Godsend Field

Chapter 113 Rectification

Chapter 113 Rectification
It has been more than a month since Chen Wu served as the head of the bodyguard group!

An Rui still didn't come back.

In the city lord's mansion of Yanhua City, Tianci, Clark, two regimental commanders and deputy commanders, and six squadron leaders discussed together how to subdue the five cities of Berna, Boxi, Berlin, Karama, and Kemayi.

"Chen Wu, how did you deal with the Northwest Wolves? Has everything stabilized?" Tianci asked suddenly.

"Well, I have eliminated the cronies of my second uncle and third uncle, and now the four cities of Pingliang have returned to stability. As for our Northwest Wolves, when my father was still there, there were many cronies. They are capable and experienced, and they also take good care of me. , I selected two of the most senior veterans from them to be the hall masters of the Heavenly Wolf Hall and the Earth Wolf Hall. Although Sousa broke his left arm, it has little to do with being able to continue to be the hall master of the Wind Wolf Hall, and my sister Xiwu will be the head of the Blood Wolf Hall. Tang, my brother-in-law Zeda is open-minded and has a good reputation and popularity, so he temporarily serves as the wolf king. At the beginning, I thought you would not let me go easily, so I confessed that if I haven't heard from me in half a month, let Zeda Da officially succeeds the wolf king. But now it seems that you still haven't let me go, and the original decision really came in handy."

Tianci smiled awkwardly, "You can't say that, haha! What about your soldiers? Are the taxes enough?"

"Since Mr. Clark sent people to send the tax standards to Pingliang, we in the four cities of Pingliang have strictly followed Mr. Clark's wishes, without any slack. But in this way, our tax revenue may be less than two-fifths of what it used to be. Although there is no need to hand over to Viscount Saphiroth, it is only enough to maintain normal livelihood operations, and there is no extra purple gold coins. In case of any major natural or man-made disasters, I am afraid that there are not even emergency purple gold coins." Chen Wu said worriedly while looking at Tianci.

Tianci rubbed his forehead, "Mr. Clark also mentioned this issue, and made a suggestion. I want to talk to you! If you agree, talk to Wolf King Zeda again."

"Sir, please speak!"

"As far as I know, you Northwestern Wolves originally only had about 3000 people, but it was expanded to 1 people because of the joining of the poor. In fact, these 7000 people are not your core, and the fighting power is not very strong. We mean you Let them come out of the Northwest Wolves, and let me come forward and adjust them into a city defense garrison to guard the defense and security of the remaining five cities, what do you think?"

"Your Excellency, you want to divide the Northwest Wolves?"

"You can also say that, but I think it is streamlining. The four cities of Pingliang are sparsely populated, and they have their own city defense garrisons to maintain law and order in the city. What you are doing is to protect the safety of the four cities from being intruded. Three thousand The crowd is enough, so why do you need so many idle troops? Besides, these 7000 people are not inherent to your Northwest wolves. Why not let them out? And the military expenses saved every month after letting them out are not small The number is sufficient for emergency and development purposes”

"What your lord said is very true. I didn't want to accept so many people at the beginning, but if I didn't accept them at that time, I'm afraid they would fall into the grass and rob their families for the bandits. At that time, I'm afraid it will bring us more trouble. Since My lord has said so, I can make the decision for the Northwest Wolf, but there is one thing, our former lord cannot take this opportunity to separate!"

Tianci smiled, "I didn't intend to separate your original members. In fact, it will be good for you and us. You will be less burdened, and we will also solve the problem of future city defense. Haha!"

Chen Wu also laughed and said, "I really underestimated Mr. Clark. His skill is not only what the adults said, but also cleaned up the side collapse of the adults. In the end, the adults took advantage! I will be more like Mr. Clark in the future." Just study!"

Clark waved his hand modestly, "Hehe! I'm just a staff member. I can take care of the fiefdom for the young master, and manage the gold and food with ease, but it's beyond my ability to save the young master and give advice. Morning mist girl!"

Tianci, Li'er and others are also in line.

"Chenwu, you have heard the whole incident just now, how do you think about it?" Tianci resumed the topic just now.

"I think we must not intervene in this matter now!" Chen Wu said solemnly.

Everyone was stunned!
"If you do something illegal on your lord's site and don't let your lord intervene, what's the face of your lord when it's spread out? How will our personal guards gain a foothold in the future?" A squadron leader said disdainfully.

The other four squadron leaders also agreed, only Qi Lan who was beaten remained silent and supported the other comrades with his eyes.

Chen Wu glanced at the six squadron leaders, "Then what do you think should be done?"

The six people looked at each other, speechless for a while.

"Ahem! We all look forward to the head of the regiment, and I don't know what the commander's plan is?" Gelu said to relieve everyone's difficulties.

"Hmph! It would be great if that's the case!" Chen Wu looked back, "Scorching Sun Mercenary Group and they dare to do it, the eldest prince must know it, and it may even be the eldest prince who personally issued the order. If we use the sign of the lord now If you blatantly seize and destroy them, then who do you think is the most angry and the happiest?"

"It goes without saying, of course the eldest prince is the most angry, and his opponent, the third prince, is the happiest!" said the squadron leader.

"You're not stupid, then let me ask you, is it good for you to make the third prince happy?"

"Of course not. The third prince has a bad relationship with your lord, and also has a bad relationship with Duke Kate. Everyone knows that."

"Is it good for your lord to make the prince angry?"

The squadron leader blushed, "Not at all!"

"That's it. Since it will do us no good, why should we do it?" Chen Wu said proudly.

"Because... because we want to take back the iron ore! Isn't it?" The squadron leader continued to struggle.

"Hmph! The iron ore must be taken back, but it also depends on how to take it back." Chen Wu said, "My lord, we have to take back the mine, but we must not offend people! This is very important to my lord and to the future of the Northwest!"

Tianci nodded, "Morning Wu is right. Now that the three princes are secretly fighting for the throne, I really don't want to join in. I just want to manage this place for His Majesty the King so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment. I don't want to do anything else." .”

After listening to Chen Wu, "My lord's pure heart is the blessing of our people in the Northwest!"

Tianci smiled, "It's not that I'm innocent, it's that I'm lazy, and I'm not interested in fame, fortune, power, etc. If it weren't for His Majesty's entrustment and the expectations of millions of people, I really hope to return to the capital." Be a little blacksmith, and when the time comes, you can come to me to buy your armor and weapons, I am much more generous than that dwarf shopkeeper, and I will give you a half price discount!"

"Hahaha!" After listening to Tianci's words, everyone laughed easily.

After everyone laughed enough, Tianci asked seriously, "Then what do you think we should do about Chen Wu? We can't just leave it alone!"

"Of course you can't leave it alone. Paper can't cover fire, and this matter will be revealed to the world sooner or later. His Majesty the King sent you to the Northwest to let you take over here, especially the Northwest Army. I hope you can stand in the middle Don't favor any prince. If His Majesty the King knows that you condone the Eldest Prince's mining in private, what will His Majesty think? What's more, if the Eldest Prince succeeds at that time, that's all. If the Third Prince succeeds, who can guarantee him Won't you use this matter to suppress you? Even if you are convicted of negligence in supervision and connivance in private mines, you can be reduced to a citizen. Even execution is not certain."

"No, my godfather will definitely not allow them to kill Brother Tianci!" Lier said anxiously, as if he was about to kill Tianci.

Everyone was stunned, "What are you doing, grandpa?"

"Hehe! You don't need to guess too much, maybe you don't even know that Li'er's godfather is Dean Rafal, who is what you call Lord Protector of the Country!" Tianci explained.

There was silence, and everyone knew that this gentle, soft and weak wife of the future city lord had strong magical powers, but they never thought that her background was so profound and powerful.

"Then I really want to congratulate my lord. I didn't expect Miss Li'er to be a living gold medal to avoid death. No wonder you wanted to hold her hand tightly back then!" Chen Wu teased.

Hahaha!All the guards laughed.Lier's little face turned red immediately.

"Ahem!" Tianci coughed in embarrassment, "Chenwu, go ahead!"

"It doesn't matter whether it's okay or not to take care of it directly. If this is the case, we'll ask someone else to take care of it!!"

"Who??" All the squadron leaders asked in unison.

"You said that if by chance, the outcasts from the Jianmang Mercenary Group and the Rose Mercenary Group discovered this iron mine, what would they do?"

"Of course it was reported to the head of the group!"

"What will their captain do?"

"Of course I'm reporting to the third prince." Everyone said in unison, and after a while, "Oh~~~I understand!"

"In addition, my lord, you have to write a secret report, saying that when you took over Yanhua City, you discovered that the Lieyang Mercenary Corps was secretly mining the national iron ore. You want to wipe them out to rectify the law of the country, but the number of personal guards is too small to fight. Humbleness cannot be completed, so please His Majesty the Kingdom to send the Northwest Army to exterminate it. Please remember, my lord, do not write the date after writing, and send it directly to Duke Kate, and he will know how to deal with the rest."

"This is very good! We don't have to get involved in their prince's struggle, and we don't have to bear the crime of negligence in the future! It really is easy to deal with! It seems that the scene between me and Gru was not in vain! Hehe! "Tianci said with satisfaction with a smile.

Chen Wu snorted softly, and pierced Gru with sharp eyes.

"My lord, why don't you open that pot and lift that pot!" Gru complained secretly in his heart, now that Chen Wu is the head of the regiment and himself the deputy head of the regiment, Chen Wu dare not vent his anger on the Lord, for fear that he will become Chen Wu's venting bucket!
"That's it for this matter! But I'm afraid it will take two or three months to go back and forth like this. Do you have any plans during this time?" Tianci asked.

"Report to your lord! Through my observation of the Guards Corps this month, I found a huge problem, and these problems are fatal! I really don't know how the former regiment leader led it. This is simply an indirect murder. My lord!" Chen Wu said seriously.

The six squadron leaders immediately became filled with righteous indignation.

Gru frowned, this came really fast!

"How?" Tianci asked curiously.

"First of all, this is a matter of military discipline! My lord, have you noticed that in terms of the structure of your personal guards, each squadron leader and their respective squadron leaders are basically from one village, or two or three Did it come from a nearby village?"

"I know, what's wrong with this?" Tianci asked.

"It's very inappropriate! It's because they came from the same village or a neighboring village, and they have a deep understanding of the world among them, so they will follow the military discipline." Chen Wu walked up to the six squadron leaders, "I ask you Besides, I beat Qi Lan who disrespected the regiment commander that day, who else among you has punished the personal guard who violated the military regulations according to military discipline?"

Faced with the head's questioning, the six squadron leaders lowered their heads.His subordinates grew up playing with him all the year round, even if he violated the military discipline, he would scold him at most, and he had never been punished or whipped as mentioned in the military discipline.

Looking at the silent captains, the answer is self-evident!
"Now my lord understands why I am wrong! As the saying goes, steal needles when you are young, and steal gold when you are old! Now that the guard group has just been formed, and its personnel are still honest villagers, so far nothing big will happen. But if we take a long-term view, as time goes by, the current recruits will become veterans. If we can't restrain them, I'm afraid they will all become ruffians in ten years! At that time, don't say that we still rely on their combat effectiveness After defending the territory, thank God that they don't bully our people! So there has been an unchanging conclusion since ancient times on the mainland, "Military discipline is as great as the sky! "That's it!"

The eyes of the six squadron leaders are full of fear at this moment, as if they have seen a terrible scene in the future!
Gelu stood up and bowed to Tianci and said, "My lord, what the leader said is very true. This matter is indeed my fault, please punish me!"

"Gelu, you don't have to do this, I also divided the squadron..."

"My lord!" Chen Wu immediately interrupted Tianci, "Since Deputy Chief Gelu realized his mistake, let's start from Deputy Chief Gelu to punish, so that we can make an example! I think it is better to let Deputy Chief Gelu Go to the city gate and stand guard for five days as a punishment! It seems that the north gate has the most people, so go to the north gate!"

Gelu straightened up, "Thank you, Captain, for your kindness, I will go to receive the punishment tomorrow!"

"Okay! Remember to put on today's outfit and stand under the sun for five hours a day. You can't sit or lie down! You can only rest for half an hour to drink water and eat!" Chen Wu said proudly, feeling so happy in his heart!
"Yes!" Grew ordered.The other six squadron leaders are very cold!

Tianci and Li'er looked at Gru sympathetically, and sighed in their hearts. Fortunately, they didn't say that they participated in the proposal when they were divided into squadrons, otherwise, according to Chenwu's personality, they might even be punished together!

"I will propose to the adults to redistribute the squadron right now. From now on, all squadron leaders of our personal guards, and the small captains are not allowed to lead the personal guards of their own village or nearby villages." Chen Wu then immediately made a suggestion.

"Then are the members of each squadron also disrupted and reassigned?" Squadron Captain Zia asked with concern.

"That's not necessary! First, there are so many personal guards. It would be too much of a move. Second, they have been together all year round, whether they cooperate or are familiar with each other very well. If they break up and let them get back together again, it will be like asking for trouble! We Just reassign their captains!"

Everyone nodded in conviction.

"Okay! Just do what Chen Wu wants! Gelu, you and Chen Wu are going to write down the transfer plan in the next few days. I'll take a look. If there is no problem, prepare for a big transfer!" Tianci ordered.

"Excuse me, Mr. Bulauglu, he still has to go to the city gate to serve his sentence. It's fine for me and the six squadron leaders to do it!"

A drop of sweat fell from everyone's foreheads!
"Secondly, my lord can be regarded as a great nobleman with a vast land and many personal guards. How can he not even have any intelligence department? We little bandits of the Northwest Wolf know the importance of information. You have such a big bodyguard group. Not a single intelligence officer!"

Gru and the squadron leaders are ashamed!
"Finally, the issue of the distribution of combat power! Among our personal guards, only about a quarter have fighting spirit, and most of them don't know fighting spirit. Deputy head Gelu evenly distributed them among the various squadrons!"

"Isn't it right? We thought at the time that this would allow them to play an exemplary role in the squadron and the squadron, and they could also guide others to practice fighting spirit!" Tianci said in a puzzled manner.

"Of course not! We are a bodyguard group, not an academy, not a hunter group or a mercenary group. We don't need role models to take the lead. What we need is absolute combat effectiveness! We want to have the strongest team to complete the most difficult and most difficult tasks." Difficult task, instead of six mediocre squadrons, it is better to have an elite squad! My lord, I heard that Duke Kate has [-] personal guards, and his elite seems to have only one squad, and he has been with Duke Kate all the time !"

Tianci only smiled wisely at this moment, "That's right, Grandpa's personal guards are as high as [-], of which [-] stay in the fief, and only [-] are around, most of them are stationed outside the capital. Only [-] silver armors are actually left in the Duke's mansion." Wei, there are fifty Jinjuwei. Among them, Jinjuwei is the trump card of Grandpa's personal guard!"

I am still not familiar with Jinjuwei Tianci.The first time I saw Jin Juwei was on the way back to the capital from Yier Village.When an assassin suddenly appeared, everyone panicked, only Jin Juwei did not panic, especially the captain Gauss who was calm and calm, and adjusted everyone to deal with the assassin on the spot!It's just that the Duke was too worried about Nero's safety at that time, and arranged half of the people to protect Nero.Jin Juwei is strictly following his orders, even if the knife rests on his neck, he will not change!At that time, seeing countless people fall down, Jin Juwei still closely guarded Nile and never made a move.If half of Jin Juwei had made a move at that time, I am afraid that Tianci would not have had any accidents!
In the duke's mansion, most of them are silver armored guards, and golden chrysanthemum guards are rarely seen.Except for the [-] Jinju Guards who came in and out with the Duke, the other Jinju Guards would put on plain clothes to protect Jane and Nero, especially Niro. I'm afraid he himself didn't know that every time he went out, there would be twenty plainclothes Jinju Guards around him. .These godsends naturally don't know.

"So we should follow the example of Lord Kate and form the ten thousand cards in our personal guards! As far as I know, there are only [-] third- and fourth-level grudges in our personal guards except for the captains. We will draw these people out to form Build a special team to deal with the most difficult tasks! Other personnel remain unchanged, and their training and guidance are in the charge of their captains!" Chen Wu looked around at the dissatisfied squadron leaders, "You don't have to be dissatisfied, some Tasks can’t be solved with a large number of people, what is needed is an elite. Otherwise, you will die as many as you go, and you don’t want your brothers to die in vain!”

Tianci nodded, "Chen Wu, you are right. It seems that we did not think carefully enough at the beginning, and we were wrong!"

Gru pursed his lips, took a step forward, and was about to apologize.Tianci hurriedly gestured to prevent Gelu from pleading guilty.

"Hmph!" Chen Wu glanced at Tianci, "Since the deputy head Gelu has realized his mistake again, then two crimes and one punishment, you can stand for seven days!"

(End of this chapter)

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