail hit him hard like a steel whip, smashing him straight to the ground.

The battle in the blink of an eye is overwhelming.Deken struggled to get up. If he hadn't also possessed level seven Dou Qi, any of the two attacks just now would have killed him.Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Durken looked up at his opponent.An Rui sat back on the white wind again.

"Anrui..." Deken was horrified, but at the same time relaxed, "No wonder I'm in such a mess!"

"Go, or stay alive!"

Deken looked at Anrui and Bai Feng below him.Seventh-level spirit sword fighters plus seventh-level monsters, none of them can be dealt with by him, let alone two more.It is almost impossible to kill Chen Wu under such circumstances. If it continues, An Rui may really kill himself and the other six!You must know that An Rui is not from the Welsh Empire, he will not care about any big prince.What's more, he is the apprentice of the epee brilliant, even if he killed himself, the eldest prince would not dare to say anything!
After quickly weighing the pros and cons, Durken turned around and left without further ado.

"Mr. Durken, you can't leave, what should we do if you leave..." the Dilang Hall master screamed.

Deken walked straight into the hall without even looking at the two panic-stricken hall masters.

"Gelu, take them down for me!" God sent an order.

"Yes!" Gelu waved his hand, and more than 20 personal guards quickly stepped forward to take down the two hall masters.The master of the Dilang Hall was still ready to resist, but was subdued by Gru within two strokes.The master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall has lost his right arm and is already a disabled person.The personal guards held back their anger, and slapped the two hall masters' soft parts a few times, especially the place where the hall master of the Heavenly Wolf Hall lost his arm.

"Chen Wu, I have already taken these two people. The rest is your internal affairs. You can handle it yourself. I will wait for you in the hall!" After Tianci finished speaking, he led twenty personal guards to escort the two halls. The Lord walked into the hall.The two hall masters were taken down by Tianci, it would be meaningless for Durken to kill Chen Wu again, and the seven of them had already left.

After most of the day, Chen Wu took care of all the aftermath and came to Tianci.

"My lord, my second uncle and third uncle committed serious crimes, I hope you can hand them over to me!"

Tianci nodded, "It's useless for me to come with these two people, so I'll leave it to you! How are you going to deal with them?"

"Murdering the wolf king is a capital crime! But for the sake of relatives, and this time there is no bloody crime, and I am still alive, I plan to deprive them of fighting spirit and imprison them for life! I wonder what your lord means?"

"This is your internal affairs, I don't care, all I care about is the people under my jurisdiction!"

"I understand what your lord means. I still need some time to appease my subordinates and elect a new hall master. When everything returns to normal, I will go to Yanhua City to discuss with you about the management of the four cities of Pingliang and taxes!"

"Okay! Then I'll wait for you in Yanhua City!"

"Thank you sir!"

The next day, Tianci set off back to Yanhua City with his personal guards and An Ruilier.

"Tianci, what do you think of this woman now?" An Rui asked in the carriage.Lil and Gru sit next to each other.

"Awesome, very powerful!" Tianci exclaimed.

"My lord, if you can keep her to help my lord, I think my lord will be even more powerful." Gru said affirmatively.

"How to keep it? I think sister Chenwu cares about the Northwest Wolf very much, and she is still the wolf king, how could she give up on the Northwest Wolf to help us?" Lier said next to her, the one who has been in contact with Chenwu for the longest time is Li Son.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, I've already thought of a solution!" Tianci smiled happily.

Back in Salt City, everything is operating normally under Clark's leadership.Clark also took Si Ni with him in a timely manner, and taught Si Ni all the reasons, standards, and methods of handling things, and so on. He almost regarded Si Ni as his apprentice.

"Congratulations, young master, for recovering the four cities of Pingliang from now on!" Clark immediately came up to congratulate Tianci and others when they returned to the City Lord's Mansion.After following Duke Kate for so many years, you can tell whether something is going to happen or not just by looking at his expression.

Tianci smiled and motioned for Clark to sit down and talk.

"Young master, I have taken the time to do some research on the four cities of Pingliang these days, and I have drawn up an outline, and I will ask you to read it!" As soon as Clark finished speaking, Si Ni took out a piece of paper full of writing and placed it on the In front of Godsend.

"Young master, our current tax is only 180 purple gold coins per month, half of which is used to reinforce the Northwest Army, and the other half is just enough to spend. The population of the four cities of Pingliang is about 1 million. If they follow our current tax According to the tax standard, the monthly tax may only be 320 Zijin coins. Except for their own expenses, there may be nothing for us. Unless the adults can take back the five cities in the east and west, this The five cities are relatively wealthy, with a total population of about [-] million. Even with low taxes, it can increase our monthly tax revenue by [-] purple gold coins. This will not only increase the reinforcements of the Northwest Army, but also continue to arm The personal guard of the young master. More importantly, we will have a reason to transfer [-]% of the Northwest Wolves to form city garrisons to station in the five cities in the east and west. First, to maintain the daily law and order and stability there, and second, to weaken the The armed strength of the Northwest Wolf. I don't know what the young master wants?"

Tianci nodded in satisfaction, "I promised to help Chen Wu take back the Northwest Wolf, just to deal with the five cities! It's just that the Northwest Wolf needs internal adjustments and can't immediately support us. I think we can organize it in two months at most. , Take back all the five east and west cities.”

Tianci stood up, "Mr. Clark, I hope you can list our current taxes and send someone to Chenwu. I hope they can implement it immediately. And tell Chenwu to come to Yanhua City to see me after she has rectified. , I have something important to discuss with her!"

"Master, if we let them implement this set of taxes now, they may not get any benefits, and I'm afraid they will resist!" Clark said worriedly.

"Hehe! No, Chen Wu is smarter than anyone else in calculating the future!" Tianci smiled confidently.

After discussing with Clark, Tianci was about to rest when a personal guard ran in.

"My lord, the shopkeeper of the dwarves, please see me!"

"The shopkeeper of the dwarf?" Tianci was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why he came to find him at this time.

"My lord, the shopkeeper of the dwarf has been looking for you many times every day for the past two days!" the personal guard reported.

Tianci walked out of the city lord's mansion in person, and saw the dwarf shopkeeper anxiously walking back and forth at the main entrance from a distance.

"Shopkeeper, the northwest wind is so strong that it even blows you here?" Tianci greeted the door with a smile, "Let's just say yes, I don't have any purple gold coins now!"

"My lord, you are finally back!" The dwarf shopkeeper anxiously greeted him, stretching out his hand to beckon.

Tianci bowed down, the dwarf leaned close to Tianci's ear, and said mysteriously, "My master is back..."

"The craftsman Oliver is back?"

"Yes, it's at our blacksmith shop, Master wants to see you!"

"Okay, let's go now!" After saying a few words from Tianci and the personal guard, he followed the shopkeeper to the blacksmith shop.

Walking into the inner hall, a gray-haired dwarf old man was lying on the bed, his face was pale, his naked upper body was wrapped in thick gauze, and there was faint traces of blood on his shoulders.After hearing the movement, the old dwarf opened his eyes.

"Master, the city lord is here!" The shopkeeper walked forward and gently lifted the old dwarf up.

Craftsman Oliver looked Tianci up and down, "You are the new city lord, Lord Earl!"

Tianci bowed, "I am, I have heard the name of Oliver craftsman a long time ago, and I have always wanted to pay a visit, but I had to give up after hearing from the shopkeeper that you have been away all year round. I don't know what you are?" Tianci pointed to the dwarf's Wound.

"Don't be arrogant or impetuous, be respectful! It seems that my apprentice is right, you are really different from other nobles! Ahem!" Craftsman Oliver sat up, leaning on the thick quilt.The dwarf shopkeeper went out to get a chair for Tianci, then left respectfully and closed the door at the same time.

"I heard from my apprentice that you are also a craftsman now?" Oliver craftsman.

Tianci said nothing, and nodded with a smile.

"It seems to be true! Hey! If I didn't know that my idiot will never lie, I really can't believe that the long sword would have come from the hands of a brat like you, and you only used it Fifteen days. Since ancient times, we dwarves have boasted that the casting talent is the best in the world, and the advanced craftsmen are ten years older than you humans. Now seeing you really makes us ashamed. There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people outside the dwarves!"

Tianci smiled slightly, "I'm just lucky enough to take a shortcut, it's not counted!"

Oliver craftsman waved his hand, "We dwarves never believe in shortcuts, luck, we only believe in facts! Hey, I think I was promoted to craftsman when I was more than 200 years old, and I feel ashamed when I think about it now!"

"My master also taught us before that there are two types of talents in your dwarves, one is casting, and the other is mining. For dwarves, there is only one kind of talent that is outstanding, and few people can do both. Considering both. I heard from the shopkeeper that your ability to find ore is well-known among the dwarves. I think your talent must be to find ore. You are also a craftsman. If you can achieve both, Oliver craftsman should be very good. That's right!"

Hearing what Tianci said, craftsman Oliver couldn't help but feel complacent, "Yes, my talent is to find ores. As for casting, my talent is mediocre, and I have reached the end of being a craftsman, and it is impossible to improve in the future. But It’s not a problem to teach those boys outside.”

Tianci smiled in agreement, "You seem to have only been away for a few days this time to search for mines. How could you come back so soon, and what is your injury?"

Craftsman Oliver covered his wound with his hand, "That's why I'm looking for you today. Although we dwarves don't like to trust you humans, with your current ability, you can be friends with us dwarves. This time I'm heading west. A few days ago, I found an iron mine between Karama City and Kemayi City. In terms of scale, I am afraid it will not be worse than any iron mine on the mainland. But what I found was the periphery, the real center. Before I got close, I was shot by a sharp arrow. If I hadn't run fast, I would have been killed by them!"

Tianci was shocked. He did not expect that there was such a large-scale iron ore deposit in the barren land in the northwest. If it can be developed and utilized, how much profit will it make every year?
"You mean, someone is already guarding nearby? Or..."

Oliver nodded, "I think someone should have discovered this iron mine in advance and started mining it secretly. I could already smell the new iron clearly."

"Karama City and Kemayi City are both under the control of the Lie Sun Mercenary Group. If there is such a big movement of someone illegally mining iron ore, the Lie Sun Mercenary Group will not be able to hide it, unless they are mining it themselves!" Godsend His face suddenly sank. "The empire has a decree that all iron and salt are owned by the state. Even if the local lord develops it, he must hand over half of the state's output before it is included in the scope of tax profits and the state will share it fifty-fifty. That is to say For any iron ore or salt mine, the country gets three-quarters, and the lord gets only a quarter. Now, the Lie Sun Mercenary Corps develops them privately in violation of the country's laws, and refuses to hand them over to the country or the lord, what audacity!"

Oliver sighed, "Although our Northwest looks barren, the real wealth is actually underground. Take the iron ore as an example, the iron is of high purity, the refining process is simple, and the refined ones are basically high-quality. Iron materials. Among them are a lot of refined iron and phantom iron. Besides that, there are also a lot of rare metals. Although the content of rare metals is relatively small, their value is very high. I am not talking nonsense. Among them, the most abundant metal deposits are in the northwest. Otherwise, I would not have stayed in the northwest for hundreds of years."

Tianci was shocked when he heard it. He thought that the northwest was short of supplies and the land was barren, but he didn't expect that there were so many things that he didn't know or understand. . .If you can make good use of it, it will undoubtedly be a huge wealth.Although I have no shortage of purple gold coins, it is a good thing to use them to develop the entire Northwest.

Tianci chatted with Oliver for a while, asked what happened and some details, and told Oliver's craftsman to recover from his injuries before leaving the blacksmith shop and returning to the City Lord's Mansion.It was getting late, everyone basically rested, only Si Ni was waiting in the living room with Lier.Seeing Tianci come back, Li'er hurried up to meet her.

"What about Dad, Clark and Gru, I have something to look for them!" Tianci said.

"Is it important? If it's not important, let's talk about it tomorrow. They've all worked hard all day, and they're probably asleep now!" Lier said.

"Really?" Tianci looked at the high moon outside, "Hehe! I forgot!"

(End of this chapter)

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