Godsend Field

Chapter 112 Naxian

Chapter 112 Naxian
Ancona, the capital of drizzle.

"Your Majesty, the Northwest Mizuo has arrived!"

"Bring it up quickly! Cough cough! Cough cough!"

"To Your Majesty:

The situation in the northwest is generally stable. The lord of Yanhua City, Earl Tianci, has formed [-] well-equipped personal guards with lightning speed, wiped out the local bandits and recovered Yanhua City and thirteen nearby villages.It lowered taxes to the lowest level and was supported by the people.Now it is disintegrating the Northwest Wolf. Although its specific behavior has not yet been clarified, the four cities of Pingliang and the Northwest Wolf are already under its control.

However, the relationship between the forces in the Northwest is intricate. If he wants to calm down all the forces in the Northwest, he must. . . . .

Sky Shadow——Kun Zou Bao"

. . . . . .

The next morning, everyone was summoned by Godsend to the hall to discuss matters!
"Master, do you have any important orders for us in such a hurry?" Clark asked first, and the others also looked at Tianci strangely.

"I got news yesterday that there is a very large iron ore deposit between Karama City and Kemayi City. It is said that its size and purity are no worse than any iron mine in the empire. In addition, the Lie Sun Mercenary Group The iron mine has already been secretly mined!"


Everyone who heard it was boiling.

Most of the people present were natives from the Northwest. For so many years, they thought that the land under their feet was a barren land abandoned by the heavens. They never thought that such a large mineral deposit would appear. This is like throwing a thunderbolt on the ground Among the crowd, people couldn't believe it.

"You don't have to doubt it. A dwarf found out this point. I think you all have heard about the dwarf's character and ability to find ore. Once they confirm it, it is [-]% true!" Tianci stopped everyone. guess.

"My lord, if what you said is true, then the matter is serious! Since the establishment of the empire, there have been express regulations prohibiting anyone from developing iron ore and salt mines without permission. It can be regarded as a large-scale mercenary group, it is impossible for them not to know this bit of regulations, they are simply daring to do so, and adults can take the opportunity to wipe them out in one fell swoop." Clark walked to the middle and said, with a little purple light in his eyes at the same time "And my lord, according to your estimate, once we can take over this iron mine, then the monthly income, excluding the handed in, will not be less than ten thousand purple gold coins!"

Tianci and all the guards looked at each other brightly, but they didn't expect that the tax revenue of a single iron mine was higher than that of the entire Yanhua City.

"My lord, what are you waiting for, we're going to wipe them out!" Several squadron leaders said angrily, and they were already gearing up.

"My lord, I think it's better to think twice before acting! The relationship between the Sun Mercenary Corps and the Elder Prince has long been no secret. Since they dare to openly violate the laws and regulations of the empire, I think the Elder Prince must back them up, otherwise I think They won't have such courage!" Gelu also walked to the middle and reminded.

Tianci nodded, "That's what I mean too. If we act rashly, we will offend the eldest prince even if we have the exact evidence. You all know that I don't want to be among the few princes, so I decided to Let me discuss it with you first! No one should disclose this matter, let me think about it again!"

"My lord, why don't we send someone to investigate first, and find out their situation before we talk about it!" Gelu suggested.

"Gru is right. Although dwarves can't tell lies, we still have to see to believe it! But it is said that the defense there is very strict, even on the periphery, they have a lot of vigilance! I am afraid that you will not find anything. If you find out, you will startle them first," Tianci said worriedly.

"Hehe, let me go!" An Rui stood up, "I'm not used to staying in the sun these days, why don't you let me go and find out!"

"If Dad goes in person, then there's nothing to worry about!" Tianci kissed Anrui's flattery.

Everyone nodded, and only An Rui could say such a thing, who is the strongest in martial arts!

"Brother Tianci, I've come up with a solution!" Li'er, who had been listening silently, said suddenly.

God-sent surprise "What way? Say it!"

"You can ask Sister Chenwu for advice, I think she will definitely have a way!"

Tianci's heart brightened, and he grabbed Li'er's pretty shoulders with both hands, "Li'er, you are so smart, how could I forget the morning mist! Hahaha!"

Being publicly praised by Tianci, Li'er couldn't help being happy, her face turned slightly red.

After learning about the general terrain the next day, An Rui took Bai Feng out!
Tianci continued to stay in the City Lord's Mansion to deal with matters.In fact, ever since Clark came to Salt City with a hundred staff members, Tianci and Gru seemed to have come from hell to heaven.And Clark is also very capable. Usually, the staff will come out to pay attention to give suggestions, or do some dirty work, and when the limelight comes out, those nobles will go out.But here Godsend doesn't care about anything, and it's completely left to them to handle it themselves. If they handle it well, they will show off, and if they don't handle it well, they will be scolded and punished.This feeling of being the master of the house for the first time made all the staff very motivated!

When Tianci is free, he will go to the city to inspect when he has time, or go to Gru's personal guards to train with everyone.What surprised all the guards was that in terms of training intensity and range, they couldn't keep up with the rhythm of Godsend.They all thought that the nobles would only pamper them, but their lord let them know deeply what is high strength and what is abnormal endurance!Gru had understood this a long time ago, instead he looked at all the unconvinced guards who were fighting with Godsend like a joke.

After a few days, Tianci's status in the minds of the guards has greatly increased, not only because he is the lord of the city, a nobleman, but also because Tianci makes them admire from the bottom of their hearts, and they are convinced by the five-body worship!
On the tenth day, Anrui sent someone to send a message, which only confirmed that the Lieyang Mercenary Corps was indeed secretly developing iron mines between Karama City and Kemayi City. The specific scale and local defense deployment can only be obtained after Anrui returns. detailed information.And An Rui didn't come back immediately, but sneaked into Karama City and Kemayi City to find out the reality there.

"My lord, Miss Chenwu has arrived in Yanhua City, and she came alone!" Gelu reported.

"Please come to my study!"


Tianci sat in the study, and Chenwu sat below.

"Is everything done?"

"Thank you for your concern! We have settled the affairs of the Northwest Wolf. We have replaced two reliable new hall masters, and I have passed on the title of wolf king to my brother-in-law Zeda!"

God sent a smile, "Why don't you plan to continue to be your wolf king? Your enemies have been cleaned up. I don't think anyone can threaten your wolf king status now!"

"Of course, we don't have it internally, but that doesn't mean we don't have it externally either!" Chen Wu smiled bleakly, "Are you right? Our lord!"

At this moment, Lier came in with two cups of hot tea, placed them in front of the two of them, and stood silently behind Tianci!

Chen Wu picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Although I haven't been in contact with adults for a long time, I can also feel that adults love the people like children. So I hope that adults can treat us Northwest Wolves in the same way. They can't stand the high taxes everywhere, so they came to our Pingliang City to join Those who came to the Northwest Wolf, they are all your people, and they are all once helpless weaklings!"

Tianci stood up with a serious face and took two steps back and forth in the study.

"There are more than [-] armed Northwestern wolves, three times as many as my personal guards. When I was studying the general history of the mainland at the Imperial College, my teacher Ou Ling once told us this sentence, 'How can you allow others to collapse on the side? Sleep soundly!'Miss Morning Mist, I think you should know what it means!"

Chen Wu's face suddenly changed and he said anxiously, "My lord, soldiers are expensive and elite, and there are not many! My lord's personal guards are all carefully selected, well-equipped, and under the leadership of your lord, they are united and high-spirited. And we Northwest wolves are just A group of remnant soldiers who only want to have enough to eat have no other purpose except to maintain the law and order of the city, and they are not the opponent of the adults, so why should the adults kill them all?"

Tianci shook his hand and said heavily, "The battle between the two armies is not a duel between two armies, what is needed is strategy and talent. As the saying goes, in the planning of a strategy, a decisive victory is won thousands of miles away! I believe that if there is a real battle between us, in Miss Morning Mist's Under the leadership, we must be the ones who will be defeated in the end!"

Chen Wu trembled, and put down the teacup in his hand, "It turns out that what my lord is really worried about is not us Northwest wolves, but me alone! Alright! As long as my lord swears to God that I will let the brothers of the Northwest wolves go, I will kill myself immediately." before!"

After speaking, Chen Wu pulled out a dagger from his waist and put it on his neck. The sharp blade pressed against his fair skin, and a red mark immediately appeared.

Lier was shocked, and hurried up to hold Chen Wu's hand, "Sister Chen Wu, don't be like this, you can talk about it properly. I don't think Brother Tianci didn't mean that!"

At this time, Tianci was also shocked. He wanted to use the Northwest Wolf to put pressure on Chenwu, but he didn't expect Chenwu to be so strong.Tianci secretly winked at Li'er to stop Chen Wu, and continued to say without changing his face, "Why do you do this, I just hope that you can live in our Yanhua City forever."

Chen Wu put down the dagger in his hand and said sadly, "It turns out that the lord just wanted to put me under house arrest, so should I thank the lord for not killing me?"

At this moment, Lier couldn't help but "Brother Tianci, stop teasing Sister Chenwu, just tell me what you want!"

Tianci sighed, and his serious face immediately became relaxed, "Haha! Lier, can't you hold on for a while longer?"

Chen Wu looked at the two Tianci with a dazed expression on his face!

"My lord!" At this time, Gru walked into the study with a receipt, "Report to my lord, this time we have prepaid a hundred sets of armor and weapons with the dwarves in advance, please sign your lord, and I will send them to the dwarves!"

Gru glanced at the dazed morning mist, "My lord, you haven't..."

Tianci smiled, turned to Chenwu and said, "Chenwu, don't get me wrong, I don't plan to put you under house arrest, I just hope you can become my staff and help us make suggestions."

Chen Wu finally understood now, "It turns out that you spared such a big circle, and your lord just wants me to be your assistant?"

"If Miss Chenwu is not willing, I will not force you, you can leave at any time!"

"My lord, no!" Gelu said hastily, "If she is allowed to return to the Northwest Wolves, it will be a great threat to us! If she disagrees, I will ask my personal guards to destroy the Northwest Wolves and wipe them all out, leaving no one behind! !"

Chen Mist stared at Gru resentfully, his eyes burst into anger, almost melting Gru.

"How do you think about it?" Tianci was noncommittal, but asked Chen Wudao with a smile.

"My lord, we are all smart people, why do you have to ask so many questions?" Chen Wu thought for a while, then calmed down and walked in front of Gru, "Although Captain Gru doesn't like us Northwest wolves, he should also know that most of them are You are a poor man, with your character and daily behavior, how can you be so bloodthirsty and cruel? There is only one reason, that is, your Lord City Lord gave you an order, and you are right to say so?"

Gru was at a loss for a moment, and looked to Tianci for help.

"If I'm not mistaken, this list is also blank paper!" After saying that, Chen Mist and Lightning made a move and snatched the list for Tianci's signature from Gru.

"Hmph! Two big men teamed up to cheat and bully me, a weak girl. What's even more ridiculous is that they can't even cheat!" Chen Wu snorted disdainfully.

Tianci and Gelu became embarrassed at the same time. Originally they partnered to force Chenwu, but now let Chenwu seize the opportunity to turn defense into offense.

"Ahem!" Tianci coughed dryly twice, and winked at Li'er.

"Sister Chenwu, you misunderstood Brother Tianci!" Li'er walked up appropriately, "We have encountered a lot of troubles recently and don't know how to deal with them, and there is no one around Brother Tianci who can give advice, so we I thought of Sister Chenwu, and I hope you can stay in Yanhua City to advise Brother Tianci. When Yanhua City is well, the surrounding cities will also be well. This is much more meaningful than staying in Pingliang City!"

After hearing Li'er's words, Chen Wu couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

"That's right! Actually, that's what we adults mean!" Gru said awkwardly.

"Chen Wu, my history teacher once said that if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world. Back then, with Viscount Sephiroth, you could still protect the people of the four cities of Pingliang alone. Now Viscount Sephiroth is gone. , why can't you also help the thirteen cities around Yanhua?" Tianci said sincerely.

After hearing what the three of them said, Chen Wu fell silent.

Tianci's words hit her heart deeply.Everyone in the Northwest knows that the taxes in the four cities of Pingliang are the lowest in the Northwest, but who knows how much the morning fog has suffered?
Viscount Saphiroth had to pay the fixed amount of taxes, and ten thousand brothers also had to eat. The two hall masters of Heavenly Wolf Hall and Di Wolf Hall stretched out their hands to take purple gold coins openly and secretly. Gold coins decrease every year. . .Even during a discussion among the hall masters, the two hall masters relied on their status as elders to ask Chen Wu to increase the tax to the level of Yanhua City on the spot. The support of the two and his identity as the new wolf king suppressed the two hall masters, but afterwards he didn't know how many times he cried!
Thinking of this, Chen Wu couldn't help it, and tears flowed down immediately.

The three people in the study were at a loss!
"Sister Chenwu, what's the matter with you, if you really don't want to, we won't make things difficult for you!" Lier took Chenwu's hand and handed over a silk handkerchief.

Chen Wu took Sipa and wiped away her tears, "It's okay, I just think about the past and feel sad!"

Tianci and Gelug breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully probed, "Then...then you...agreed?"

Chen Wu was about to nod her head when she saw Gru suddenly, and immediately became angry, "My lord, I can promise you, but I have a request! If you promise me, stay, otherwise, you will kill me, and I will kill you." I can't promise either!"

Godsend was overjoyed, "What are you asking for, as long as I can do it, I will definitely promise you!"

"It's very simple, I don't want to be an aide, I want to be the head of the bodyguard regiment!"

Tianci waited for the three of them to be taken aback, and looked at each other!

At present, Tianci is only an earl, and there are only [-] personal guards, which can only be organized into one regiment, and there is only one leader of the guard regiment, which is Gru. Now that Chen Wu proposes to be the regiment leader, what should Gru do?Could it be that he was demoted to be the squadron leader?Captain?But if you don't agree, the morning mist won't stay, what should I do!

"Ahem! Chenwu, look at this..." Tianci was about to speak.

"Agree or not?" Chen Wu's attitude was very firm.

Gelu walked forward and bowed. "My lord, Gru is a reckless person. Of course, it is easy to charge into the battle, but he is really not good at making plans. The leader of the regiment should be the one who has a plan. I am willing to give up the position of regimental leader!"

For such a long time, Gelu has been conscientious and conscientious, and Tianci is a little bit unbearable and hesitant to suddenly remove the post of team leader.

"My lord, as a superior, you should focus on the overall situation. Personal gains and losses are so important. Besides, I, Gelu, am not the kind of person who cares about every detail. As long as I can contribute to the Northwest, it is the same for any position!"

After listening to Gelu's words, Tianci's heart became clear, "Okay! I promise you! From today on, you will be the head of my bodyguard regiment, and Gelu will be the deputy head! All members of the bodyguard regiment will be dispatched by you!"

For this young pro-guard group, today ushered in its final day. Their old head was demoted to deputy head, and they ushered in a new head, a man in silver armor. , the heroic woman-Morning Mist!
On the school field outside the city, more than 3000 guards stood neatly in a row.

The sun shone mercilessly, and sweat ran down everyone's eyebrows and cheeks, but no one dared to reach out and wipe it off.




. . . . . .


The sound of twenty loud whip whips reached everyone's ears and hit everyone's heart.

"Report to the regiment commander! Squadron leader Qi Lan disrespected the regiment commander and was punished with twenty lashes according to the military regulations. Now the execution has been completed!" Gelu cupped his hands and reported to Chen Wu, the long whip in his hand was still stained with blood.

"Well, take it down and apply the medicine!"


Gelu greeted another guard, and the two carried Qi Lan, who was half unconscious, towards the camp.During the whole process, Qi Lan didn't use his grudge to resist at all, and Gelu didn't show mercy at all. Twenty lashes actually beat the strong Qi Lan half to death, and all the guards who watched the execution couldn't help but tremble.

just left the campus

"Brother Gelu, what kind of thing is this? For no reason, why did you want to get rid of your regiment leader, just get it, why did you get a woman here?" The guard looked angrily.

"Shut up, don't you want to get smoked too?" Gru reprimanded.

"If you smoke, you can smoke. Even Big Brother Qi Lan has been beaten like this. What am I afraid of? Big Brother Qi Lan grew up with you, Big Brother!"

Gru stopped and looked at his good brother of more than 30 years who had been beaten bloody by him with heartache, "I'm not as good as her because of this alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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